Tests for redistribution of table height to row group height.
This algorithm has not been standardized. Browsers implementations disagree a lot.
Legacy Chrome used to always distribute all the height to the first tbody.
Major incompatibility: Legacy:
- ignores any height set on sections.
- does not size the table unless section has a TR
- does not grow sections without TDs
- only distributes height to the 1st tbody
- does not prioritize thead for height distribution most of the time.
- y offset of multiple tbodies can be incorrect.
Empty table
Empty tables always grow to specified height in all browsers.
no sections
no sections, no border spacing
collapsed table no sections
fixed table no sections
The big difference here is between empty TBODY, and a body with an empty TR
FF: always sizes the table, only sizes TBODY if it has TR.
Legacy: does not size the table unless TBODY has TR
FF: sizes the table, but tbody size remains 0 unless tbody is not empty.
Legacy table size remains 0, or border-spacing
single empty tbody
single tbody+tr
border spacing
FF/Legacy do not apply border-spacing
collapsed table
fixed table
tbody has fixed height
FF adds tbody height to table?
tbody has fixed height > table
Legacy: table size wins. FF: table size wins, but body grows to 300px?
tr has fixed height > table
FF: table size wins, but body is 300.
tbody has percentage height > table
tr has percentage height > table
FF/Legacy: table wins. FF: body is 200px
non-empty tbody
non-empty thead
empty thead, empty tbody
FF thead/tbody both grow
sized thead, empty tbody
table layout fixed, thead with td, tbody
table layout fixed, thead+td, tbody+td
thead with td
tfoot with td
Multiple TBODY
Legacy does not distribute any heights when tr is empty.
Legacy always distributes everything to 1st tbody.
2 tbody
2 tbody, with non-empty tds
Legacy distributes everything to 1st tbody
2 tbody, 40%, auto, no td
FF: distributes everything to auto when empty. Legacy does not distribute
2 tbody, 40%, auto, non-empty td
2 tbody, 40px, auto, non-empty td
FF gets confused with 2nd body placement
2 tbody, 40%, 40px, non-empty td
FF splits evenly
FF does not prioritize TBODY for distribution
20px thead, 30px tbody
20px thead's tr, 30px tbody's tr
20px thead's td, 30px tbody's td