// META: script=/resources/testdriver.js // META: script=/common/utils.js // META: script=/common/subset-tests.js // META: script=resources/fledge-util.sub.js // META: timeout=long // META: variant=?1-5 // META: variant=?6-10 // META: variant=?11-15 // META: variant=?16-last "use strict"; // Creates an AuctionConfig with a single component auction. function createComponentAuctionConfig(uuid) { let componentAuctionConfig = { seller: window.location.origin, decisionLogicURL: createDecisionScriptURL(uuid), interestGroupBuyers: [window.location.origin] }; return { seller: window.location.origin, decisionLogicURL: createDecisionScriptURL(uuid), interestGroupBuyers: [], componentAuctions: [componentAuctionConfig] }; } subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); await joinInterestGroup( test, uuid, { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL()}); await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner(test, uuid, createComponentAuctionConfig(uuid)); }, 'Component auction allowed not specified by bidder.'); subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); await joinInterestGroup( test, uuid, { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL( { allowComponentAuction: false })}); await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner(test, uuid, createComponentAuctionConfig(uuid)); }, 'Component auction not allowed by bidder.'); subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); await joinInterestGroup( test, uuid, { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL( { allowComponentAuction: true })}); let auctionConfig = createComponentAuctionConfig(uuid); auctionConfig.componentAuctions[0].decisionLogicURL = createDecisionScriptURL( uuid, { scoreAd: "return 5;" }); await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner(test, uuid, auctionConfig); }, 'Component auction allowed not specified by component seller.'); subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); await joinInterestGroup( test, uuid, { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL( { allowComponentAuction: true })}); let auctionConfig = createComponentAuctionConfig(uuid); auctionConfig.componentAuctions[0].decisionLogicURL = createDecisionScriptURL( uuid, { scoreAd: "return {desirability: 5, allowComponentAuction: false};" }); await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner(test, uuid, auctionConfig); }, 'Component auction not allowed by component seller.'); subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); await joinInterestGroup( test, uuid, { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL( { allowComponentAuction: true })}); let auctionConfig = createComponentAuctionConfig(uuid); auctionConfig.decisionLogicURL = createDecisionScriptURL( uuid, { scoreAd: "return 5;" }); await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner(test, uuid, auctionConfig); }, 'Component auction allowed not specified by top-level seller.'); subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); await joinInterestGroup( test, uuid, { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL( { allowComponentAuction: true })}); let auctionConfig = createComponentAuctionConfig(uuid); auctionConfig.interestGroupBuyers = [window.location.origin]; try { await runBasicFledgeAuction(test, uuid, auctionConfig); } catch (exception) { assert_true(exception instanceof TypeError, "did not get expected error: " + exception); return; } throw 'Exception unexpectedly not thrown.' }, 'Component auction top-level auction cannot have buyers.'); subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); await joinInterestGroup( test, uuid, { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL( { allowComponentAuction: true })}); let auctionConfig = createComponentAuctionConfig(uuid); auctionConfig.decisionLogicURL = createDecisionScriptURL( uuid, { scoreAd: "return {desirability: 5, allowComponentAuction: false};" }); await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner(test, uuid, auctionConfig); }, 'Component auction not allowed by top-level seller.'); subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); // Use distinct origins so can validate all origin parameters passed to worklets. let bidder = OTHER_ORIGIN1; let componentSeller = OTHER_ORIGIN2; let