test(t => { const frame = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("iframe")); t.add_cleanup(() => frame.remove()); assert_equals(frame.contentDocument.URL, "about:blank"); assert_equals(frame.contentWindow.location.href, "about:blank"); assert_equals(frame.contentDocument.open(), frame.contentDocument); assert_equals(frame.contentDocument.URL, document.URL); assert_equals(frame.contentWindow.location.href, document.URL); }, "document.open() changes document's URL (fully active document)"); async_test(t => { const blankURL = new URL("/common/blank.html", document.URL).href; const frameURL = new URL("resources/page-with-frame.html", document.URL).href; const frame = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("iframe")); t.add_cleanup(() => frame.remove()); frame.onload = t.step_func(() => { assert_equals(frame.contentDocument.URL, frameURL); assert_equals(frame.contentWindow.location.href, frameURL); const childFrame = frame.contentDocument.querySelector("iframe"); const childDoc = childFrame.contentDocument; const childWin = childFrame.contentWindow; assert_equals(childDoc.URL, blankURL); assert_equals(childWin.location.href, blankURL); // Right now childDoc is still fully active. frame.onload = t.step_func_done(() => { // Now childDoc is still active but no longer fully active. assert_equals(childDoc.open(), childDoc); assert_equals(childDoc.URL, blankURL); assert_equals(childWin.location.href, blankURL); }); frame.src = "/common/blank.html"; }); frame.src = frameURL; }, "document.open() does not change document's URL (active but not fully active document)"); test(t => { const frame = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("iframe")); t.add_cleanup(() => frame.remove()); const doc = frame.contentDocument; // We do not test for win.location.href in this test due to // https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/3959. // Right now the frame is connected and it has an active document. assert_equals(doc.URL, "about:blank"); frame.remove(); // Now the frame is no longer connected. Its document is no longer active. assert_equals(doc.URL, "about:blank"); assert_equals(doc.open(), doc); assert_equals(doc.URL, "about:blank"); }, "document.open() does not change document's URL (non-active document with an associated Window object; frame is removed)"); async_test(t => { const frame = document.createElement("iframe"); t.add_cleanup(() => frame.remove()); // We do not test for win.location.href in this test due to // https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/3959. frame.onload = t.step_func(() => { const doc = frame.contentDocument; // Right now the frame is connected and it has an active document. assert_equals(doc.URL, "about:blank"); frame.onload = t.step_func_done(() => { // Now even though the frame is still connected, its document is no // longer active. assert_not_equals(frame.contentDocument, doc); assert_equals(doc.URL, "about:blank"); assert_equals(doc.open(), doc); assert_equals(doc.URL, "about:blank"); }); frame.src = "/common/blank.html"; }); // We need to connect the frame after the load event is set up to mitigate // against https://crbug.com/569511. document.body.appendChild(frame); }, "document.open() does not change document's URL (non-active document with an associated Window object; navigated away)"); test(t => { const frame = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("iframe")); t.add_cleanup(() => frame.remove()); const doc = frame.contentDocument.implementation.createHTMLDocument(); assert_equals(doc.URL, "about:blank"); assert_equals(doc.open(), doc); assert_equals(doc.URL, "about:blank"); }, "document.open() does not change document's URL (non-active document without an associated Window object)");