const executor_path = "/common/dispatcher/executor.html?pipe="; const coep_header = '|header(Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy,require-corp)'; // Report endpoint keys must start with a lower case alphabet character. // const reportToken = () => { return token().replace(/./, 'a'); } const isWPTSubEnabled = "{{GET[pipe]}}".includes("sub"); const getReportEndpointURL = (reportID) => `/reporting/resources/${reportID}`; const reportEndpoint = { name: "coop-report-endpoint", reportID: isWPTSubEnabled ? "{{GET[report_id]}}" : token(), reports: [] }; const reportOnlyEndpoint = { name: "coop-report-only-endpoint", reportID: isWPTSubEnabled ? "{{GET[report_only_id]}}" : token(), reports: [] }; const popupReportEndpoint = { name: "coop-popup-report-endpoint", reportID: token(), reports: [] }; const popupReportOnlyEndpoint = { name: "coop-popup-report-only-endpoint", reportID: token(), reports: [] }; const redirectReportEndpoint = { name: "coop-redirect-report-endpoint", reportID: token(), reports: [] }; const redirectReportOnlyEndpoint = { name: "coop-redirect-report-only-endpoint", reportID: token(), reports: [] }; const reportEndpoints = [ reportEndpoint, reportOnlyEndpoint, popupReportEndpoint, popupReportOnlyEndpoint, redirectReportEndpoint, redirectReportOnlyEndpoint ]; // Allows RegExps to be pretty printed when printing unmatched expected reports. Object.defineProperty(RegExp.prototype, "toJSON", { value: RegExp.prototype.toString }); function wait(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => step_timeout(resolve, ms)); } // Check whether a |report| is a "opener breakage" COOP report. function isCoopOpenerBreakageReport(report) { if (report.type != "coop") return false; if (report.body.type != "navigation-from-response" && report.body.type != "navigation-to-response") { return false; } return true; } async function clearReportsOnServer(host) { const res = await fetch( '/reporting/resources/', { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ op: "DELETE", reportIDs: => endpoint.reportID) }) }); assert_equals(res.status, 200, "reports cleared"); } async function pollReports(endpoint) { const res = await fetch(getReportEndpointURL(endpoint.reportID), { cache: 'no-store' }); if (res.status !== 200) { return; } for (const report of await res.json()) { if (isCoopOpenerBreakageReport(report)) endpoint.reports.push(report); } } // Recursively check that all members of expectedReport are present or matched // in report. // Report may have members not explicitly expected by expectedReport. function isObjectAsExpected(report, expectedReport) { if (( report === undefined || report === null || expectedReport === undefined || expectedReport === null ) && report !== expectedReport ) { return false; } if (expectedReport instanceof RegExp && typeof report === "string") { return expectedReport.test(report); } // Perform this check now, as RegExp and strings above have different typeof. if (typeof report !== typeof expectedReport) return false; if (typeof expectedReport === 'object') { return Object.keys(expectedReport).every(key => { return isObjectAsExpected(report[key], expectedReport[key]); }); } return report == expectedReport; } async function checkForExpectedReport(expectedReport) { return new Promise( async (resolve, reject) => { const polls = 20; const waitTime = 200; for (var i=0; i < polls; ++i) { pollReports(expectedReport.endpoint); for (var j=0; j replaceValuesInExpectedReport(report, executorToken) ); await Promise.all(Array.from(expectedReports, checkForExpectedReport)); } function convertToWPTHeaderPipe([name, value]) { return `header(${name}, ${encodeURIComponent(value)})`; } function getReportToHeader(host) { return [ "Report-To", reportEndpoint => { const reportToJSON = { 'group': `${}`, 'max_age': 3600, 'endpoints': [{ 'url': `${host}${getReportEndpointURL(reportEndpoint.reportID)}` }] }; // Escape comma as required by wpt pipes. return JSON.stringify(reportToJSON) .replace(/,/g, '\\,') .replace(/\(/g, '\\\(') .replace(/\)/g, '\\\)='); } ).join("\\, ")]; } function getReportingEndpointsHeader(host) { return [ "Reporting-Endpoints", => { return `${}="${host}${getReportEndpointURL(reportEndpoint.reportID)}"`; }).join("\\, ")]; } // Return Report and Report-Only policy headers. function getPolicyHeaders(coop, coep, coopRo, coepRo) { return [ [`Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy`, coop], [`Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy`, coep], [`Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy-Report-Only`, coopRo], [`Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy-Report-Only`, coepRo]]; } function navigationReportingTest(testName, host, coop, coep, coopRo, coepRo, expectedReports) { const executorToken = token(); const callbackToken = token(); promise_test(async t => { await reportingTest(async resolve => { const openee_headers = [ getReportingEndpointsHeader(host.origin), ...getPolicyHeaders(coop, coep, coopRo, coepRo) ].map(convertToWPTHeaderPipe); const openee_url = host.origin + executor_path + openee_headers.join('|') + `&uuid=${executorToken}`; const openee =; const uuid = token(); t.add_cleanup(() => send(uuid, "window.close()")); // 1. Make sure the new document is loaded. send(executorToken, ` send("${callbackToken}", "Ready"); `); let reply = await receive(callbackToken); assert_equals(reply, "Ready"); resolve(); }, executorToken, expectedReports); }, `coop