function send_message_to_iframe(iframe, message) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { window.addEventListener('message', (e) => { // The usage of test_driver.set_test_context() in // iframe_sensor_handler.html causes unrelated messages to be sent as // well. We just need to ignore them here. if (! { return; } if ( !== message.command) { reject(`Expected reply with command '${message.command}', got '${}' instead`); return; } if ( { reject(; return; } resolve(; }); iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(message, '*'); }); } function run_generic_sensor_iframe_tests(sensorData, readingData) { validate_sensor_data(sensorData); validate_reading_data(readingData); const {sensorName, permissionName, testDriverName} = sensorData; const sensorType = self[sensorName]; const featurePolicies = get_feature_policies_for_sensor(sensorName); // When comparing timestamps in the tests below, we need to account for small // deviations coming from the way time is coarsened according to the High // Resolution Time specification, even more so when we need to translate // timestamps from different documents with different time origins. // 0.5 is 500 microseconds, which is acceptable enough given that even a high // sensor frequency beyond what is usually allowed like 100Hz has a period // much larger than 0.5ms. const ALLOWED_JITTER_IN_MS = 0.5; function sensor_test(func, name, properties) { promise_test(async t => { assert_implements(sensorName in self, `${sensorName} is not supported.`); const readings = new RingBuffer(readingData.readings); return func(t, readings); }, name, properties); } sensor_test(async (t, readings) => { // This is a specialized EventWatcher that works with a sensor inside a // cross-origin iframe. We cannot manipulate the sensor object there // directly from this frame, so we need the iframe to send us a message // when the "reading" event is fired, and we decide whether we were // expecting for it or not. This should be instantiated early in the test // to catch as many unexpected events as possible. class IframeSensorReadingEventWatcher { constructor(test_obj) { this.resolve_ = null; window.onmessage = test_obj.step_func((ev) => { // Unrelated message, ignore. if (! { return; } assert_equals(, 'reading', 'Expecting a "reading" event'); assert_true( !!this.resolve_, 'Received "reading" event from iframe but was not expecting one'); const resolveFunc = this.resolve_; this.resolve_ = null; resolveFunc(; }); } wait_for_reading() { return new Promise(resolve => { this.resolve_ = resolve; }); } }; // Create main frame sensor. await test_driver.set_permission({name: permissionName}, 'granted'); await test_driver.create_virtual_sensor(testDriverName); const sensor = new sensorType(); t.add_cleanup(async () => { sensor.stop(); await test_driver.remove_virtual_sensor(testDriverName); }); const sensorWatcher = new EventWatcher(t, sensor, ['activate', 'reading', 'error']); // Create cross-origin iframe and a sensor inside it. const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.allow = featurePolicies.join(';') + ';'; iframe.src = 'https://{{domains[www1]}}:{{ports[https][0]}}/generic-sensor/resources/iframe_sensor_handler.html'; const iframeLoadWatcher = new EventWatcher(t, iframe, 'load'); document.body.appendChild(iframe); t.add_cleanup(async () => { await send_message_to_iframe(iframe, {command: 'stop_sensor'}); iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe); }); await iframeLoadWatcher.wait_for('load'); const iframeSensorWatcher = new IframeSensorReadingEventWatcher(t); await send_message_to_iframe( iframe, {command: 'create_sensor', sensorData}); // Start the test by focusing the main frame. It is already focused by // default, but this makes the test easier to follow. // When the main frame is focused, it sensor is expected to fire "reading" // events and provide access to new reading values while the sensor in the // cross-origin iframe is not. window.focus(); // Start both sensors. They should both have the same state: active, but no // readings have been provided to them yet. await send_message_to_iframe(iframe, {command: 'start_sensor'}); sensor.start(); await sensorWatcher.wait_for('activate'); assert_false( await send_message_to_iframe(iframe, {command: 'has_reading'})); assert_false(sensor.hasReading); // We store `reading` here because we want to make sure the very same // value is accepted later. const reading =; await Promise.all([ sensorWatcher.wait_for('reading'), test_driver.update_virtual_sensor(testDriverName, reading), // Since we do not wait for the iframe sensor's "reading" event, it could // arguably be delivered later. There are enough async calls happening // that IframeSensorReadingEventWatcher would end up catching it and // throwing an error. ]); assert_true(sensor.hasReading); assert_false( await send_message_to_iframe(iframe, {command: 'has_reading'})); // Save sensor data for later before the sensor is stopped. const savedMainFrameSensorReadings = serialize_sensor_data(sensor); sensor.stop(); await send_message_to_iframe(iframe, {command: 'stop_sensor'}); // The sensors are stopped; queue the same reading. The virtual sensor // would send it anyway, but this update changes its timestamp. await test_driver.update_virtual_sensor(testDriverName, reading); // Now focus the cross-origin iframe. The situation should be the opposite: // the sensor in the main frame should not fire any "reading" events or // provide access to updated readings, but the sensor in the iframe should. iframe.contentWindow.focus(); // Start both sensors. Only the iframe sensor should receive a reading // event and contain readings. sensor.start(); await sensorWatcher.wait_for('activate'); await send_message_to_iframe(iframe, {command: 'start_sensor'}); const serializedIframeSensor = await iframeSensorWatcher.wait_for_reading(); assert_true(await send_message_to_iframe(iframe, {command: 'has_reading'})); assert_false(sensor.hasReading); assert_sensor_reading_is_null(sensor); assert_sensor_reading_equals( savedMainFrameSensorReadings, serializedIframeSensor, {ignoreTimestamps: