import {ReportingMode, Sensor, SensorClientRemote, SensorReceiver, SensorRemote, SensorType} from '/gen/services/device/public/mojom/sensor.mojom.m.js'; import {SensorCreationResult, SensorInitParams_READ_BUFFER_SIZE_FOR_TESTS} from '/gen/services/device/public/mojom/sensor_provider.mojom.m.js'; import {WebSensorProvider, WebSensorProviderReceiver} from '/gen/third_party/blink/public/mojom/sensor/web_sensor_provider.mojom.m.js'; // A "sliding window" that iterates over |data| and returns one item at a // time, advancing and wrapping around as needed. |data| must be an array of // arrays. self.RingBuffer = class { constructor(data) { this.bufferPosition_ = 0; // Validate |data|'s format and deep-copy every element. this.data_ = Array.from(data, element => { if (!Array.isArray(element)) { throw new TypeError('Every |data| element must be an array.'); } return Array.from(element); }) } next() { const value = this.data_[this.bufferPosition_]; this.bufferPosition_ = (this.bufferPosition_ + 1) % this.data_.length; return { done: false, value: value }; } value() { return this.data_[this.bufferPosition_]; } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this; } }; class DefaultSensorTraits { // static isSignificantlyDifferent(reading1, reading2) { return true; } // static roundToMultiple(reading) { return reading; } // static areReadingsEqual(reading1, reading2) { return false; } } class AmbientLightSensorTraits extends DefaultSensorTraits { // static #ROUNDING_MULTIPLE = 50; static #SIGNIFICANCE_THRESHOLD = 25; // static isSignificantlyDifferent([illuminance1], [illuminance2]) { return Math.abs(illuminance1 - illuminance2) >= this.#SIGNIFICANCE_THRESHOLD; } // static roundToMultiple(reading) { const illuminance = reading[0]; const scaledValue = illuminance / AmbientLightSensorTraits.#ROUNDING_MULTIPLE; let roundedReading = reading.splice(); if (illuminance < 0.0) { roundedReading[0] = -AmbientLightSensorTraits.#ROUNDING_MULTIPLE * Math.floor(-scaledValue + 0.5); } else { roundedReading[0] = AmbientLightSensorTraits.#ROUNDING_MULTIPLE * Math.floor(scaledValue + 0.5); } return roundedReading; } // static areReadingsEqual([illuminance1], [illuminance2]) { return illuminance1 === illuminance2; } } self.GenericSensorTest = (() => { // Default sensor frequency in default configurations. const DEFAULT_FREQUENCY = 5; // Class that mocks Sensor interface defined in // class MockSensor { static #BUFFER_OFFSET_TIMESTAMP = 1; static #BUFFER_OFFSET_READINGS = 2; constructor(sensorRequest, buffer, reportingMode, sensorType) { this.client_ = null; this.startShouldFail_ = false; this.notifyOnReadingChange_ = true; this.reportingMode_ = reportingMode; this.sensorType_ = sensorType; this.sensorReadingTimerId_ = null; this.readingData_ = null; this.requestedFrequencies_ = []; // The Blink implementation (third_party/blink/renderer/modules/sensor/ // sets a timestamp by creating a DOMHighResTimeStamp from a given platform timestamp. // In this mock implementation we use a starting value // and an increment step value that resemble a platform timestamp reasonably enough. this.timestamp_ = window.performance.timeOrigin; // |buffer| represents a SensorReadingSharedBuffer on the C++ side in // Chromium. It consists, in this order, of a // SensorReadingField (an 8-byte union that includes // 32-bit integer used by the lock class), and a SensorReading consisting // of an 8-byte timestamp and 4 8-byte reading fields. // // |this.buffer_[0]| is zeroed by default, which allows OneWriterSeqLock // to work with our custom memory buffer that did not actually create a // OneWriterSeqLock instance. It is never changed manually here. // // Use MockSensor.#BUFFER_OFFSET_TIMESTAMP and // MockSensor.#BUFFER_OFFSET_READINGS to access the other positions in // |this.buffer_| without having to hardcode magic numbers in the code. this.buffer_ = buffer; this.buffer_.fill(0); this.receiver_ = new SensorReceiver(this); this.receiver_.