from pathlib import Path from fledge.tentative.resources import fledge_http_server_util # General bidding logic script. Depending on query parameters, it can # simulate a variety of network errors, and its generateBid(), reportWin(), # and reportAdditionalBidWin() functions can have arbitrary Javascript code # injected in them. generateBid() will by default return a bid of 9 for the # first ad. def main(request, response): if fledge_http_server_util.handle_cors_headers_and_preflight(request, response): return error = request.GET.first(b"error", None) if error == b"close-connection": # Close connection without writing anything, to simulate a network # error. The write call is needed to avoid writing the default headers. response.writer.write("") response.close_connection = True return if error == b"http-error": response.status = (404, b"OK") else: response.status = (200, b"OK") if error == b"wrong-content-type": response.headers.set(b"Content-Type", b"application/json") elif error != b"no-content-type": response.headers.set(b"Content-Type", b"application/javascript") if error == b"bad-allow-fledge": response.headers.set(b"Ad-Auction-Allowed", b"sometimes") elif error == b"fledge-not-allowed": response.headers.set(b"Ad-Auction-Allowed", b"false") elif error != b"no-allow-fledge": response.headers.set(b"Ad-Auction-Allowed", b"true") if error == b"no-body": return b'' body = (Path(__file__).parent.resolve() / 'worklet-helpers.js').read_text().encode("ASCII") if error != b"no-generateBid": # Use bid query param if present. Otherwise, use a bid of 9. bid = (request.GET.first(b"bid", None) or b"9").decode("ASCII") bidCurrency = "" bidCurrencyParam = request.GET.first(b"bidCurrency", None) if bidCurrencyParam != None: bidCurrency = "bidCurrency: '" + bidCurrencyParam.decode("ASCII") + "'," allowComponentAuction = "" allowComponentAuctionParam = request.GET.first(b"allowComponentAuction", None) if allowComponentAuctionParam != None: allowComponentAuction = f"allowComponentAuction: {allowComponentAuctionParam.decode('ASCII')}," body += f""" function generateBid(interestGroup, auctionSignals, perBuyerSignals, trustedBiddingSignals, browserSignals, directFromSellerSignals) {{ {{{{GET[generateBid]}}}}; return {{ bid: {bid}, {bidCurrency} {allowComponentAuction} render:[0].renderURL }}; }}""".encode() if error != b"no-reportWin": body += b""" function reportWin(auctionSignals, perBuyerSignals, sellerSignals, browserSignals, directFromSellerSignals) { {{GET[reportWin]}}; }""" if error != b"no-reportAdditionalBidWin": body += b""" function reportAdditionalBidWin(auctionSignals, perBuyerSignals, sellerSignals, browserSignals, directFromSellerSignals) { {{GET[reportAdditionalBidWin]}}; }""" return body