topLevelSeller = OTHER_ORIGIN3; let bidderReportURL = createBidderReportURL(uuid); let componentSellerReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/"component"); let topLevelSellerReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/"top"); // Note that generateBid() and reportWin() receive slightly different // "browserSignals" fields - only reportWin() gets "interestGroupOwner", so // need different sets of checks for them. await joinCrossOriginInterestGroup( test, uuid, bidder, { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL( { origin: bidder, allowComponentAuction: true, generateBid: `if (browserSignals.seller !== "${componentSeller}") throw "Unexpected seller: " + browserSignals.seller; if (browserSignals.componentSeller !== undefined) throw "Unexpected componentSeller: " + browserSignals.componentSeller; if (browserSignals.topLevelSeller !== "${topLevelSeller}") throw "Unexpected topLevelSeller: " + browserSignals.topLevelSeller; if (browserSignals.interestGroupOwner !== undefined) throw "Unexpected interestGroupOwner: " + browserSignals.interestGroupOwner; if (browserSignals.topWindowHostname !== "${window.location.hostname}") throw "Unexpected topWindowHostname: " + browserSignals.topWindowHostname;`, reportWin: `if (browserSignals.seller !== "${componentSeller}") throw "Unexpected seller: " + browserSignals.seller; if (browserSignals.componentSeller !== undefined) throw "Unexpected componentSeller: " + browserSignals.componentSeller; if (browserSignals.topLevelSeller !== "${topLevelSeller}") throw "Unexpected topLevelSeller: " + browserSignals.topLevelSeller; if (browserSignals.interestGroupOwner !== "${bidder}") throw "Unexpected interestGroupOwner: " + browserSignals.interestGroupOwner; if (browserSignals.topWindowHostname !== "${window.location.hostname}") throw "Unexpected topWindowHostname: " + browserSignals.topWindowHostname; sendReportTo("${bidderReportURL}");`})}); // Checks for scoreAd() and reportResult() for the component seller. let componentSellerChecks = `if (browserSignals.seller !== undefined) throw "Unexpected seller: " + browserSignals.seller; if (browserSignals.componentSeller !== undefined) throw "Unexpected componentSeller: " + browserSignals.componentSeller; if (browserSignals.topLevelSeller !== "${topLevelSeller}") throw "Unexpected topLevelSeller: " + browserSignals.topLevelSeller; if (browserSignals.interestGroupOwner !== "${bidder}") throw "Unexpected interestGroupOwner: " + browserSignals.interestGroupOwner; if (browserSignals.topWindowHostname !== "${window.location.hostname}") throw "Unexpected topWindowHostname: " + browserSignals.topWindowHostname;`; let componentAuctionConfig = { seller: componentSeller, decisionLogicURL: createDecisionScriptURL( uuid, { origin: componentSeller, scoreAd: componentSellerChecks, reportResult: `${componentSellerChecks} sendReportTo("${componentSellerReportURL}");` }), interestGroupBuyers: [bidder] }; // Checks for scoreAd() and reportResult() for the top-level seller. let topLevelSellerChecks = `if (browserSignals.seller !== undefined) throw "Unexpected seller: " + browserSignals.seller; if (browserSignals.componentSeller !== "${componentSeller}") throw "Unexpected componentSeller: " + browserSignals.componentSeller; if (browserSignals.topLevelSeller !== undefined) throw "Unexpected topLevelSeller: " + browserSignals.topLevelSeller; if (browserSignals.interestGroupOwner !== "${bidder}") throw "Unexpected interestGroupOwner: " + browserSignals.interestGroupOwner; if (browserSignals.topWindowHostname !== "${window.location.hostname}") throw "Unexpected topWindowHostname: " + browserSignals.topWindowHostname;`; let auctionConfigOverrides = { seller: topLevelSeller, decisionLogicURL: createDecisionScriptURL( uuid, { origin: topLevelSeller, scoreAd: topLevelSellerChecks, reportResult: `${topLevelSellerChecks} sendReportTo("${topLevelSellerReportURL}");` }), interestGroupBuyers: [], componentAuctions: [componentAuctionConfig] }; await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid, auctionConfigOverrides); await waitForObservedRequests( uuid, [bidderReportURL, componentSellerReportURL, topLevelSellerReportURL]); }, 'Component auction browserSignals origins.'); subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); let bidderReportURL = createBidderReportURL(uuid); let componentSellerReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/"component"); let topLevelSellerReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/"top"); await joinInterestGroup( test, uuid, { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL( { allowComponentAuction: true, bid: 5, reportWin: `if (browserSignals.bid !