test(function() { assert_true((self.performance !== undefined), "self.performance exists"); assert_equals(typeof self.performance, "object", "self.performance is an object"); assert_equals((typeof self.performance.now), "function", "self.performance.now() is a function"); assert_equals(typeof self.performance.now(), "number", "self.performance.now() returns a number"); }, "self.performance.now() is a function that returns a number"); test(function() { assert_true(self.performance.now() > 0); }, "self.performance.now() returns a positive number"); test(function() { var now1 = self.performance.now(); var now2 = self.performance.now(); assert_true((now2-now1) >= 0); }, "self.performance.now() difference is not negative"); async_test(function() { // Check whether the performance.now() method is close to Date() within 30ms (due to inaccuracies) var initial_hrt = self.performance.now(); var initial_date = Date.now(); this.step_timeout(function() { var final_hrt = self.performance.now(); var final_date = Date.now(); assert_approx_equals(final_hrt - initial_hrt, final_date - initial_date, 30, 'High resolution time value increased by approximately the same amount as time from date object'); this.done(); }, 2000); }, 'High resolution time has approximately the right relative magnitude'); test(function() { var didHandle = false; self.performance.addEventListener("testEvent", function() { didHandle = true; }, { once: true} ); self.performance.dispatchEvent(new Event("testEvent")); assert_true(didHandle, "Performance extends EventTarget, so event dispatching should work."); }, "Performance interface extends EventTarget.");