const STORE_URL = '/fenced-frame/resources/'; const BEACON_URL = '/fenced-frame/resources/'; const REMOTE_EXECUTOR_URL = '/fenced-frame/resources/remote-context-executor.https.html'; // If your test needs to modify FLEDGE bidding or decision logic, you should // update the generated JS in the corresponding handler below. const FLEDGE_BIDDING_URL = '/fenced-frame/resources/'; const FLEDGE_DECISION_URL = '/fenced-frame/resources/'; // Creates a URL that includes a list of stash key UUIDs that are being used // in the test. This allows us to generate UUIDs on the fly and let anything // (iframes, fenced frames, pop-ups, etc...) that wouldn't have access to the // original UUID variable know what the UUIDs are. // @param {string} href - The base url of the page being navigated to // @param {string list} keylist - The list of key UUIDs to be used. Note that // order matters when extracting the keys function generateURL(href, keylist) { const ret_url = new URL(href, location.href); ret_url.searchParams.append("keylist", keylist.join(',')); return ret_url; } function getRemoteContextURL(origin) { return new URL(REMOTE_EXECUTOR_URL, origin); } async function runSelectRawURL(href, resolve_to_config = false) { try { await sharedStorage.worklet.addModule( "/shared-storage/resources/simple-module.js"); } catch (e) { // Shared Storage needs to have a module added before we can operate on it. // It is generated on the fly with this call, and since there's no way to // tell through the API if a module already exists, wrap the addModule call // in a try/catch so that if it runs a second time in a test, it will // gracefully fail rather than bring the whole test down. } return await sharedStorage.selectURL( 'test-url-selection-operation', [{url: href, reportingMetadata: { 'reserved.top_navigation_start': BEACON_URL + "?type=reserved.top_navigation_start", 'reserved.top_navigation_commit': BEACON_URL + "?type=reserved.top_navigation_commit", }}], { data: {'mockResult': 0}, resolveToConfig: resolve_to_config, keepAlive: true, }); } // Similar to generateURL, but creates // 1. An urn:uuid if `resolve_to_config` is false. // 2. A fenced frame config object if `resolve_to_config` is true. // This relies on a mock Shared Storage auction, since it is the simplest // WP-exposed way to turn a url into an urn:uuid or a fenced frame config. // Note: this function, unlike generateURL, is asynchronous and needs to be // called with an await operator. // @param {string} href - The base url of the page being navigated to // @param {string list} keylist - The list of key UUIDs to be used. Note that // order matters when extracting the keys // @param {boolean} [resolve_to_config = false] - Determines whether the result // of `sharedStorage.selectURL()` // is an urn:uuid or a fenced // frame config. // Note: // 1. There is a limit of 3 calls per origin per pageload for // `sharedStorage.selectURL()`, so `runSelectURL()` must also respect this // limit. // 2. If `resolve_to_config` is true, blink feature `FencedFramesAPIChanges` // needs to be enabled for `selectURL()` to return a fenced frame config. // Otherwise `selectURL()` will fall back to the old behavior that returns an // urn:uuid. async function runSelectURL(href, keylist = [], resolve_to_config = false) { const full_url = generateURL(href, keylist); return await runSelectRawURL(full_url, resolve_to_config); } async function generateURNFromFledgeRawURL( href, nested_urls, resolve_to_config = false, ad_with_size = false, requested_size = null, automatic_beacon = false) { const bidding_token = token(); const seller_token = token(); const ad_components_list = => { return ad_with_size ? { renderURL: url, sizeGroup: "group1" } : { renderURL: url } }); let interestGroup = { name: 'testAd1', owner: location.origin, biddingLogicURL: new URL(FLEDGE_BIDDING_URL, location.origin), ads: [{renderURL: href, bid: 1}], userBiddingSignals: {biddingToken: bidding_token}, trustedBiddingSignalsKeys: ['key1'], adComponents: ad_components_list, }; let biddingURLParams = new URLSearchParams(; if (requested_size) biddingURLParams.set( 'requested-size', requested_size[0] + '-' + requested_size[1]); if (ad_with_size) biddingURLParams.set('ad-with-size', 1); if (automatic_beacon) biddingURLParams.set('automatic-beacon', 1); = biddingURLParams; if (ad_with_size) {[0].sizeGroup = 'group1'; interestGroup.adSizes = {'size1': {width: '100px', height: '50px'}}; interestGroup.sizeGroups = {'group1': ['size1']}; } // Pick an arbitrarily high duration to guarantee that we never leave the // ad interest group while the test runs. navigator.joinAdInterestGroup(interestGroup, /*durationSeconds=*/3000000); let auctionConfig = { seller: location.origin, interestGroupBuyers: [location.origin], decisionLogicURL: new URL(FLEDGE_DECISION_URL, location.origin), auctionSignals: {biddingToken: bidding_token, sellerToken: seller_token}, resolveToConfig: resolve_to_config }; if (requested_size) { let decisionURLParams = new URLSearchParams(; decisionURLParams.set( 'requested-size', requested_size[0] + '-' + requested_size[1]); = decisionURLParams; auctionConfig['requestedSize'] = {width: requested_size[0], height: requested_size[1]}; } return navigator.runAdAuction(auctionConfig); } // Similar to runSelectURL, but uses FLEDGE instead of Shared Storage as the // auctioning tool. // Note: this function, unlike generateURL, is asynchronous and needs to be // called with an await operator. @param {string} href - The base url of the // page being navigated to @param {string list} keylist - The list of key UUIDs // to be used. Note that order matters when extracting the keys // @param {string} href - The base url of the page being navigated to // @param {string list} keylist - The list of key UUIDs to be used. Note that // order matters when extracting the keys // @param {string list} nested_urls - A list of urls that will eventually become // the nested configs/ad components // @param {boolean} [resolve_to_config = false] - Determines whether the result // of `navigator.runAdAuction()` // is an urn:uuid or a fenced // frame config. // @param {boolean} [ad_with_size = false] - Determines whether the auction is // run with ad sizes specified. // @param {boolean} [automatic_beacon = false] - If true, FLEDGE logic will // register an automatic beacon // after completion. async function generateURNFromFledge( href, keylist, nested_urls = [], resolve_to_config = false, ad_with_size = false, requested_size = null, automatic_beacon = false) { const full_url = generateURL(href, keylist); return generateURNFromFledgeRawURL( full_url, nested_urls, resolve_to_config, ad_with_size, requested_size, automatic_beacon); } // Extracts a list of UUIDs from the from the current page's URL. // @returns {string list} - The list of UUIDs extracted from the page. This can // be read into multiple variables using the // [key1, key2, etc...] = parseKeyList(); pattern. function parseKeylist() { const url = new URL(location.href); const keylist = url.searchParams.get("keylist"); return keylist.split(','); } // Converts a same-origin URL to a cross-origin URL // @param {URL} url - The URL object whose origin is being converted // @param {boolean} [https=true] - Whether or not to use the HTTPS origin // // @returns {URL} The new cross-origin URL function getRemoteOriginURL(url, https=true) { const same_origin = location.origin; const cross_origin = https ? get_host_info().HTTPS_REMOTE_ORIGIN : get_host_info().HTTP_REMOTE_ORIGIN; return new URL(url.toString().replace(same_origin, cross_origin)); } // Builds a URL to be used as a remote context executor. function generateRemoteContextURL(headers, origin) { // Generate the unique id for the parent/child channel. const uuid = token(); // Use the absolute path of the remote context executor source file, so that // nested contexts will work. const url = getRemoteContextURL(origin ? origin : location.origin); url.searchParams.append('uuid', uuid); // Add the header to allow loading in a fenced frame. headers.push(["Supports-Loading-Mode", "fenced-frame"]); // Transform the headers into the expected format. // function escape(s) { return s.replace('(', '\\(').replace(')', '\\)'); } const formatted_headers = => { return `header(${escape(header[0])}, ${escape(header[1])})`; }); url.searchParams.append('pipe', formatted_headers.join('|')); return [uuid, url]; } function buildRemoteContextForObject(object, uuid, html) { // const context = new RemoteContext(uuid); if (html) { context.execute_script( (html_source) => { document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', html_source); }, [html]); } // We need a little bit of boilerplate in the handlers because Proxy doesn't // work so nicely with HTML elements. const