<!DOCTYPE html> <meta charset="utf-8"/> <meta name="timeout" content="long"> <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script> <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script> <script src="/cookies/resources/cookie-helper.sub.js"></script> <!-- We're appending an <iframe> to the document's body, so execute tests after we have a body --> <body> <script> function create_test(target, expectedDomStatus, title) { promise_test(async t => { var cookieValue = "" + Math.random(); document.cookie = `dc_samesite_strict=${cookieValue}; sameSite=strict; path=/`; document.cookie = `dc_samesite_lax=${cookieValue}; sameSite=lax; path=/`; // SameSite=None requires `Secure` which complicates the test and we don't // need it, so don't add it. await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); window.onmessage = t.step_func(e => { if (e.source == iframe.contentWindow) { // Cleanup, then verify cookie state: document.body.removeChild(iframe); const cookies = e.data; if (expectedDomStatus === DomSameSiteStatus.SAME_SITE) { assert_equals(cookies["dc_samesite_lax"], cookieValue, "SameSite=lax cookies can be sent to same-scheme subresources"); assert_equals(cookies["dc_samesite_strict"], cookieValue, "SameSite=strict cookies can be sent to same-scheme subresources"); } else if (expectedDomStatus === DomSameSiteStatus.CROSS_SITE) { assert_not_equals(cookies["dc_samesite_lax"], cookieValue, "SameSite=lax cookies cannot be sent to cross-scheme subresources"); assert_not_equals(cookies["dc_samesite_strict"], cookieValue, "SameSite=strict cookies cannot be sent to cross-scheme subresources"); } resolve(); } }); iframe.src = target + "/cookies/resources/postToParent.py"; document.body.appendChild(iframe); }); }, title); } // Test that cross-scheme subresources (iframes in this case) are cross-site. create_test(INSECURE_ORIGIN, DomSameSiteStatus.SAME_SITE, "Same-scheme subresources can send lax/strict cookies"); create_test(SECURE_ORIGIN, DomSameSiteStatus.CROSS_SITE, "Cross-scheme subresources cannot sent lax/strict cookies"); </script>