This directory tests conformance to HTTPS Upgrading feature of Fetch spec. HTTPS Upgrading automatically upgrades main frame HTTP navigations to HTTPS and falls back to the original HTTP URL if the upgraded HTTPS URL isn't available. In practice, HTTPS Upgrading won't work properly with URLs with non-default ports. This is because the upgrade logic can't guess the HTTPS port and has to use the same non-default port number for the upgraded HTTPS URL as the HTTP URL. In other words, upgrading to won't work because the server can't serve both http and https on the same port. The tests in this directory rely on this fact: - If HTTPS Upgrading is enabled, http://{{host}}:{{https-port}} will be upgraded to https://{{host}}:{{https-port}} and load properly. - Otherwise, http://{{host}}:{{https-port}} will remain unchanged and won't load, since the server serves http URLs on {{http-port}} instead. Therefore, the simplest way to run these tests is through []( which serves the files over default ports.