// META: global=window,worker // META: script=resources/readable-stream-from-array.js // META: script=resources/readable-stream-to-array.js // META: script=/common/sab.js 'use strict'; ["ArrayBuffer", "SharedArrayBuffer"].forEach((arrayBufferOrSharedArrayBuffer) => { const inputChunkData = [73, 32, 240, 159, 146, 153, 32, 115, 116, 114, 101, 97, 109, 115]; const emptyChunk = new Uint8Array(createBuffer(arrayBufferOrSharedArrayBuffer, 0)); const inputChunk = new Uint8Array(createBuffer(arrayBufferOrSharedArrayBuffer, inputChunkData.length)); inputChunk.set(inputChunkData); const expectedOutputString = 'I \u{1F499} streams'; promise_test(async () => { const input = readableStreamFromArray([inputChunk]); const output = input.pipeThrough(new TextDecoderStream()); const array = await readableStreamToArray(output); assert_array_equals(array, [expectedOutputString], 'the output should be in one chunk'); }, 'decoding one UTF-8 chunk should give one output string - ' + arrayBufferOrSharedArrayBuffer); promise_test(async () => { const input = readableStreamFromArray([emptyChunk]); const output = input.pipeThrough(new TextDecoderStream()); const array = await readableStreamToArray(output); assert_array_equals(array, [], 'no chunks should be output'); }, 'decoding an empty chunk should give no output chunks - ' + arrayBufferOrSharedArrayBuffer); promise_test(async () => { const input = readableStreamFromArray([emptyChunk, inputChunk]); const output = input.pipeThrough(new TextDecoderStream()); const array = await readableStreamToArray(output); assert_array_equals(array, [expectedOutputString], 'the output should be in one chunk'); }, 'an initial empty chunk should be ignored - ' + arrayBufferOrSharedArrayBuffer); promise_test(async () => { const input = readableStreamFromArray([inputChunk, emptyChunk]); const output = input.pipeThrough(new TextDecoderStream()); const array = await readableStreamToArray(output); assert_array_equals(array, [expectedOutputString], 'the output should be in one chunk'); }, 'a trailing empty chunk should be ignored - ' + arrayBufferOrSharedArrayBuffer); promise_test(async () => { const chunk = new Uint8Array(createBuffer(arrayBufferOrSharedArrayBuffer, 3)); chunk.set([0xF0, 0x9F, 0x92]); const input = readableStreamFromArray([chunk]); const output = input.pipeThrough(new TextDecoderStream()); const array = await readableStreamToArray(output); assert_array_equals(array, ['\uFFFD']); }, 'UTF-8 EOF handling - ' + arrayBufferOrSharedArrayBuffer); }); promise_test(async () => { const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(3); const view = new Uint8Array(buffer, 1, 1); view[0] = 65; new MessageChannel().port1.postMessage(buffer, [buffer]); const input = readableStreamFromArray([view]); const output = input.pipeThrough(new TextDecoderStream()); const array = await readableStreamToArray(output); assert_array_equals(array, [], 'no chunks should be output'); }, 'decoding a transferred Uint8Array chunk should give no output'); promise_test(async () => { const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(1); new MessageChannel().port1.postMessage(buffer, [buffer]); const input = readableStreamFromArray([buffer]); const output = input.pipeThrough(new TextDecoderStream()); const array = await readableStreamToArray(output); assert_array_equals(array, [], 'no chunks should be output'); }, 'decoding a transferred ArrayBuffer chunk should give no output');