importScripts("/resources/testharness.js"); test(t => { // The Window test html conditionally fetches and runs these tests only if the // implementation does not have a true-valued static // canConstructInDedicatedWorker property on MediaSource in the Window // context. So, the implementation must agree on lack of support here in the // dedicated worker context. // Ensure we're executing in a dedicated worker context. assert_true(self instanceof DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope, "self instanceof DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope"); assert_true(self.MediaSource === undefined, "MediaSource is undefined in DedicatedWorker"); assert_throws_js(ReferenceError, function() { var ms = new MediaSource(); }, "MediaSource construction in DedicatedWorker throws exception"); }, "MediaSource construction in DedicatedWorker context must fail if Window context did not claim MSE supported in DedicatedWorker"); done();