// META: script=/common/utils.js // META: script=/common/get-host-info.sub.js // META: script=/fetch/fetch-later/resources/fetch-later-helper.js 'use strict'; const { HTTPS_ORIGIN, HTTPS_NOTSAMESITE_ORIGIN, } = get_host_info(); async function loadElement(el) { const loaded = new Promise(resolve => el.onload = resolve); document.body.appendChild(el); await loaded; } // `host` may be cross-origin async function loadFetchLaterIframe(host, targetUrl) { const url = `${host}/fetch/fetch-later/resources/fetch-later.html?url=${ encodeURIComponent(targetUrl)}`; const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.src = url; await loadElement(iframe); return iframe; } parallelPromiseTest(async t => { const uuid = token(); const url = generateSetBeaconURL(uuid); // Loads a blank iframe that fires a fetchLater request. const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.addEventListener('load', () => { fetchLater(url, {activateAfter: 0}); }); await loadElement(iframe); // The iframe should have sent the request. await expectBeacon(uuid, {count: 1}); }, 'A blank iframe can trigger fetchLater.'); parallelPromiseTest(async t => { const uuid = token(); const url = generateSetBeaconURL(uuid); // Loads a same-origin iframe that fires a fetchLater request. await loadFetchLaterIframe(HTTPS_ORIGIN, url); // The iframe should have sent the request. await expectBeacon(uuid, {count: 1}); }, 'A same-origin iframe can trigger fetchLater.'); parallelPromiseTest(async t => { const uuid = token(); const url = generateSetBeaconURL(uuid); // Loads a same-origin iframe that fires a fetchLater request. await loadFetchLaterIframe(HTTPS_NOTSAMESITE_ORIGIN, url); // The iframe should have sent the request. await expectBeacon(uuid, {count: 1}); }, 'A cross-origin iframe can trigger fetchLater.');