Tests 001 to 004 are tests of CSS2, section 9.5, normative paragraph 6: # A float can overlap other boxes in the normal flow (e.g., when a # normal flow box next to a float has negative margins). When an # inline box overlaps with a float, the content, background, and # borders of the inline box are rendered in front of the float. When a # block box overlaps, the background and borders of the block box are # rendered behind the float and are only be visible where the box is # transparent. The content of the block box is rendered in front of # the float. -- http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/visuren.html#floats For some of these tests you will need Todd Fahrner's Ahem font, which you can download from: http://www.hixie.ch/resources/fonts/ Versions for Mac, Unix and Windows are available.