== 5) throw "Unexpected bid: " + browserSignals.bid; sendReportTo("${bidderReportURL}");`})}); let auctionConfig = createComponentAuctionConfig(uuid); auctionConfig.componentAuctions[0].decisionLogicURL = createDecisionScriptURL( uuid, { scoreAd: `if (bid !== 5) throw "Unexpected component bid: " + bid`, reportResult: `if (browserSignals.bid !== 5) throw "Unexpected component bid: " + browserSignals.bid; if (browserSignals.modifiedBid !== undefined) throw "Unexpected component modifiedBid: " + browserSignals.modifiedBid; sendReportTo("${componentSellerReportURL}");` }); auctionConfig.decisionLogicURL = createDecisionScriptURL( uuid, { scoreAd: `if (bid !== 5) throw "Unexpected top-level bid: " + bid`, reportResult: `if (browserSignals.bid !== 5) throw "Unexpected top-level bid: " + browserSignals.bid; if (browserSignals.modifiedBid !== undefined) throw "Unexpected top-level modifiedBid: " + browserSignals.modifiedBid; sendReportTo("${topLevelSellerReportURL}");` }); await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid, auctionConfig); await waitForObservedRequests( uuid, [bidderReportURL, componentSellerReportURL, topLevelSellerReportURL]); }, 'Component auction unmodified bid.'); subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); let bidderReportURL = createBidderReportURL(uuid); let componentSellerReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/"component"); let topLevelSellerReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/"top"); await joinInterestGroup( test, uuid, { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL( { allowComponentAuction: true, bid: 5, reportWin: `if (browserSignals.bid !== 5) throw "Unexpected bid: " + browserSignals.bid; sendReportTo("${bidderReportURL}");`})}); let auctionConfig = createComponentAuctionConfig(uuid); auctionConfig.componentAuctions[0].decisionLogicURL = createDecisionScriptURL( uuid, { scoreAd: `if (bid !== 5) throw "Unexpected component bid: " + bid return {desirability: 5, allowComponentAuction: true, bid: 4};`, reportResult: `if (browserSignals.bid !== 5) throw "Unexpected component bid: " + browserSignals.bid; if (browserSignals.modifiedBid !== 4) throw "Unexpected component modifiedBid: " + browserSignals.modifiedBid; sendReportTo("${componentSellerReportURL}");` }); auctionConfig.decisionLogicURL = createDecisionScriptURL( uuid, { scoreAd: `if (bid !== 4) throw "Unexpected top-level bid: " + bid`, reportResult: `if (browserSignals.bid !== 4) throw "Unexpected top-level bid: " + browserSignals.bid; if (browserSignals.modifiedBid !== undefined) throw "Unexpected top-level modifiedBid: " + browserSignals.modifiedBid; sendReportTo("${topLevelSellerReportURL}");` }); await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid, auctionConfig); await waitForObservedRequests( uuid, [bidderReportURL, componentSellerReportURL, topLevelSellerReportURL]); }, 'Component auction modified bid.'); subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); let bidderReportURL = createBidderReportURL(uuid); let componentSellerReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/"component"); let topLevelSellerReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/"top"); await joinInterestGroup( test, uuid, { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL( { allowComponentAuction: true, bid: 5, reportWin: `if (browserSignals.bid !== 5) throw "Unexpected bid: " + browserSignals.bid; sendReportTo("${bidderReportURL}");`})}); let auctionConfig = createComponentAuctionConfig(uuid); auctionConfig.componentAuctions[0].decisionLogicURL = createDecisionScriptURL( uuid, { scoreAd: `if (bid !== 5) throw "Unexpected component bid: " + bid return {desirability: 5, allowComponentAuction: true, bid: 5};`, reportResult: `if (browserSignals.bid !== 5) throw "Unexpected component bid: " + browserSignals.bid; if (browserSignals.modifiedBid !