// META: script=/resources/testdriver.js // META: script=/common/utils.js // META: script=/common/subset-tests.js // META: script=resources/fledge-util.sub.js // META: timeout=long // META: variant=?1-4 // META: variant=?5-8 // META: variant=?9-12 // META: variant=?13-last "use strict;" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Join interest group in iframe tests. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); let iframe = await createIframe(test, document.location.origin); // Join a same-origin InterestGroup in a iframe navigated to its origin. await runInFrame(test, iframe, `await joinInterestGroup(test_instance, "${uuid}");`); // Run an auction using window.location.origin as a bidder. The IG should // make a bid and win an auction. await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid); }, 'Join interest group in same-origin iframe, default permissions.'); subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); let iframe = await createIframe(test, OTHER_ORIGIN1); // Join a cross-origin InterestGroup in a iframe navigated to its origin. await runInFrame(test, iframe, `await joinInterestGroup(test_instance, "${uuid}");`); // Run an auction in this frame using the other origin as a bidder. The IG should // make a bid and win an auction. // // TODO: Once the permission defaults to not being able to join InterestGroups in // cross-origin iframes, this auction should have no winner. await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner( test, uuid, { interestGroupBuyers: [OTHER_ORIGIN1], scoreAd: `if (browserSignals.interestGroupOwner !== "${OTHER_ORIGIN1}") throw "Wrong owner: " + browserSignals.interestGroupOwner` }); }, 'Join interest group in cross-origin iframe, default permissions.'); subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); let iframe = await createIframe(test, OTHER_ORIGIN1, 'join-ad-interest-group'); // Join a cross-origin InterestGroup in a iframe navigated to its origin. await runInFrame(test, iframe, `await joinInterestGroup(test_instance, "${uuid}");`); // Run an auction in this frame using the other origin as a bidder. The IG should // make a bid and win an auction. await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner( test, uuid, { interestGroupBuyers: [OTHER_ORIGIN1], scoreAd: `if (browserSignals.interestGroupOwner !== "${OTHER_ORIGIN1}") throw "Wrong owner: " + browserSignals.interestGroupOwner` }); }, 'Join interest group in cross-origin iframe with join-ad-interest-group permission.'); subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); let iframe = await createIframe(test, OTHER_ORIGIN1, "join-ad-interest-group 'none'"); // Try to join an InterestGroup in a cross-origin iframe whose permissions policy // blocks joining interest groups. An exception should be thrown, and the interest // group should not be joined. await runInFrame(test, iframe, `try { await joinInterestGroup(test_instance, "${uuid}"); } catch (e) { assert_true(e instanceof DOMException, "DOMException thrown"); assert_equals(e.name, "NotAllowedError", "NotAllowedError DOMException thrown"); return {result: "success"}; } return "exception unexpectedly not thrown";`); // Run an auction in this frame using the other origin as a bidder. Since the join // should have failed, the auction should have no winner. await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner( test, uuid, { interestGroupBuyers: [OTHER_ORIGIN1] }); }, 'Join interest group in cross-origin iframe with join-ad-interest-group permission denied.'); subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); let iframe = await createIframe(test, OTHER_ORIGIN1, 'join-ad-interest-group'); // Try to join an IG with the parent's origin as an owner in a cross-origin iframe. // This should require a .well-known fetch to the parents origin, which will not // grant permission. The case where permission is granted is not yet testable. let interestGroup = JSON.stringify(createInterestGroupForOrigin(uuid, window.location.origin)); await runInFrame(test, iframe, `try { await joinInterestGroup(test_instance, "${uuid}", ${interestGroup}); } catch (e) { assert_true(e instanceof DOMException, "DOMException thrown"); assert_equals(e.name, "NotAllowedError", "NotAllowedError DOMException thrown"); return {result: "success"}; } return "exception unexpectedly not thrown";`); // Run an auction with this page's origin as a bidder. Since the join // should have failed, the auction should have no winner. await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner(test, uuid); }, "Join interest group owned by parent's origin in cross-origin iframe."); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Run auction in iframe tests. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); await joinInterestGroup(test, uuid); let iframe = await createIframe(test, document.location.origin); // Join a same-origin InterestGroup in a iframe navigated to its origin. await runInFrame(test, iframe, `await joinInterestGroup(test_instance, "${uuid}");`); // Run auction in same-origin iframe. This should succeed, by default. await runInFrame( test, iframe, `await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test_instance, "${uuid}");`); }, 'Run auction in same-origin iframe, default permissions.'); subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); // Join an interest group owned by the the main frame's origin. await joinInterestGroup(test, uuid); let iframe = await createIframe(test, OTHER_ORIGIN1); // Run auction in cross-origin iframe. Currently, this is allowed by default. await runInFrame( test, iframe, `await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner( test_instance, "${uuid}", {interestGroupBuyers: ["${window.location.origin}"]});`); }, 'Run auction in cross-origin iframe, default permissions.'); subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); // Join an interest group owned by the the main frame's origin. await joinInterestGroup(test, uuid); let iframe = await createIframe(test, OTHER_ORIGIN1, "run-ad-auction"); // Run auction in cross-origin iframe that should allow the auction to occur. await runInFrame( test, iframe, `await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner( test_instance, "${uuid}", {interestGroupBuyers: ["${window.location.origin}"]});`); }, 'Run auction in cross-origin iframe with run-ad-auction permission.'); subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); // No need to join any interest groups in this case - running an auction // should only throw an exception based on permissions policy, regardless // of whether there are any interest groups can participate. let iframe = await createIframe(test, OTHER_ORIGIN1, "run-ad-auction 'none'"); // Run auction in cross-origin iframe that should not allow the auction to occur. await runInFrame( test, iframe, `try { await runBasicFledgeAuction(test_instance, "${uuid}"); } catch (e) { assert_true(e instanceof DOMException, "DOMException thrown"); assert_equals(e.name, "NotAllowedError", "NotAllowedError DOMException thrown"); return {result: "success"}; } throw "Attempting to run auction unexpectedly did not throw"`); }, 'Run auction in cross-origin iframe with run-ad-auction permission denied.'); subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); // Join an interest group owned by the the main frame's origin. await joinInterestGroup(test, uuid); let iframe = await createIframe(test, OTHER_ORIGIN1, `run-ad-auction ${OTHER_ORIGIN1}`); await runInFrame( test, iframe, `await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner( test_instance, "${uuid}", { interestGroupBuyers: ["${window.location.origin}"], seller: "${OTHER_ORIGIN2}", decisionLogicURL: createDecisionScriptURL("${uuid}", {origin: "${OTHER_ORIGIN2}"}) });`); }, 'Run auction in cross-origin iframe with run-ad-auction for iframe origin, which is different from seller origin.'); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Navigate fenced frame iframe tests. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); // Join an interest group and run an auction with a winner. await joinInterestGroup(test, uuid); let config = await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid); // Try to navigate a fenced frame to the winning ad in a cross-origin iframe // with no fledge-related permissions. let iframe = await createIframe( test, OTHER_ORIGIN1, "join-ad-interest-group 'none'; run-ad-auction 'none'"); await runInFrame( test, iframe, `await createAndNavigateFencedFrame(test_instance, param);`, /*param=*/config); await waitForObservedRequests( uuid, [createBidderReportURL(uuid), createSellerReportURL(uuid)]); }, 'Run auction main frame, open winning ad in cross-origin iframe.'); subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); let iframe = await createIframe( test, OTHER_ORIGIN1, "join-ad-interest-group; run-ad-auction"); await runInFrame( test, iframe, `await joinInterestGroup(test_instance, "${uuid}"); await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test_instance, "${uuid}"); await waitForObservedRequests( "${uuid}", [createBidderReportURL("${uuid}"), createSellerReportURL("${uuid}")])`); }, 'Run auction in cross-origin iframe and open winning ad in nested fenced frame.'); subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); // Run an auction in an cross-origin iframe, and get the resulting FencedFrameConfig. let iframe = await createIframe( test, OTHER_ORIGIN1, "join-ad-interest-group; run-ad-auction"); let