handler = { get: (target, key) => { if (key == "execute") { return context.execute_script; } if (key == "element") { return object; } if (key in target) { return target[key]; } return context[key]; }, set: (target, key, value) => { target[key] = value; return value; } }; const proxy = new Proxy(object, handler); return proxy; } // Attaches an object that waits for scripts to execute from RemoteContext. // (In practice, this is either a frame or a window.) // Returns a proxy for the object that first resolves to the object itself, // then resolves to the RemoteContext if the property isn't found. // The proxy also has an extra attribute `execute`, which is an alias for the // remote context's `execute_script(fn, args=[])`. function attachContext(object_constructor, html, headers, origin) { const [uuid, url] = generateRemoteContextURL(headers, origin); const object = object_constructor(url); return buildRemoteContextForObject(object, uuid, html); } // TODO( Update this function to also test // `sharedStorage.selectURL()` that returns a fenced frame config object. // This should be done after fixing the following flaky tests that use this // function. // 1. resize-lock-input.https.html // 2. unfenced-top.https.html async function attachOpaqueContext( generator_api, resolve_to_config, ad_with_size, requested_size, automatic_beacon, object_constructor, html, headers, origin, num_components) { const [uuid, url] = generateRemoteContextURL(headers, origin); let components_list = []; for (let i = 0; i < num_components; i++) { let [component_uuid, component_url] = generateRemoteContextURL(headers, origin); // This field will be read by attachComponentFrameContext() in order to // know what uuid to point to when building the remote context. html += ''; components_list.push(component_url); } const id = await ( generator_api == 'fledge' ? generateURNFromFledge( url, [], components_list, resolve_to_config, ad_with_size, requested_size, automatic_beacon) : runSelectURL(url, [], resolve_to_config)); const object = object_constructor(id); return buildRemoteContextForObject(object, uuid, html); } function attachPotentiallyOpaqueContext( generator_api, resolve_to_config, ad_with_size, requested_size, automatic_beacon, frame_constructor, html, headers, origin, num_components) { generator_api = generator_api.toLowerCase(); if (generator_api == 'fledge' || generator_api == 'sharedstorage') { return attachOpaqueContext( generator_api, resolve_to_config, ad_with_size, requested_size, automatic_beacon, frame_constructor, html, headers, origin, num_components); } else { return attachContext(frame_constructor, html, headers, origin); } } function attachFrameContext( element_name, generator_api, resolve_to_config, ad_with_size, requested_size, automatic_beacon, html, headers, attributes, origin, num_components) { frame_constructor = (id) => { frame = document.createElement(element_name); attributes.forEach(attribute => { frame.setAttribute(attribute[0], attribute[1]); }); if (element_name == "iframe") { frame.src = id; } else if (id instanceof FencedFrameConfig) { frame.config = id; } else { const config = new FencedFrameConfig(id); frame.config = config; } document.body.append(frame); return frame; }; return attachPotentiallyOpaqueContext( generator_api, resolve_to_config, ad_with_size, requested_size, automatic_beacon, frame_constructor, html, headers, origin, num_components); } function replaceFrameContext(frame_proxy, { generator_api = '', resolve_to_config = false, ad_with_size = false, requested_size = null, automatic_beacon = false, html = '', headers = [], origin = '' } = {}) { frame_constructor = (id) => { if (frame_proxy.element.nodeName == "IFRAME") { frame_proxy.element.src = id; } else if (id instanceof FencedFrameConfig) { frame_proxy.element.config = id; } else { const config = new FencedFrameConfig(id); frame_proxy.element.config = config; } return frame_proxy.element; }; return attachPotentiallyOpaqueContext( generator_api, resolve_to_config, ad_with_size, requested_size, automatic_beacon, frame_constructor, html, headers, origin); } // Attach a fenced frame that waits for scripts to execute. // Takes as input a(n optional) dictionary of configs: // - generator_api: the name of the API that should generate the urn/config. // Supports (case-insensitive) "fledge" and "sharedstorage", or any other // value as