// META: script=/common/utils.js // META: script=./resources/pending_beacon-helper.js 'use strict'; const baseUrl = `${location.protocol}//${location.host}`; parallelPromiseTest(async t => { const uuid = token(); const url = generateSetBeaconURL(uuid); let beacon = new PendingGetBeacon('/'); beacon.setURL(url); assert_equals(beacon.url, url); beacon.sendNow(); await expectBeacon(uuid, {count: 1}); }, 'PendingGetBeacon is sent to the updated URL'); parallelPromiseTest(async t => { const uuid = token(); const url = generateSetBeaconURL(uuid); let beacon = new PendingGetBeacon('/0'); for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { const transientUrl = `/${i}`; beacon.setURL(transientUrl); assert_equals(beacon.url, transientUrl); } beacon.setURL(url); assert_equals(beacon.url, url); beacon.sendNow(); await expectBeacon(uuid, {count: 1}); }, 'PendingGetBeacon is sent to the last updated URL');