// DO NOT EDIT! This test has been generated by /html/canvas/tools/gentest.py. // OffscreenCanvas test in a worker:2d.layer.malformed-operations-with-promises.createImageBitmap // Description:Check that exceptions are thrown for operations that are malformed while layers are open. // Note: importScripts("/resources/testharness.js"); importScripts("/html/canvas/resources/canvas-tests.js"); promise_test(async t => { var canvas = new OffscreenCanvas(200, 200); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); // Shouldn't throw on its own. await createImageBitmap(canvas); // Make sure the exception isn't caused by calling the function twice. await createImageBitmap(canvas); // Calling again inside a layer should throw. ctx.beginLayer(); await promise_rejects_dom(t, 'InvalidStateError', createImageBitmap(canvas)); }, "Check that exceptions are thrown for operations that are malformed while layers are open."); done();