== 5) throw "Unexpected component modifiedBid: " + browserSignals.modifiedBid; sendReportTo("${componentSellerReportURL}");` }); auctionConfig.decisionLogicURL = createDecisionScriptURL( uuid, { scoreAd: `if (bid !== 5) throw "Unexpected top-level bid: " + bid`, reportResult: `if (browserSignals.bid !== 5) throw "Unexpected top-level bid: " + browserSignals.bid; if (browserSignals.modifiedBid !== undefined) throw "Unexpected top-level modifiedBid: " + browserSignals.modifiedBid; sendReportTo("${topLevelSellerReportURL}");` }); await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid, auctionConfig); await waitForObservedRequests( uuid, [bidderReportURL, componentSellerReportURL, topLevelSellerReportURL]); }, 'Component auction modified bid to same value.'); subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); let bidderReportURL = createBidderReportURL(uuid); let componentSellerReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/"component"); let topLevelSellerReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/"top"); await joinInterestGroup( test, uuid, { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL( { allowComponentAuction: true, bid: 5, reportWin: `if (browserSignals.bid !== 5) throw "Unexpected bid: " + browserSignals.bid; sendReportTo("${bidderReportURL}");`})}); let auctionConfig = createComponentAuctionConfig(uuid); auctionConfig.componentAuctions[0].decisionLogicURL = createDecisionScriptURL( uuid, { scoreAd: `if (bid !== 5) throw "Unexpected component bid: " + bid`, reportResult: `if (browserSignals.bid !== 5) throw "Unexpected component bid: " + browserSignals.bid; if (browserSignals.modifiedBid !== undefined) throw "Unexpected component modifiedBid: " + browserSignals.modifiedBid; sendReportTo("${componentSellerReportURL}");` }); auctionConfig.decisionLogicURL = createDecisionScriptURL( uuid, { scoreAd: `if (bid !== 5) throw "Unexpected top-level bid: " + bid return {desirability: 5, allowComponentAuction: true, bid: 4};`, reportResult: `if (browserSignals.bid !== 5) throw "Unexpected top-level bid: " + browserSignals.bid; if (browserSignals.modifiedBid !== undefined) throw "Unexpected top-level modifiedBid: " + browserSignals.modifiedBid; sendReportTo("${topLevelSellerReportURL}");` }); await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid, auctionConfig); await waitForObservedRequests( uuid, [bidderReportURL, componentSellerReportURL, topLevelSellerReportURL]); }, 'Top-level auction cannot modify bid.'); subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); let bidderReportURL = createBidderReportURL(uuid); let componentSellerReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/"component"); let topLevelSellerReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/"top"); await joinInterestGroup( test, uuid, { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL( { allowComponentAuction: true, reportWin: `if (browserSignals.desirability !== undefined) throw "Unexpected desirability: " + browserSignals.desirability; sendReportTo("${bidderReportURL}");`})}); let auctionConfig = createComponentAuctionConfig(uuid); auctionConfig.componentAuctions[0].decisionLogicURL = createDecisionScriptURL( uuid, { scoreAd: `return {desirability: 3, allowComponentAuction: true};`, reportResult: `if (browserSignals.desirability !== 3) throw "Unexpected component desirability: " + browserSignals.desirability; sendReportTo("${componentSellerReportURL}");` }); auctionConfig.decisionLogicURL = createDecisionScriptURL( uuid, { scoreAd: `return {desirability: 4, allowComponentAuction: true};`, reportResult: `if (browserSignals.desirability !== 4) throw "Unexpected component desirability: " + browserSignals.desirability; sendReportTo("${topLevelSellerReportURL}");` }); await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid, auctionConfig); await waitForObservedRequests( uuid, [bidderReportURL, componentSellerReportURL, topLevelSellerReportURL]); }, 'Component auction desirability.'); subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); // An auction with two components, each of which has a distinct bidder origin, // so the bidder in the second component is OTHER_ORIGIN1). The bidder in the // first component auction bids more and is given the highest of all // desirability scores in the auction by its