<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>Resource Timing - Check that workerStart is TAO protected</title> <link rel="author" title="Google" href="http://www.google.com/" /> <link rel="help" href="https://www.w3.org/TR/resource-timing-2/#sec-performanceresourcetiming"> <script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script> <script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script> <script src="/common/get-host-info.sub.js"></script> <script src="resources/entry-invariants.js"></script> <script src="resources/resource-loaders.js"></script> </head> <body> <script> const {HTTPS_REMOTE_ORIGIN} = get_host_info(); const worker_has_unregistered = new Promise(resolve => { addEventListener("message", e => { if (e.data === "unregistered") { resolve(); } }); }); // Open window to remote origin with a SW install. let openee; const service_worker_has_installed = new Promise(resolve => { addEventListener("message", e => { if (e.data === 'installed') { resolve(); } }); openee = window.open(HTTPS_REMOTE_ORIGIN + "/resource-timing/resources/sw-install.html"); }); const load_after_sw_install = async path => { await service_worker_has_installed; return load.iframe(path); } attribute_test(load_after_sw_install, `${HTTPS_REMOTE_ORIGIN}/resource-timing/resources/green.html`, entry => { assert_equals(entry.workerStart, 0, "workerStart must be zero"); invariants.assert_tao_failure_resource(entry); }, "A resource from a cross-origin service worker must not expose workerStart " + "when there is a TAO failure"); attribute_test(load_after_sw_install, `${HTTPS_REMOTE_ORIGIN}/resource-timing/resources/blank-with-tao.html`, entry => { assert_greater_than(entry.workerStart, 0, "workerStart must be greater than zero"); // TODO(crbug.com/925239): need to add coverage for transferSize, // encoded/decodedBodySize but that's broken right now. // TODO(crbug.com/1171767): need to add coverage for SW-handled resources // that redirect. Should workerStart be non-zero if any piece of the // redirect chain is handled by a SW? }, "A resource from a cross-origin service worker must expose workerStart " + "when there is a TAO match"); promise_test(async () => { openee.postMessage("unregister", "*"); await worker_has_unregistered; openee.close(); }, "Not a test - needed to unregister the SW and close its embedder"); </script> </body> </html>