reporting test ${testName} to ${} with ${coop}, ${coep}, ${coopRo}, ${coepRo}`); } function navigationDocumentReportingTest(testName, host, coop, coep, coopRo, coepRo, expectedReports) { const executorToken = token(); const callbackToken = token(); promise_test(async t => { const openee_headers = [ getReportingEndpointsHeader(host.origin), ...getPolicyHeaders(coop, coep, coopRo, coepRo) ].map(convertToWPTHeaderPipe); const openee_url = host.origin + executor_path + openee_headers.join('|') + `&uuid=${executorToken}`;; t.add_cleanup(() => send(executorToken, "window.close()")); // Have openee window send a message through dispatcher, once we receive // the Ready message from dispatcher it means the openee is fully loaded. send(executorToken, ` send("${callbackToken}", "Ready"); `); let reply = await receive(callbackToken); assert_equals(reply, "Ready"); await wait(1000); expectedReports = (report) => replaceValuesInExpectedReport(report, executorToken)); return Promise.all( async ({ endpoint, report: expectedReport }) => { await pollReports(endpoint); for (let report of endpoint.reports) { assert_true(isObjectAsExpected(report, expectedReport), `report received for endpoint: ${} ${JSON.stringify(report)} should match ${JSON.stringify(expectedReport)}`); } assert_equals(endpoint.reports.length, 1, `has exactly one report for ${}`) })); }, `coop document reporting test ${testName} to ${} with ${coop}, ${coep}, ${coopRo}, ${coepRo}`); } // Run an array of reporting tests then verify there's no reports that were not // expected. // Tests' elements contain: host, coop, coep, coop-report-only, // coep-report-only, expectedReports. // See isObjectAsExpected for explanations regarding the matching behavior. async function runNavigationReportingTests(testName, tests) { await clearReportsOnServer(); tests.forEach(test => { navigationReportingTest(testName, ...test); }); verifyRemainingReports(); } // Run an array of reporting tests using Reporting-Endpoints header then // verify there's no reports that were not expected. // Tests' elements contain: host, coop, coep, coop-report-only, // coep-report-only, expectedReports. // See isObjectAsExpected for explanations regarding the matching behavior. function runNavigationDocumentReportingTests(testName, tests) { clearReportsOnServer(); tests.forEach(test => { navigationDocumentReportingTest(testName, ...test); }); } function verifyRemainingReports() { promise_test(t => { return Promise.all( (endpoint) => { await pollReports(endpoint); assert_equals(endpoint.reports.length, 0, `${} should be empty`); })); }, "verify remaining reports"); } const receiveReport = async function(uuid, type) { while(true) { let reports = await Promise.race([ receive(uuid), new Promise(resolve => { step_timeout(resolve, 1000, "timeout"); }) ]); if (reports == "timeout") return "timeout"; reports = JSON.parse(reports); for(report of reports) { if (report?.body?.type == type) return report; } } } const coopHeaders = function (uuid) { // Use a custom function instead of convertToWPTHeaderPipe(), to avoid // encoding double quotes as %22, which messes with the reporting endpoint // registration. let getHeader = (uuid, coop_value, is_report_only) => { const header_name = is_report_only ? "Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy-Report-Only": "Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy"; return `|header(${header_name},${coop_value}%3Breport-to="${uuid}")`; } return { coopSameOriginHeader: getHeader(uuid, "same-origin", is_report_only = false), coopSameOriginAllowPopupsHeader: getHeader(uuid, "same-origin-allow-popups", is_report_only = false), coopRestrictPropertiesHeader: getHeader(uuid, "restrict-properties", is_report_only = false), coopReportOnlySameOriginHeader: getHeader(uuid, "same-origin", is_report_only = true), coopReportOnlySameOriginAllowPopupsHeader: getHeader(uuid, "same-origin-allow-popups", is_report_only = true), coopReportOnlyRestrictPropertiesHeader: getHeader(uuid, "restrict-properties", is_report_only = true), }; } // Build a set of headers to tests the reporting API. This defines a set of // matching 'Report-To', 'Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy' and // 'Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy-Report-Only' headers. const reportToHeaders = function(uuid) { const report_endpoint_url = dispatcher_path + `?uuid=${uuid}`; let reportToJSON = { 'group': `${uuid}`, 'max_age': 3600, 'endpoints': [ {'url': report_endpoint_url.toString()}, ] }; reportToJSON = JSON.stringify(reportToJSON) .replace(/,/g, '\\,') .replace(/\(/g, '\\\(') .replace(/\)/g, '\\\)='); return { header: `|header(report-to,${reportToJSON})`, ...coopHeaders(uuid) }; }; // Build a set of headers to tests the reporting API. This defines a set of // matching 'Reporting-Endpoints', 'Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy' and // 'Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy-Report-Only' headers. const reportingEndpointsHeaders = function (uuid) { // Report endpoint keys must start with a lower case alphabet: // assert_true(uuid.match(/^[a-z].*/) != null, 'Use reportToken() instead.'); const report_endpoint_url = dispatcher_path + `?uuid=${uuid}`; const reporting_endpoints_header = `${uuid}="${report_endpoint_url}"`; return { header: `|header(Reporting-Endpoints,${reporting_endpoints_header})`, ...coopHeaders(uuid) }; };