function mainThreadBusy(ms) { const target = + ms; while ( < target); } async function wait() { return new Promise(resolve => step_timeout(resolve, 0)); } async function raf() { return new Promise(resolve => requestAnimationFrame(resolve)); } async function afterNextPaint() { await raf(); await wait(); } async function blockNextEventListener(target, eventType, duration = 120) { return new Promise(resolve => { target.addEventListener(eventType, () => { mainThreadBusy(duration); resolve(); }, { once: true }); }); } async function clickAndBlockMain(id, options = {}) { options = { eventType: "pointerdown", duration: 120, ...options }; const element = document.getElementById(id); await Promise.all([ blockNextEventListener(element, options.eventType, options.duration), click(element), ]); } // This method should receive an entry of type 'event'. |isFirst| is true only when we want // to check that the event also happens to correspond to the first event. In this case, the // timings of the 'first-input' entry should be equal to those of this entry. |minDuration| // is used to compared against entry.duration. function verifyEvent(entry, eventType, targetId, isFirst=false, minDuration=104, notCancelable=false) { assert_equals(entry.cancelable, !notCancelable, 'cancelable property'); assert_equals(, eventType); assert_equals(entry.entryType, 'event'); assert_greater_than_equal(entry.duration, minDuration, "The entry's duration should be greater than or equal to " + minDuration + " ms."); assert_greater_than_equal(entry.processingStart, entry.startTime, "The entry's processingStart should be greater than or equal to startTime."); assert_greater_than_equal(entry.processingEnd, entry.processingStart, "The entry's processingEnd must be at least as large as processingStart."); // |duration| is a number rounded to the nearest 8 ms, so add 4 to get a lower bound // on the actual duration. assert_greater_than_equal(entry.duration + 4, entry.processingEnd - entry.startTime, "The entry's duration must be at least as large as processingEnd - startTime."); if (isFirst) { let firstInputs = performance.getEntriesByType('first-input'); assert_equals(firstInputs.length, 1, 'There should be a single first-input entry'); let firstInput = firstInputs[0]; assert_equals(,; assert_equals(firstInput.entryType, 'first-input'); assert_equals(firstInput.startTime, entry.startTime); assert_equals(firstInput.duration, entry.duration); assert_equals(firstInput.processingStart, entry.processingStart); assert_equals(firstInput.processingEnd, entry.processingEnd); assert_equals(firstInput.cancelable, entry.cancelable); } if (targetId) assert_equals(, document.getElementById(targetId)); } function verifyClickEvent(entry, targetId, isFirst=false, minDuration=104, event='pointerdown') { verifyEvent(entry, event, targetId, isFirst, minDuration); } // Add a PerformanceObserver and observe with a durationThreshold of |dur|. This test will // attempt to check that the duration is appropriately checked by: // * Asserting that entries received have a duration which is the smallest multiple of 8 // that is greater than or equal to |dur|. // * Issuing |numEntries| entries that has duration greater than |slowDur|. // * Asserting that exactly |numEntries| entries are received. // Parameters: // |t| - the test harness. // |dur| - the durationThreshold for the PerformanceObserver. // |id| - the ID of the element to be clicked. // |numEntries| - the number of entries. // |slowDur| - the min duration of a slow entry. async function testDuration(t, id, numEntries, dur, slowDur) { assert_implements(window.PerformanceEventTiming, 'Event Timing is not supported.'); const observerPromise = new Promise(async resolve => { let minDuration = Math.ceil(dur / 8) * 8; // Exposed events must always have a minimum duration of 16. minDuration = Math.max(minDuration, 16); let numEntriesReceived = 0; new PerformanceObserver(list => { const pointerDowns = list.getEntriesByName('pointerdown'); pointerDowns.forEach(e => { t.step(() => { verifyClickEvent(e, id, false /* isFirst */, minDuration); }); }); numEntriesReceived += pointerDowns.length; // All the entries should be received since the slowDur is higher // than the duration threshold. if (numEntriesReceived === numEntries) resolve(); }).observe({type: "event", durationThreshold: dur}); }); const clicksPromise = new Promise(async resolve => { for (let index = 0; index < numEntries; index++) { // Add some click events that has at least slowDur for duration. await clickAndBlockMain(id, { duration: slowDur }); } resolve(); }); return Promise.all([observerPromise, clicksPromise]); } // Add a PerformanceObserver and observe with a durationThreshold of |durThreshold|. This test will // attempt to check that the duration is appropriately checked by: // * Asserting that entries received have a duration which is the smallest multiple of 8 // that is greater than or equal to |durThreshold|. // * Issuing |numEntries| entries that have at least |processingDelay| as duration. // * Asserting that the entries we receive has duration greater than or equals to the // duration threshold we setup // Parameters: // |t| - the test harness. // |id| - the ID of the element to be clicked. // |durThreshold| - the durationThreshold for the PerformanceObserver. // |numEntries| - the number of slow and number of fast entries. // |processingDelay| - the event duration we add on each event. async function testDurationWithDurationThreshold(t, id, numEntries, durThreshold, processingDelay) { assert_implements(window.PerformanceEventTiming, 'Event Timing is not supported.'); const observerPromise = new Promise(async resolve => { let minDuration = Math.ceil(durThreshold / 8) * 8; // Exposed events must always have a minimum duration of 16. minDuration = Math.max(minDuration, 16); new PerformanceObserver(t.step_func(list => { const pointerDowns = list.getEntriesByName('pointerdown'); pointerDowns.forEach(p => { assert_greater_than_equal(p.duration, minDuration, "The entry's duration should be greater than or equal to " + minDuration + " ms."); }); resolve(); })).observe({type: "event", durationThreshold: durThreshold}); }); for (let index = 0; index < numEntries; index++) { // These clicks are expected to be ignored, unless the test has some extra delays. // In that case, the test will verify the event duration to ensure the event duration is // greater than the duration threshold await clickAndBlockMain(id, { duration: processingDelay }); } // Send click with event duration equals to or greater than |durThreshold|, so the // observer promise can be resolved await clickAndBlockMain(id, { duration: durThreshold }); return observerPromise; } // Apply events that trigger an event of the given |eventType| to be dispatched to the // |target|. Some of these assume that the target is not on the top left corner of the // screen, which means that (0, 0) of the viewport is outside of the |target|. function applyAction(eventType, target) { const actions = new test_driver.Actions(); if (eventType === 'auxclick') { actions.pointerMove(0, 0, {origin: target}) .pointerDown({button: actions.ButtonType.MIDDLE}) .pointerUp({button: actions.ButtonType.MIDDLE}); } else if (eventType === 'click' || eventType === 'mousedown' || eventType === 'mouseup' || eventType === 'pointerdown' || eventType === 'pointerup' || eventType === 'touchstart' || eventType === 'touchend') { actions.pointerMove(0, 0, {origin: target}) .pointerDown() .pointerUp(); } else if (eventType === 'contextmenu') { actions.pointerMove(0, 0, {origin: target}) .pointerDown({button: actions.ButtonType.RIGHT}) .pointerUp({button: actions.ButtonType.RIGHT}); } else if (eventType === 'dblclick') { actions.pointerMove(0, 0, {origin: target}) .pointerDown() .pointerUp() .pointerDown() .pointerUp() // Reset by clicking outside of the target. .pointerMove(0, 0) .pointerDown() } else if (eventType === 'mouseenter' || eventType === 'mouseover' || eventType === 'pointerenter' || eventType === 'pointerover') { // Move outside of the target and then back inside. // Moving it to 0, 1 because 0, 0 doesn't cause the pointer to // move in Firefox. See actions.pointerMove(0, 1) .pointerMove(0, 0, {origin: target}); } else