// GENERATED CONTENT - DO NOT EDIT // Content was automatically extracted by Reffy into webref // (https://github.com/w3c/webref) // Source: Fenced Frame (https://wicg.github.io/fenced-frame/) [Exposed=Window] interface HTMLFencedFrameElement : HTMLElement { [HTMLConstructor] constructor(); [CEReactions] attribute FencedFrameConfig? config; [CEReactions] attribute DOMString width; [CEReactions] attribute DOMString height; [CEReactions] attribute DOMString allow; }; enum OpaqueProperty {"opaque"}; typedef (unsigned long or OpaqueProperty) FencedFrameConfigSize; typedef USVString FencedFrameConfigURL; [Exposed=Window, Serializable] interface FencedFrameConfig { readonly attribute FencedFrameConfigSize? containerWidth; readonly attribute FencedFrameConfigSize? containerHeight; readonly attribute FencedFrameConfigSize? contentWidth; readonly attribute FencedFrameConfigSize? contentHeight; undefined setSharedStorageContext(DOMString contextString); }; typedef (USVString or FencedFrameConfig) UrnOrConfig; partial interface Navigator { Promise deprecatedReplaceInURN( UrnOrConfig urnOrConfig, record replacements); }; enum FenceReportingDestination { "buyer", "seller", "component-seller", "direct-seller", "shared-storage-select-url", }; dictionary FenceEvent { // This dictionary has two mutually exclusive modes that aren’t represented as // distinct IDL types due to distinguishability issues: // // When reporting to a preregistered destination (specified by enum), the following // properties are used: DOMString eventType; DOMString eventData; sequence destination; // When setting event data to be used later in an automatic beacon, the // following properties are used: boolean once = false; boolean crossOriginExposed = false; // When reporting to a custom destination URL (with substitution of macros defined by // the Protected Audience buyer), the following property is used: USVString destinationURL; }; typedef (FenceEvent or DOMString) ReportEventType; [Exposed=Window] interface Fence { undefined reportEvent(optional ReportEventType event = {}); undefined setReportEventDataForAutomaticBeacons(optional FenceEvent event = {}); sequence getNestedConfigs(); }; partial interface Window { // Collection of fenced frame APIs readonly attribute Fence? fence; };