true}); // We could check that serializedIframeSensor.timestamp (adjusted to this // frame by adding the iframe's timeOrigin and substracting // performance.timeOrigin) is greater than // savedMainFrameSensorReadings.timestamp (or other timestamps prior to the // last test_driver.update_virtual_sensor() call), but this is surprisingly // tricky and flaky due to the fact that we are using timestamps from // cross-origin frames. // // On Chrome on Windows (M120 at the time of writing), for example, the // difference between timeOrigin values is sometimes off by more than 10ms // from the real difference, and allowing for this much jitter makes the // test not test something meaningful. }, `${sensorName}: unfocused sensors in cross-origin frames are not updated`); sensor_test(async (t, readings) => { // Create main frame sensor. await test_driver.set_permission({name: permissionName}, 'granted'); await test_driver.create_virtual_sensor(testDriverName); const sensor = new sensorType(); t.add_cleanup(async () => { sensor.stop(); await test_driver.remove_virtual_sensor(testDriverName); }); const sensorWatcher = new EventWatcher(t, sensor, ['activate', 'reading', 'error']); // Create same-origin iframe and a sensor inside it. const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.allow = featurePolicies.join(';') + ';'; iframe.src = 'https://{{host}}:{{ports[https][0]}}/resources/blank.html'; // Create sensor inside same-origin nested browsing context. const iframeLoadWatcher = new EventWatcher(t, iframe, 'load'); document.body.appendChild(iframe); t.add_cleanup(() => { if (iframeSensor) { iframeSensor.stop(); } iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe); }); await iframeLoadWatcher.wait_for('load'); // We deliberately create the sensor here instead of using // send_messge_to_iframe() because this is a same-origin iframe, and we can // therefore use EventWatcher() to wait for "reading" events a lot more // easily. const iframeSensor = new iframe.contentWindow[sensorName](); const iframeSensorWatcher = new EventWatcher(t, iframeSensor, ['activate', 'error', 'reading']); // Focus a different same-origin window each time and check that everything // works the same. for (const windowObject of [window, iframe.contentWindow]) { await test_driver.update_virtual_sensor( testDriverName,; windowObject.focus(); iframeSensor.start(); sensor.start(); await Promise.all([ iframeSensorWatcher.wait_for(['activate', 'reading']), sensorWatcher.wait_for(['activate', 'reading']) ]); assert_greater_than( iframe.contentWindow.performance.timeOrigin, performance.timeOrigin, 'iframe\'s time origin must be higher than the main window\'s'); // Check that the timestamps are similar enough to indicate that this is // the same reading that was delivered to both sensors. // The values are not identical due to how high resolution time is // coarsened. const translatedIframeSensorTimestamp = iframeSensor.timestamp + iframe.contentWindow.performance.timeOrigin - performance.timeOrigin; assert_approx_equals( translatedIframeSensorTimestamp, sensor.timestamp, ALLOWED_JITTER_IN_MS); // Do not compare timestamps here because of the reasons above. assert_sensor_reading_equals( sensor, iframeSensor, {ignoreTimestamps: true}); // Stop all sensors so we can use the same value in `reading` on every // loop iteration. iframeSensor.stop(); sensor.stop(); } }, `${sensorName}: sensors in same-origin frames are updated if one of the frames is focused`); promise_test(async t => { assert_implements(sensorName in self, `${sensorName} is not supported.`); const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.allow = featurePolicies.join(';') + ';'; iframe.src = 'https://{{host}}:{{ports[https][0]}}/generic-sensor/resources/iframe_sensor_handler.html'; const iframeLoadWatcher = new EventWatcher(t, iframe, 'load'); document.body.appendChild(iframe); await iframeLoadWatcher.wait_for('load'); // Create sensor in the iframe. await test_driver.set_permission({name: permissionName}, 'granted'); await test_driver.create_virtual_sensor(testDriverName); iframe.contentWindow.focus(); const iframeSensor = new iframe.contentWindow[sensorName](); t.add_cleanup(async () => { iframeSensor.stop(); await test_driver.remove_virtual_sensor(testDriverName); }); const sensorWatcher = new EventWatcher(t, iframeSensor, ['activate']); iframeSensor.start(); await sensorWatcher.wait_for('activate'); // Remove iframe from main document and change focus. When focus changes, // we need to determine whether a sensor must have its execution suspended // or resumed (section 4.2.3, "Focused Area" of the Generic Sensor API // spec). In Blink, this involves querying a frame, which might no longer // exist at the time of the check. iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe); window.focus(); }, `${sensorName}: losing a document's frame with an active sensor does not crash`); promise_test(async t => { assert_implements(sensorName in self, `${sensorName} is not supported.`); const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.allow = featurePolicies.join(';') + ';'; iframe.src = 'https://{{host}}:{{ports[https][0]}}/generic-sensor/resources/iframe_sensor_handler.html'; const iframeLoadWatcher = new EventWatcher(t, iframe, 'load'); document.body.appendChild(iframe); await iframeLoadWatcher.wait_for('load'); // Create sensor in the iframe. await test_driver.set_permission({name: permissionName}, 'granted'); await test_driver.create_virtual_sensor(testDriverName); const iframeSensor = new iframe.contentWindow[sensorName](); t.add_cleanup(async () => { iframeSensor.stop(); await test_driver.remove_virtual_sensor(testDriverName); }); assert_not_equals(iframeSensor, null); // Remove iframe from main document. |iframeSensor| no longer has a // non-null browsing context. Calling start() should probably throw an // error when called from a non-fully active document, but that depends on // iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe); iframeSensor.start(); }, `${sensorName}: calling start() in a non-fully active document does not crash`); }