var priorities = ["high", "low", "auto" ]; for (idx in priorities) { test(() => { new Request("", {priority: priorities[idx]}); }, "new Request() with a '" + priorities[idx] + "' priority does not throw an error"); } test(() => { assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => { new Request("", {priority: 'invalid'}); }, "a new Request() must throw a TypeError if RequestInit's priority is an invalid value"); }, "new Request() throws a TypeError if any of RequestInit's members' values are invalid"); for (idx in priorities) { promise_test(function(t) { return fetch('hello.txt', { priority: priorities[idx] }); }, "fetch() with a '" + priorities[idx] + "' priority completes successfully"); } promise_test(function(t) { return promise_rejects_js(t, TypeError, fetch('hello.txt', { priority: 'invalid' })); }, "fetch() with an invalid priority returns a rejected promise with a TypeError");