component seller, but the // top-level seller prefers bidder 2. let bidder1ReportURL = createBidderReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/1); let bidder2ReportURL = createBidderReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/2); let componentSeller1ReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/"component1"); let componentSeller2ReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/"component2"); let topLevelSellerReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/"top"); await Promise.all([ joinInterestGroup( test, uuid, { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL( { bid: 10, allowComponentAuction: true, reportWin: `sendReportTo("${bidder1ReportURL}");`})}), joinCrossOriginInterestGroup(test, uuid, OTHER_ORIGIN1, { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL( { origin: OTHER_ORIGIN1, bid: 2, allowComponentAuction: true, reportWin: `if (browserSignals.bid !== 2) throw "Unexpected bid: " + browserSignals.bid; sendReportTo("${bidder2ReportURL}");`})}) ]); let auctionConfig = createComponentAuctionConfig(uuid); auctionConfig.componentAuctions[0].decisionLogicURL = createDecisionScriptURL( uuid, { scoreAd: `return {desirability: 10, allowComponentAuction: true};`, reportResult: `sendReportTo("${componentSeller1ReportURL}");` }); auctionConfig.componentAuctions[1] = { ...auctionConfig.componentAuctions[0], interestGroupBuyers: [OTHER_ORIGIN1], decisionLogicURL: createDecisionScriptURL( uuid, { scoreAd: `return {desirability: 1, allowComponentAuction: true};`, reportResult: `if (browserSignals.desirability !== 1) throw "Unexpected component desirability: " + browserSignals.desirability; sendReportTo("${componentSeller2ReportURL}");` }) } auctionConfig.decisionLogicURL = createDecisionScriptURL( uuid, { scoreAd: `return {desirability: 11 - bid, allowComponentAuction: true};`, reportResult: `if (browserSignals.desirability !== 9) throw "Unexpected component desirability: " + browserSignals.desirability; sendReportTo("${topLevelSellerReportURL}");` }); await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid, auctionConfig); await waitForObservedRequests( uuid, [bidder2ReportURL, componentSeller2ReportURL, topLevelSellerReportURL]); }, 'Component auction desirability two sellers, two bidders.'); subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); let renderURL1 = createRenderURL(uuid); let renderURL2 = createRenderURL(uuid, /*script=*/';'); // The same bidder uses different ads, bids, and reporting URLs for different // component sellers. let bidderReportURL1 = createBidderReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/1); let bidderReportURL2 = createBidderReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/2); let componentSeller1ReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/"component1"); let componentSeller2ReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/"component2"); let topLevelSellerReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/"top"); await joinInterestGroup( test, uuid, { ads: [{ renderURL: renderURL1 }, { renderURL: renderURL2 }], biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL( { allowComponentAuction: true, generateBid: // "auctionSignals" contains the bid and the report URL, to // make the same bidder behave differently in the two // auctions. 'return auctionSignals;', reportWin: `if (browserSignals.renderURL !== "${renderURL2}") throw "Wrong winner: " + browserSignals.renderURL; sendReportTo(auctionSignals.reportURL);`})}); let auctionConfig = createComponentAuctionConfig(uuid); auctionConfig.componentAuctions[0].decisionLogicURL = createDecisionScriptURL( uuid, { scoreAd: `return {desirability: 10, allowComponentAuction: true};`, reportResult: `sendReportTo("${componentSeller1ReportURL}");` }); // "auctionSignals" contains the bid and the report URL, to // make the same bidder behave differently in the two // auctions. auctionConfig.componentAuctions[0].auctionSignals = { bid: 10, allowComponentAuction: true, render: renderURL1, reportURL: bidderReportURL1 }; auctionConfig.componentAuctions[1] = { ...auctionConfig.componentAuctions[0], auctionSignals: { bid: 2, allowComponentAuction: true, render: renderURL2, reportURL: bidderReportURL2 }, decisionLogicURL: createDecisionScriptURL( uuid, { scoreAd: `return {desirability: 1, allowComponentAuction: true};`, reportResult: `if (browserSignals.desirability !