a default. // If you generate a urn, then you need to await the result of this function. // - resolve_to_config: whether a config should be used. (currently only works // for FLEDGE and sharedStorage generator_api) // - ad_with_size: whether an ad auction is run with size specified for the ads // and ad components. (currently only works for FLEDGE) // - requested_size: A 2-element list with the width and height for // requestedSize in the FLEDGE auction config. This is different from // ad_with_size, which refers to size information provided alongside the ads // themselves. // - automatic_beacon: If true and generator_api = "fledge", an automatic beacon // will be registered for a top-level navigation after the FLEDGE auction // completes. // - html: extra HTML source code to inject into the loaded frame // - headers: an array of header pairs [[key, value], ...] // - attributes: an array of attribute pairs to set on the frame [[key, value], // ...] // - origin: origin of the url, default to location.origin if not set // Returns a proxy that acts like the frame HTML element, but with an extra // function `execute`. See `attachFrameContext` or the README for more details. function attachFencedFrameContext({ generator_api = '', resolve_to_config = false, ad_with_size = false, requested_size = null, automatic_beacon = false, html = '', headers = [], attributes = [], origin = '', num_components = 0 } = {}) { return attachFrameContext( 'fencedframe', generator_api, resolve_to_config, ad_with_size, requested_size, automatic_beacon, html, headers, attributes, origin, num_components); } // Attach an iframe that waits for scripts to execute. // See `attachFencedFrameContext` for more details. function attachIFrameContext({ generator_api = '', automatic_beacon = false, html = '', headers = [], attributes = [], origin = '', num_components = 0 } = {}) { return attachFrameContext( 'iframe', generator_api, resolve_to_config = false, ad_with_size = false, requested_size = null, automatic_beacon, html, headers, attributes, origin, num_components); } // Open a window that waits for scripts to execute. // Returns a proxy that acts like the window object, but with an extra // function `execute`. See `attachContext` for more details. function attachWindowContext({target="_blank", html="", headers=[], origin=""}={}) { window_constructor = (url) => { return, target); } return attachContext(window_constructor, html, headers, origin); } // Attaches an ad component in a fenced frame. For this to work, this must be // called in a frame that was generated with attachFrameContext() using the // Protected Audience API (generator_api: 'fledge'). function attachComponentFencedFrameContext( index = 0, {attributes = [], html = ''} = {}) { const urn = window.fence.getNestedConfigs()[index]; return attachComponentFrameContext( index, 'fencedframe', urn, attributes, html); } // Same as attachComponentFencedFrameContext, but in a urn iframe. function attachComponentIFrameContext( index = 0, {attributes = [], html = ''} = {}) { const urn = navigator.adAuctionComponents(index + 1)[index]; return attachComponentFrameContext(index, 'iframe', urn, attributes, html); } function attachComponentFrameContext( index, element_name, urn, attributes, html) { assert_not_equals( document.getElementById('component_uuid_' + index), null, 'Component frames can only be attached to frames loaded with ' + 'attach*FrameContext() with `num_components` set to at least ' + (index + 1) + '.'); let frame = document.createElement(element_name); attributes.forEach(attribute => { frame.setAttribute(attribute[0], attribute[1]); }); if (element_name == 'iframe') { frame.src = urn; } else { frame.config = urn; } document.body.append(frame); const context_uuid = document.getElementById('component_uuid_' + index).value; return buildRemoteContextForObject(frame, context_uuid, html); } // Converts a key string into a key uuid using a cryptographic hash function. // This function only works in secure contexts (HTTPS). async function stringToStashKey(string) { // Compute a SHA-256 hash of the input string, and convert it to hex. const data = new TextEncoder().encode(string); const digest = await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', data); const digest_array = Array.from(new Uint8Array(digest)); const digest_as_hex = => b.