config = await runInFrame( test, iframe, `await joinInterestGroup(test_instance, "${uuid}"); let config = await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test_instance, "${uuid}"); return {result: "success", returnValue: config};`); assert_true(config != null, "Value not returned from auction in iframe"); assert_true(config instanceof FencedFrameConfig, `Wrong value type returned from auction: ${config.constructor.type}`); // Loading the winning ad in a fenced frame that's a child of the main frame should // succeed. await createAndNavigateFencedFrame(test, config); await waitForObservedRequests( uuid, [ createBidderReportURL(uuid, '1', OTHER_ORIGIN1), createSellerReportURL(uuid, '1', OTHER_ORIGIN1)]); }, 'Run auction in cross-origin iframe and open winning ad in a fenced frame child of the main frame.'); subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); // Run an auction in an cross-origin iframe, and get the resulting FencedFrameConfig. let iframe = await createIframe( test, OTHER_ORIGIN1, "join-ad-interest-group; run-ad-auction"); let config = await runInFrame( test, iframe, `await joinInterestGroup(test_instance, "${uuid}"); let config = await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test_instance, "${uuid}"); return {result: "success", returnValue: config};`); assert_true(config != null, "Value not returned from auction in iframe"); assert_true(config instanceof FencedFrameConfig, `Wrong value type returned from auction: ${config.constructor.type}`); // Try to navigate a fenced frame to the winning ad in a cross-origin iframe // with no fledge-related permissions. The iframe is a different origin from the // first cross-origin iframe. let iframe2 = await createIframe( test, OTHER_ORIGIN2, "join-ad-interest-group 'none'; run-ad-auction 'none'"); await runInFrame( test, iframe2, `await createAndNavigateFencedFrame(test_instance, param);`, /*param=*/config); await waitForObservedRequests( uuid, [ createBidderReportURL(uuid, '1', OTHER_ORIGIN1), createSellerReportURL(uuid, '1', OTHER_ORIGIN1)]); }, 'Run auction in cross-origin iframe and open winning ad in a fenced frame child of another cross-origin iframe.'); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Other tests. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); let iframe = await createIframe(test, OTHER_ORIGIN1, "run-ad-auction"); // Do everything in a cross-origin iframe, and make sure correct top-frame origin is used. await runInFrame( test, iframe, `const uuid = "${uuid}"; const renderURL = createRenderURL(uuid, /*script=*/null, /*signalsParam=*/'hostname'); await joinInterestGroup( test_instance, uuid, { trustedBiddingSignalsKeys: ['hostname'], trustedBiddingSignalsURL: TRUSTED_BIDDING_SIGNALS_URL, ads: [{ renderURL: renderURL }], biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL({ generateBid: \`if (browserSignals.topWindowHostname !== "${document.location.hostname}") throw "Wrong topWindowHostname: " + browserSignals.topWindowHostname; if (trustedBiddingSignals.hostname !== '${window.location.hostname}') throw 'Wrong hostname: ' + trustedBiddingSignals.hostname;\`})}); await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner( test_instance, uuid, { trustedScoringSignalsURL: TRUSTED_SCORING_SIGNALS_URL, decisionLogicURL: createDecisionScriptURL( uuid, { scoreAd: \`if (browserSignals.topWindowHostname !== "${document.location.hostname}") throw "Wrong topWindowHostname: " + browserSignals.topWindowHostname; if (trustedScoringSignals.renderURL["\${renderURL}"] !== '${window.location.hostname}') throw 'Wrong hostname: ' + trustedScoringSignals.renderURL["\${renderURL}"];\` })});`); }, 'Different top-frame origin.'); subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); let bidderOrigin = OTHER_ORIGIN1; let sellerOrigin = OTHER_ORIGIN2; let bidderSendReportToURL = createBidderReportURL(uuid, '1', OTHER_ORIGIN3); let sellerSendReportToURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, '2', OTHER_ORIGIN4); let bidderBeaconURL = createBidderBeaconURL(uuid, '3', OTHER_ORIGIN5); let sellerBeaconURL = createSellerBeaconURL(uuid, '4', OTHER_ORIGIN6); let renderURL = createRenderURL( uuid, `window.fence.reportEvent({ eventType: "beacon", eventData: window.location.href, destination: ["buyer", "seller"] })`, /*signalsParams=*/null, OTHER_ORIGIN7); let iframe = await createIframe(test, bidderOrigin, "join-ad-interest-group"); let interestGroup = createInterestGroupForOrigin( uuid, bidderOrigin, {biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL( { origin: bidderOrigin, generateBid: `if (browserSignals.topWindowHostname !== "${document.location.hostname}") throw "Wrong topWindowHostname: " + browserSignals.topWindowHostname; if (interestGroup.owner !