// META: timeout=long // META: script=/common/get-host-info.sub.js // META: script=/common/utils.js // META: script=/common/dispatcher/dispatcher.js // META: script=./resources/common.js const same_origin = get_host_info().HTTPS_ORIGIN; const cross_origin = get_host_info().HTTPS_REMOTE_ORIGIN; const cookie_key = "credentialless_dedicated_worker"; const cookie_same_origin = "same_origin"; const cookie_cross_origin = "cross_origin"; promise_test(async test => { await Promise.all([ setCookie(same_origin, cookie_key, cookie_same_origin + cookie_same_site_none), setCookie(cross_origin, cookie_key, cookie_cross_origin + cookie_same_site_none), ]); // One window with COEP:none. (control) const w_control_token = token(); const w_control_url = same_origin + executor_path + coep_none + `&uuid=${w_control_token}` const w_control = window.open(w_control_url); add_completion_callback(() => w_control.close()); // One window with COEP:credentialless. (experiment) const w_credentialless_token = token(); const w_credentialless_url = same_origin + executor_path + coep_credentialless + `&uuid=${w_credentialless_token}`; const w_credentialless = window.open(w_credentialless_url); add_completion_callback(() => w_credentialless.close()); let GetCookie = (response) => { const headers_credentialless = JSON.parse(response); return parseCookies(headers_credentialless)[cookie_key]; } const dedicatedWorkerTest = function( description, origin, coep_for_worker, expected_cookies_control, expected_cookies_credentialless) { promise_test_parallel(async t => { // Create workers for both window. const worker_token_1 = token(); const worker_token_2 = token(); // Used to check for errors creating the DedicatedWorker. const worker_error_1 = token(); const worker_error_2 = token(); const w_worker_src_1 = same_origin + executor_worker_path + coep_for_worker + `&uuid=${worker_token_1}`; send(w_control_token, ` new Worker("${w_worker_src_1}", {}); worker.onerror = () => { send("${worker_error_1}", "Worker blocked"); } `); const w_worker_src_2 = same_origin + executor_worker_path + coep_for_worker + `&uuid=${worker_token_2}`; send(w_credentialless_token, ` const worker = new Worker("${w_worker_src_2}", {}); worker.onerror = () => { send("${worker_error_2}", "Worker blocked"); } `); // Fetch resources with the workers. const request_token_1 = token(); const request_token_2 = token(); const request_url_1 = showRequestHeaders(origin, request_token_1); const request_url_2 = showRequestHeaders(origin, request_token_2); send(worker_token_1, ` fetch("${request_url_1}", {mode: 'no-cors', credentials: 'include'}) `); send(worker_token_2, ` fetch("${request_url_2}", {mode: 'no-cors', credentials: 'include'}); `); const response_control = await Promise.race([ receive(worker_error_1), receive(request_token_1).then(GetCookie) ]); assert_equals(response_control, expected_cookies_control, "coep:none => "); const response_credentialless = await Promise.race([ receive(worker_error_2), receive(request_token_2).then(GetCookie) ]); assert_equals(response_credentialless, expected_cookies_credentialless, "coep:credentialless => "); }, `fetch ${description}`) }; dedicatedWorkerTest("same-origin + credentialless worker", same_origin, coep_credentialless, cookie_same_origin, cookie_same_origin); dedicatedWorkerTest("same-origin + require_corp worker", same_origin, coep_require_corp, cookie_same_origin, cookie_same_origin); dedicatedWorkerTest("same-origin", same_origin, coep_none, cookie_same_origin, "Worker blocked"); dedicatedWorkerTest("cross-origin", cross_origin, coep_none, cookie_cross_origin, "Worker blocked" // Owner's policy is credentialles, so we can't // create a worker with coep_none. ); dedicatedWorkerTest("cross-origin + credentialless worker", cross_origin, coep_credentialless, undefined, // Worker created successfully with credentialless, and fetch doesn't get credentials undefined // Worker created successfully with credentialless, and fetch doesn't get credentials ); dedicatedWorkerTest("cross-origin + require_corp worker", cross_origin, coep_require_corp, cookie_cross_origin, cookie_cross_origin // The worker's policy is require_corp and doing a // fetch within it has nothing to do with the Owner's policy. ); })