// META: global=window,worker // META: title=HTTP Cache - Caching POST and PATCH responses // META: timeout=long // META: script=/common/utils.js // META: script=/common/get-host-info.sub.js // META: script=http-cache.js var tests = [ { name: "HTTP cache uses content after PATCH request with response containing Content-Location and cache-allowing header", requests: [ { request_method: "PATCH", request_body: "abc", response_status: [200, "OK"], response_headers: [ ['Cache-Control', "private, max-age=1000"], ['Content-Location', ""] ], response_body: "abc" }, { expected_type: "cached" } ] }, { name: "HTTP cache uses content after POST request with response containing Content-Location and cache-allowing header", requests: [ { request_method: "POST", request_body: "abc", response_status: [200, "OK"], response_headers: [ ['Cache-Control', "private, max-age=1000"], ['Content-Location', ""] ], response_body: "abc" }, { expected_type: "cached" } ] } ]; run_tests(tests);