async function testInvalidHeader(t, header_value) { const params = new URLSearchParams(); params.set("header-value", header_value); const test_url = "resources/" + params.toString(); const opened_window =, "invalid-header-in-early-hints"); // Use step_timeout() because neither "load" event nor postMessage() would // work. Opening the test page should result in a network protocol error and // accessing the document of the opened window should throw a SecurityError. await new Promise(resolve => t.step_timeout(resolve, 1000)); assert_throws_dom("SecurityError", () => { opened_window.document; }, " should not load the test page successfully."); } promise_test(async (t) => { await testInvalidHeader(t, "foo\r\nbar"); }, "Early Hints contains invalid header: newline byte"); promise_test(async (t) => { await testInvalidHeader(t, "foo\x00bar"); }, "Early Hints contains invalid header: nul byte");