== 1) throw "Unexpected component desirability: " + browserSignals.desirability; if (browserSignals.renderURL !== "${renderURL2}") throw "Wrong winner: " + browserSignals.renderURL; sendReportTo("${componentSeller2ReportURL}");` }) } auctionConfig.decisionLogicURL = createDecisionScriptURL( uuid, { scoreAd: `return {desirability: 11 - bid, allowComponentAuction: true};`, reportResult: `if (browserSignals.desirability !== 9) throw "Unexpected component desirability: " + browserSignals.desirability; if (browserSignals.renderURL !== "${renderURL2}") throw "Wrong winner: " + browserSignals.renderURL; sendReportTo("${topLevelSellerReportURL}");` }); await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid, auctionConfig); await waitForObservedRequests( uuid, [bidderReportURL2, componentSeller2ReportURL, topLevelSellerReportURL]); }, 'Component auction desirability and renderURL two sellers, one bidder.'); subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); // The renderURLs / report URLs for the first/second iterations of the auction. let renderURL1 = createRenderURL(uuid); let renderURL2 = createRenderURL(uuid, /*script=*/';'); let bidderReportURL1 = createBidderReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/1); let bidderReportURL2 = createBidderReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/2); let seller1ReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/1); let seller2ReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/2); await joinInterestGroup( test, uuid, { ads: [{ renderURL: renderURL1 }, { renderURL: renderURL2 }], biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL( { allowComponentAuction: true, generateBid: `// If this is the first recorded win, use "renderURL1" if (browserSignals.bidCount === 0 && browserSignals.prevWinsMs.length === 0) { return {bid: 2, allowComponentAuction: true, render: "${renderURL1}"}; } // Otherwise, check that a single bid and win were reported, despite the // bidder bidding twice in the first auction, once for each component // auction. if (browserSignals.bidCount === 1 && browserSignals.prevWinsMs.length === 1 && typeof browserSignals.prevWinsMs[0][0] === "number" && browserSignals.prevWinsMs[0][1].renderURL === "${renderURL1}") { return {bid: 1, allowComponentAuction: true, render: "${renderURL2}"}; } throw "Unexpected biddingSignals: " + JSON.stringify(browserSignals);`, reportWin: `if (browserSignals.renderURL === "${renderURL1}") sendReportTo("${bidderReportURL1}"); if (browserSignals.renderURL === "${renderURL2}") sendReportTo("${bidderReportURL2}");`})}); // Auction has two component auctions with different sellers but the same // single bidder. The first component auction only accepts bids with // "renderURL1", the second only accepts bids with "renderURL2". let auctionConfig = createComponentAuctionConfig(uuid); auctionConfig.componentAuctions[0].decisionLogicURL = createDecisionScriptURL( uuid, { scoreAd: `if (browserSignals.renderURL != '${renderURL1}') throw 'Wrong ad';`, reportResult: `sendReportTo('${seller1ReportURL}');`} ); auctionConfig.componentAuctions[1] = { seller: OTHER_ORIGIN1, interestGroupBuyers: [window.location.origin], decisionLogicURL: createDecisionScriptURL( uuid, { origin: OTHER_ORIGIN1, scoreAd: `if (browserSignals.renderURL != '${renderURL2}') throw 'Wrong ad';`, reportResult: `sendReportTo('${seller2ReportURL}');`} ) }; // In the first auction, the bidder should use "renderURL1", which the first // component auction allows. `prevWinsMs` and `numBids` should be updated. await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid, auctionConfig); await waitForObservedRequests( uuid, [bidderReportURL1, seller1ReportURL]); // In the second auction, the bidder should use "renderURL2", which the second // component auction allows. `prevWinsMs` and `numBids` should reflect the updated // value. await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid, auctionConfig); await waitForObservedRequests( uuid, [bidderReportURL1, seller1ReportURL, bidderReportURL2, seller2ReportURL]); }, `Component auction prevWinsMs and numBids updating in one component seller's auction, read in another's.`);