<!DOCTYPE html> <title>Test default permission policy features gating ()</title> <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script> <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script> <script src="/common/utils.js"></script> <script src="/common/dispatcher/dispatcher.js"></script> <script src="resources/utils.js"></script> <script src="/common/get-host-info.sub.js"></script> <script src="resources/default-enabled-features-helper.js"></script> <body> <script> // Note: Shared storage will refuse to run selectURL() on this page because its // permissions policy is disabled. Therefore, we can only test the FLEDGE case. promise_test(async(t) => { await runDefaultEnabledFeaturesTest(t, false, get_host_info().ORIGIN); }, 'Same-origin fenced frame does not load when feature policies are none'); promise_test(async(t) => { await runDefaultEnabledFeaturesTest(t, false, get_host_info().REMOTE_ORIGIN); }, 'Cross-origin fenced frame does not load when feature policies are none'); promise_test(async(t) => { const fencedframe = await attachFencedFrameContext({ origin: get_host_info().REMOTE_ORIGIN}); await fencedframe.execute(async () => { assert_false( document.featurePolicy.allowsFeature('shared-storage'), "Shared storage should be disallowed in the fenced frame."); assert_false( document.featurePolicy.allowsFeature('private-aggregation'), "Private aggregation should be disallowed in the fenced frame."); assert_false( document.featurePolicy.allowsFeature('attribution-reporting'), "Attribution reporting should be disallowed in the fenced frame."); assert_false( document.featurePolicy.allowsFeature('sync-xhr'), "USB access should be disallowed in the fenced frame."); }, []); }, 'Flexible permissions fenced frames can have permissions restricted from ' + 'parent.'); </script> </body> </html>