WEBVTT Invalid markup. 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:30.500 align:start position:20% This <00:00:05.000>cue <00:00:10.000>is <00:00:12.000>painted <00:00:08.000>on. But since the last two timestamps are out of order, they are ignored. 2 00:00:31.000 --> 00:01:00.500 align:start position:20% I <00:00:20.000>said <00:00:22.000>Bear <00:00:24.000>is <00:00:26.000>coming!!!! All of these timestamps are before the start of the cue, so get ignored. 3 00:01:01.000 --> 00:02:00.500 align:start position:20% I <00:02:05.000>said <00:02:10.000>Bear <00:02:15.000>is <00:02:20.000>coming <00:02:25.000>now!!!! All of these timestamps are after the end of the cue, so get ignored.