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join(''); // UUIDs are structured as 8X-4X-4X-4X-12X. // Use the first 32 hex digits and ignore the rest. const digest_slices = [digest_as_hex.slice(0,8), digest_as_hex.slice(8,12), digest_as_hex.slice(12,16), digest_as_hex.slice(16,20), digest_as_hex.slice(20,32)]; return digest_slices.join('-'); } // Create a fenced frame. Then navigate it using the given `target`, which can // be either an urn:uuid or a fenced frame config object. function attachFencedFrame(target) { assert_implements( window.HTMLFencedFrameElement, 'The HTMLFencedFrameElement should be exposed on the window object'); const fenced_frame = document.createElement('fencedframe'); if (target instanceof FencedFrameConfig) { fenced_frame.config = target; } else { const config = new FencedFrameConfig(target); fenced_frame.config = config; } document.body.append(fenced_frame); return fenced_frame; } function attachIFrame(url) { const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.src = url; document.body.append(iframe); return iframe; } // Reads the value specified by `key` from the key-value store on the server. async function readValueFromServer(key) { // Resolve the key if it is a Promise. key = await key; const serverURL = `${STORE_URL}?key=${key}`; const response = await fetch(serverURL); if (!response.ok) throw new Error('An error happened in the server'); const value = await response.text(); // The value is not stored in the server. if (value === "") return { status: false }; return { status: true, value: value }; } // Convenience wrapper around the above getter that will wait until a value is // available on the server. async function nextValueFromServer(key) { // Resolve the key if it is a Promise. key = await key; while (true) { // Fetches the test result from the server. const { status, value } = await readValueFromServer(key); if (!status) { // The test result has not been stored yet. Retry after a while. await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 20)); continue; } return value; } } // Checks the automatic beacon data server to see if it has received an // automatic beacon with a given event type and body. async function readAutomaticBeaconDataFromServer(event_type, expected_body) { let serverURL = `${BEACON_URL}`; const response = await fetch(serverURL + "?" + new URLSearchParams({ type: event_type, expected_body: expected_body, })); if (!response.ok) throw new Error('An error happened in the server ' + response.status); const value = await response.text(); // The value is not stored in the server. if (value === "") return { status: false }; return { status: true, value: value }; } // Convenience wrapper around the above getter that will wait until a value is // available on the server. The server uses a hash of the concatenated event // type and beacon data as the key when storing the beacon in the database. To // retrieve it, we need to supply the endpoint with both pieces of information. async function nextAutomaticBeacon(event_type, expected_body) { while (true) { // Fetches the test result from the server. const { status, value } = await readAutomaticBeaconDataFromServer(event_type, expected_body); if (!status) { // The test result has not been stored yet. Retry after a while. await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 20)); continue; } return value; } } // Writes `value` for `key` in the key-value store on the server. async function writeValueToServer(key, value, origin = '') { // Resolve the key if it is a Promise. key = await key; const serverURL = `${origin}${STORE_URL}?key=${key}&value=${value}`; await fetch(serverURL, {"mode": "no-cors"}); } // Simulates a user gesture. async function simulateGesture() { // Wait until the window size is initialized. while (window.innerWidth == 0) { await new Promise(resolve => requestAnimationFrame(resolve)); } await test_driver.bless('simulate gesture'); } // Fenced frames are always put in the public IP address space which is the // least privileged. In case a navigation to a local data: URL or blob: URL // resource is allowed, they would only be able to fetch things that are *also* // in the public IP address space. So for the document described by these local // URLs, we'll set them up to only communicate back to the outer page via // resources obtained in the public address space. function createLocalSource(key, url) { return `