#!/usr/bin/python import os import sys THIS_NAME = u"generate.py" # Note: these lists must be kept in sync with the lists in # Document-createElement-namespace.html, and this script must be run whenever # the lists are updated. (We could keep the lists in a shared JSON file, but # seems like too much effort.) FILES = ( (u"empty", u""), (u"minimal_html", u""), (u"xhtml", u''), (u"svg", u''), (u"mathml", u''), (u"bare_xhtml", u""), (u"bare_svg", u""), (u"bare_mathml", u""), (u"xhtml_ns_removed", u"""\ """), (u"xhtml_ns_changed", u"""\ """), ) EXTENSIONS = ( u"html", u"xhtml", u"xml", u"svg", # Was not able to get server MIME type working properly :( #"mml", ) def __main__(): if len(sys.argv) > 1: print(u"No arguments expected, aborting") return if not os.access(THIS_NAME, os.F_OK): print(u"Must be run from the directory of " + THIS_NAME + u", aborting") return for name in os.listdir(u"."): if name == THIS_NAME: continue os.remove(name) manifest = open(u"MANIFEST", u"w") for name, contents in FILES: for extension in EXTENSIONS: f = open(name + u"." + extension, u"w") f.write(contents) f.close() manifest.write(u"support " + name + u"." + extension + u"\n") manifest.close() __main__()