* Function that sends an accesskey using the proper key combination depending on the browser and OS.
* This needs that the test imports the following scripts:
function pressAccessKey(accessKey){
let controlKey = '\uE009'; // left Control key
let altKey = '\uE00A'; // left Alt key
let optionKey = altKey; // left Option key
let shiftKey = '\uE008'; // left Shift key
// There are differences in using accesskey across browsers and OS's.
// See: // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/accesskey
let isMacOSX = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mac") != -1;
let osAccessKey = isMacOSX ? [controlKey, optionKey] : [shiftKey, altKey];
let actions = new test_driver.Actions();
// Press keys.
for (let key of osAccessKey) {
actions = actions.keyDown(key);
actions = actions
for (let key of osAccessKey) {
actions = actions.keyUp(key);
return actions.send();