if (eventType === 'mouseleave' || eventType === 'mouseout' || eventType === 'pointerleave' || eventType === 'pointerout') { actions.pointerMove(0, 0, {origin: target}) .pointerMove(0, 0); } else if (eventType === 'keyup' || eventType === 'keydown') { // Any key here as an input should work. // TODO: Switch this to use test_driver.Actions.key{up,down} // when test driver supports it. // Please check const key = 'k'; return test_driver.send_keys(target, key); } else { assert_unreached('The event type ' + eventType + ' is not supported.'); } return actions.send(); } function requiresListener(eventType) { return ['mouseenter', 'mouseleave', 'pointerdown', 'pointerenter', 'pointerleave', 'pointerout', 'pointerover', 'pointerup', 'keyup', 'keydown' ].includes(eventType); } function notCancelable(eventType) { return ['mouseenter', 'mouseleave', 'pointerenter', 'pointerleave'].includes(eventType); } // Tests the given |eventType|'s performance.eventCounts value. Since this is populated only when // the event is processed, we check every 10 ms until we've found the |expectedCount|. function testCounts(t, resolve, looseCount, eventType, expectedCount) { const counts = performance.eventCounts.get(eventType); if (counts < expectedCount) { t.step_timeout(() => { testCounts(t, resolve, looseCount, eventType, expectedCount); }, 10); return; } if (looseCount) { assert_greater_than_equal(performance.eventCounts.get(eventType), expectedCount, `Should have at least ${expectedCount} ${eventType} events`) } else { assert_equals(performance.eventCounts.get(eventType), expectedCount, `Should have ${expectedCount} ${eventType} events`); } resolve(); } // Tests the given |eventType| by creating events whose target are the element with id // 'target'. The test assumes that such element already exists. |looseCount| is set for // eventTypes for which events would occur for other interactions other than the ones being // specified for the target, so the counts could be larger. async function testEventType(t, eventType, looseCount=false) { assert_implements(window.EventCounts, "Event Counts isn't supported"); const target = document.getElementById('target'); if (requiresListener(eventType)) { target.addEventListener(eventType, () =>{}); } const initialCount = performance.eventCounts.get(eventType); if (!looseCount) { assert_equals(initialCount, 0, 'No events yet.'); } // Trigger two 'fast' events of the type. await applyAction(eventType, target); await applyAction(eventType, target); await afterNextPaint(); await new Promise(t.step_func(resolve => { testCounts(t, resolve, looseCount, eventType, initialCount + 2); })); // The durationThreshold used by the observer. A slow events needs to be slower than that. const durationThreshold = 16; // Now add an event handler to cause a slow event. target.addEventListener(eventType, () => { mainThreadBusy(durationThreshold + 4); }); const observerPromise = new Promise(async resolve => { new PerformanceObserver(t.step_func(entryList => { let eventTypeEntries = entryList.getEntriesByName(eventType); if (eventTypeEntries.length === 0) return; let entry = null; if (!looseCount) { entry = eventTypeEntries[0]; assert_equals(eventTypeEntries.length, 1); } else { // The other events could also be considered slow. Find the one with the correct // target. eventTypeEntries.forEach(e => { if ( === document.getElementById('target')) entry = e; }); if (!entry) return; } verifyEvent(entry, eventType, 'target', false /* isFirst */, durationThreshold, notCancelable(eventType)); // Shouldn't need async testing here since we already got the observer entry, but might as // well reuse the method. testCounts(t, resolve, looseCount, eventType, initialCount + 3); })).observe({type: 'event', durationThreshold: durationThreshold}); }); // Cause a slow event. await applyAction(eventType, target); await afterNextPaint(); await observerPromise; } function addListeners(target, events) { const eventListener = (e) => { mainThreadBusy(200); }; events.forEach(e => { target.addEventListener(e, eventListener); }); } // The testdriver.js, testdriver-vendor.js and