== "${bidderOrigin}") throw "Wrong origin: " + interestGroup.owner; if (!interestGroup.biddingLogicURL.startsWith("${bidderOrigin}")) throw "Wrong origin: " + interestGroup.biddingLogicURL; if (interestGroup.ads[0].renderURL !== "${renderURL}") throw "Wrong renderURL: " + interestGroup.ads[0].renderURL; if (browserSignals.seller !== "${sellerOrigin}") throw "Wrong origin: " + browserSignals.seller;`, reportWin: `if (browserSignals.topWindowHostname !== "${document.location.hostname}") throw "Wrong topWindowHostname: " + browserSignals.topWindowHostname; if (browserSignals.seller !== "${sellerOrigin}") throw "Wrong seller: " + browserSignals.seller; if (browserSignals.interestGroupOwner !== "${bidderOrigin}") throw "Wrong interestGroupOwner: " + browserSignals.interestGroupOwner; if (browserSignals.renderURL !== "${renderURL}") throw "Wrong renderURL: " + browserSignals.renderURL; if (browserSignals.seller !== "${sellerOrigin}") throw "Wrong seller: " + browserSignals.seller; sendReportTo("${bidderSendReportToURL}"); registerAdBeacon({beacon: "${bidderBeaconURL}"});` }), ads: [{ renderURL: renderURL }]}); await runInFrame( test, iframe, `await joinInterestGroup(test_instance, "${uuid}", ${JSON.stringify(interestGroup)});`); await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid, { seller: sellerOrigin, interestGroupBuyers: [bidderOrigin], decisionLogicURL: createDecisionScriptURL( uuid, { origin: sellerOrigin, scoreAd: `if (browserSignals.topWindowHostname !== "${document.location.hostname}") throw "Wrong topWindowHostname: " + browserSignals.topWindowHostname; if (auctionConfig.seller !== "${sellerOrigin}") throw "Wrong seller: " + auctionConfig.seller; if (auctionConfig.interestGroupBuyers[0] !== "${bidderOrigin}") throw "Wrong interestGroupBuyers: " + auctionConfig.interestGroupBuyers; if (browserSignals.interestGroupOwner !== "${bidderOrigin}") throw "Wrong interestGroupOwner: " + browserSignals.interestGroupOwner; if (browserSignals.renderURL !== "${renderURL}") throw "Wrong renderURL: " + browserSignals.renderURL;`, reportResult: `if (browserSignals.topWindowHostname !== "${document.location.hostname}") throw "Wrong topWindowHostname: " + browserSignals.topWindowHostname; if (browserSignals.interestGroupOwner !== "${bidderOrigin}") throw "Wrong interestGroupOwner: " + browserSignals.interestGroupOwner; if (browserSignals.renderURL !== "${renderURL}") throw "Wrong renderURL: " + browserSignals.renderURL; sendReportTo("${sellerSendReportToURL}"); registerAdBeacon({beacon: "${sellerBeaconURL}"});`}) }); await waitForObservedRequests( uuid, [ bidderSendReportToURL, sellerSendReportToURL, `${bidderBeaconURL}, body: ${renderURL}`, `${sellerBeaconURL}, body: ${renderURL}` ]); }, 'Single seller auction with as many distinct origins as possible (except no component ads).'); subsetTest(promise_test, async test => { const uuid = generateUuid(test); // Join an interest group and run an auction with a winner. Use a tracking // URL for the ad, so that if it's incorrectly loaded in this test, the // waitForObservedRequests() at the end of the test will see it, and the // test will fail. await joinInterestGroup( test, uuid, {ads: [{renderURL: createTrackerURL(window.location.origin, uuid, 'track_get', 'renderURL')}]}); let config = await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingWinner(test, uuid); // Try to navigate a fenced frame to the winning ad in a new same-origin // window. This should fail. Unfortunately, there's no assertion that // can be checked for, and can't communicate with the contents of the // fenced frame to make sure the load fails. // // So instead, join an interest group with a different sendReportTo-url, // overwriting the previously joined one, and run another auction, loading // the winner in another fenced frame. // // Then wait to see that only the reporting URLs from that second auction // are requested. They should almost always be requested after the URLs // from the first auction. let child_window = await createFrame(test, document.location.origin, /*is_iframe=*/false); await runInFrame( test, child_window, `await createAndNavigateFencedFrame(test_instance, param); await joinInterestGroup( test_instance, "${uuid}", {biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL( {reportWin: "sendReportTo('${createBidderReportURL(uuid, "2")}');" })}); await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test_instance, "${uuid}");`, /*param=*/config); await waitForObservedRequests( uuid, [createBidderReportURL(uuid, "2"), createSellerReportURL(uuid)]); }, 'Run auction in main frame, try to open winning ad in different same-origin main frame.');