testdriver-actions.js need to be // included to use this function. async function tap(target) { return new test_driver.Actions() .addPointer("touchPointer", "touch") .pointerMove(0, 0, { origin: target }) .pointerDown() .pointerUp() .send(); } async function click(target) { return; } async function auxClick(target) { const actions = new test_driver.Actions(); return actions.addPointer("mousePointer", "mouse") .pointerMove(0, 0, { origin: target }) .pointerDown({ button: actions.ButtonType.RIGHT }) .pointerUp({ button: actions.ButtonType.RIGHT }) .send(); } async function pointerdown(target) { const actions = new test_driver.Actions(); return actions.addPointer("mousePointer", "mouse") .pointerMove(0, 0, { origin: target }) .pointerDown() .send(); } async function auxPointerdown(target) { const actions = new test_driver.Actions(); return actions.addPointer("mousePointer", "mouse") .pointerMove(0, 0, { origin: target }) .pointerDown({ button: actions.ButtonType.RIGHT }) .send(); } // The testdriver.js, testdriver-vendor.js need to be included to use this // function. async function pressKey(target, key) { await test_driver.send_keys(target, key); } // The testdriver.js, testdriver-vendor.js need to be included to use this // function. async function addListenersAndPress(target, key, events) { addListeners(target, events); return pressKey(target, key); } // The testdriver.js, testdriver-vendor.js need to be included to use this // function. async function addListenersAndClick(target) { addListeners(target, ['mousedown', 'mouseup', 'pointerdown', 'pointerup', 'click']); return click(target); } function filterAndAddToMap(events, map) { return function (entry) { if (events.includes( { map.set(, entry.interactionId); return true; } return false; } } async function createPerformanceObserverPromise(observeTypes, callback, readyToResolve ) { return new Promise(resolve => { new PerformanceObserver(entryList => { callback(entryList); if (readyToResolve()) { resolve(); } }).observe({ entryTypes: observeTypes }); }); } // The testdriver.js, testdriver-vendor.js need to be included to use this // function. async function interactAndObserve(interactionType, target, observerPromise) { let interactionPromise; switch (interactionType) { case 'tap': { addListeners(target, ['pointerdown', 'pointerup']); interactionPromise = tap(target); break; } case 'click': { addListeners(target, ['mousedown', 'mouseup', 'pointerdown', 'pointerup', 'click']); interactionPromise = click(target); break; } case 'auxclick': { addListeners(target, ['mousedown', 'mouseup', 'pointerdown', 'pointerup', 'contextmenu', 'auxclick']); interactionPromise = auxClick(target); break; } case 'aux-pointerdown': { addListeners(target, ['mousedown', 'pointerdown', 'contextmenu']); interactionPromise = auxPointerdown(target); break; } case 'aux-pointerdown-and-pointerdown': { addListeners(target, ['mousedown', 'pointerdown', 'contextmenu']); interactionPromise = Promise.all([auxPointerdown(target), pointerdown(target)]); break; } } return Promise.all([interactionPromise, observerPromise]); } async function interact(interactionType, element, key = '') { switch (interactionType) { case 'click': { return click(element); } case 'tap': { return tap(element); } case 'key': { return test_driver.send_keys(element, key); } } } async function verifyInteractionCount(t, expectedCount) { await t.step_wait(() => { return performance.interactionCount >= expectedCount; }, 'interactionCount did not increase enough', 10000, 5); assert_equals(performance.interactionCount, expectedCount, 'interactionCount increased more than expected'); } function interactionCount_test(interactionType, elements, key = '') { return promise_test(async t => { assert_implements(window.PerformanceEventTiming, 'Event Timing is not supported'); assert_equals(performance.interactionCount, 0, 'Initial count is not 0'); let expectedCount = 1; for (let element of elements) { await interact(interactionType, element, key); await verifyInteractionCount(t, expectedCount++); } }, `EventTiming: verify interactionCount for ${interactionType} interaction`); }