$.bindHandle(sensorRequest.handle); this.lastRawReading_ = null; this.lastRoundedReading_ = null; if (sensorType == SensorType.AMBIENT_LIGHT) { this.sensorTraits = AmbientLightSensorTraits; } else { this.sensorTraits = DefaultSensorTraits; } } // Returns default configuration. async getDefaultConfiguration() { return { frequency: DEFAULT_FREQUENCY }; } // Adds configuration for the sensor and starts reporting fake data // through setSensorReading function. async addConfiguration(configuration) { this.requestedFrequencies_.push(configuration.frequency); // Sort using descending order. this.requestedFrequencies_.sort( (first, second) => { return second - first }); if (!this.startShouldFail_ ) this.startReading(); return { success: !this.startShouldFail_ }; } // Removes sensor configuration from the list of active configurations and // stops notification about sensor reading changes if // requestedFrequencies_ is empty. removeConfiguration(configuration) { const index = this.requestedFrequencies_.indexOf(configuration.frequency); if (index == -1) return; this.requestedFrequencies_.splice(index, 1); if (this.requestedFrequencies_.length === 0) this.stopReading(); } // ConfigureReadingChangeNotifications(bool enabled) // Configures whether to report a reading change when in ON_CHANGE // reporting mode. configureReadingChangeNotifications(notifyOnReadingChange) { this.notifyOnReadingChange_ = notifyOnReadingChange; } resume() { this.startReading(); } suspend() { this.stopReading(); } // Mock functions // Resets mock Sensor state. reset() { this.stopReading(); this.startShouldFail_ = false; this.requestedFrequencies_ = []; this.notifyOnReadingChange_ = true; this.readingData_ = null; this.buffer_.fill(0); this.receiver_.$.close(); this.lastRawReading_ = null; this.lastRoundedReading_ = null; } // Sets fake data that is used to deliver sensor reading updates. setSensorReading(readingData) { this.readingData_ = new RingBuffer(readingData); } // This is a workaround to accommodate Blink's Device Orientation // implementation. In general, all tests should use setSensorReading() // instead. setSensorReadingImmediately(readingData) { this.setSensorReading(readingData); const reading = this.readingData_.value(); this.buffer_.set(reading, MockSensor.#BUFFER_OFFSET_READINGS); this.buffer_[MockSensor.#BUFFER_OFFSET_TIMESTAMP] = this.timestamp_++; } // Sets flag that forces sensor to fail when addConfiguration is invoked. setStartShouldFail(shouldFail) { this.startShouldFail_ = shouldFail; } startReading() { if (this.readingData_ != null) { this.stopReading(); } let maxFrequencyUsed = this.requestedFrequencies_[0]; let timeout = (1 / maxFrequencyUsed) * 1000; this.sensorReadingTimerId_ = window.setInterval(() => { if (this.readingData_) { // |buffer_| is a TypedArray, so we need to make sure pass an // array to set(). const reading =; if (!Array.isArray(reading)) { throw new TypeError("startReading(): The readings passed to " + "setSensorReading() must be arrays"); } if (this.reportingMode_ == ReportingMode.ON_CHANGE && this.lastRawReading_ !== null && !this.sensorTraits.isSignificantlyDifferent( this.lastRawReading_, reading)) { // In case new value is not significantly different compared to // old value, new value is not sent. return; } this.lastRawReading_ = reading.slice(); const roundedReading = this.sensorTraits.roundToMultiple(reading); if (this.reportingMode_ == ReportingMode.ON_CHANGE && this.lastRoundedReading_ !== null && this.sensorTraits.areReadingsEqual( roundedReading, this.lastRoundedReading_)) { // In case new rounded value is not different compared to old // value, new value is not sent. return; } this.buffer_.set(roundedReading, MockSensor.#BUFFER_OFFSET_READINGS); this.lastRoundedReading_ = roundedReading; } // For all tests sensor reading should have monotonically // increasing timestamp. this.buffer_[MockSensor.#BUFFER_OFFSET_TIMESTAMP] = this.timestamp_++; if (this.reportingMode_ === ReportingMode.ON_CHANGE && this.notifyOnReadingChange_) { this.client_.sensorReadingChanged(); } }, timeout); } stopReading() { if (this.sensorReadingTimerId_ != null) { window.clearInterval(this.sensorReadingTimerId_); this.sensorReadingTimerId_ = null; } this.buffer_.fill(0); this.lastRawReading_ = null; this.lastRoundedReading_ = null; } getSamplingFrequency() { if (this.requestedFrequencies_.length == 0) { throw new Error("getSamplingFrequency(): No configured frequency"); } return this.requestedFrequencies_[0]; } isReadingData() { return this.sensorReadingTimerId_ != null; } } // Class that mocks the WebSensorProvider interface defined in // class MockSensorProvider { constructor() { this.readingSizeInBytes_ = Number(SensorInitParams_READ_BUFFER_SIZE_FOR_TESTS); this.sharedBufferSizeInBytes_ = this.readingSizeInBytes_ * (SensorType.MAX_VALUE + 1); let rv = Mojo.createSharedBuffer(this.sharedBufferSizeInBytes_); if (rv.result != Mojo.RESULT_OK) { throw new Error('MockSensorProvider: Failed to create shared buffer'); } const handle = rv.handle; rv = handle.mapBuffer(0, this.sharedBufferSizeInBytes_); if (rv.result != Mojo.RESULT_OK) { throw new Error("MockSensorProvider: Failed to map shared buffer"); } this.shmemArrayBuffer_ = rv.buffer; rv = handle.duplicateBufferHandle({readOnly: true}); if (rv.result != Mojo.RESULT_OK) { throw new Error( 'MockSensorProvider: failed to duplicate shared buffer'); } this.readOnlySharedBufferHandle_ = rv.handle; this.activeSensors_ = new Map(); this.resolveFuncs_ = new Map(); this.getSensorShouldFail_ = new Map(); this.permissionsDenied_ = new Map(); this.maxFrequency_ = 60; this.minFrequency_ = 1; this.mojomSensorType_ = new Map([ ['Accelerometer', SensorType.ACCELEROMETER], ['LinearAccelerationSensor', SensorType.LINEAR_ACCELERATION], ['GravitySensor', SensorType.GRAVITY], ['AmbientLightSensor', SensorType.AMBIENT_LIGHT], ['Gyroscope', SensorType.GYROSCOPE], ['Magnetometer', SensorType.MAGNETOMETER], ['AbsoluteOrientationSensor', SensorType.ABSOLUTE_ORIENTATION_QUATERNION], ['AbsoluteOrientationEulerAngles', SensorType.ABSOLUTE_ORIENTATION_EULER_ANGLES], ['RelativeOrientationSensor', SensorType.RELATIVE_ORIENTATION_QUATERNION], ['RelativeOrientationEulerAngles', SensorType.RELATIVE_ORIENTATION_EULER_ANGLES], ['ProximitySensor', SensorType.PROXIMITY] ]); this.receiver_ = new WebSensorProviderReceiver(this); this.interceptor_ = new MojoInterfaceInterceptor(WebSensorProvider.$interfaceName); this.interceptor_.oninterfacerequest = e => { this.bindToPipe(e.handle); }; this.interceptor_.start(); } // Returns initialized Sensor proxy to the client. async getSensor(type) { if (this.getSensorShouldFail_.get(type)) { return {result: SensorCreationResult.ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, initParams: null}; } if (this.permissionsDenied_.get(type)) { return {result: SensorCreationResult.ERROR_NOT_ALLOWED, initParams: null}; } const offset = type * this.readingSizeInBytes_; const reportingMode = ReportingMode.ON_CHANGE; const sensor = new SensorRemote(); if (!this.activeSensors_.has(type)) { const shmemView = new Float64Array( this.shmemArrayBuffer_, offset, this.readingSizeInBytes_ / Float64Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT); const mockSensor = new MockSensor( sensor.$.bindNewPipeAndPassReceiver(), shmemView, reportingMode, type); this.activeSensors_.set(type, mockSensor); this.activeSensors_.get(type).client_ = new SensorClientRemote(); } const rv = this.readOnlySharedBufferHandle_.duplicateBufferHandle( {readOnly: true}); if (rv.result != Mojo.RESULT_OK) { throw new Error('getSensor(): failed to duplicate shared buffer'); } const defaultConfig = { frequency: DEFAULT_FREQUENCY }; // Consider sensor traits to meet assertions in C++ code (see // services/device/public/cpp/generic_sensor/sensor_traits.h) if (type == SensorType.AMBIENT_LIGHT || type == SensorType.MAGNETOMETER) { this.maxFrequency_ = Math.min(10, this.maxFrequency_); } const client = this.activeSensors_.get(type).client_; const initParams = { sensor, clientReceiver: client.$.bindNewPipeAndPassReceiver(), memory: {buffer: rv.handle}, bufferOffset: BigInt(offset), mode: reportingMode, defaultConfiguration: defaultConfig, minimumFrequency: this.minFrequency_, maximumFrequency: this.maxFrequency_ }; if (this.resolveFuncs_.has(type)) { for (let resolveFunc of this.resolveFuncs_.get(type)) { resolveFunc(this.activeSensors_.get(type)); } this.resolveFuncs_.delete(type); } return {result: SensorCreationResult.SUCCESS, initParams}; } // Binds object to mojo message pipe bindToPipe(pipe) { this.receiver_.$.bindHandle(pipe); } // Mock functions // Resets state of mock SensorProvider between test runs. reset() { for (const sensor of this.activeSensors_.values()) { sensor.reset(); } this.activeSensors_.clear(); this.resolveFuncs_.clear(); this.getSensorShouldFail_.clear(); this.permissionsDenied_.clear(); this.maxFrequency_ = 60; this.minFrequency_ = 1; this.receiver_.$.close(); this.interceptor_.stop(); } // Sets flag that forces mock SensorProvider to fail when getSensor() is // invoked. setGetSensorShouldFail(sensorType, shouldFail) { this.getSensorShouldFail_.set(this.mojomSensorType_.get(sensorType), shouldFail); } setPermissionsDenied(sensorType, permissionsDenied) { this.permissionsDenied_.set(this.mojomSensorType_.get(sensorType), permissionsDenied); } // Returns mock sensor that was created in getSensor to the layout test. getCreatedSensor(sensorType) { const type = this.mojomSensorType_.get(sensorType); if (typeof type != "number") { throw new TypeError(`getCreatedSensor(): Invalid sensor type ${sensorType}`); } if (this.activeSensors_.has(type)) { return Promise.resolve(this.activeSensors_.get(type)); } return new Promise(resolve => { if (!this.resolveFuncs_.has(type)) { this.resolveFuncs_.set(type, []); } this.resolveFuncs_.get(type).push(resolve); }); } // Sets the maximum frequency for a concrete sensor. setMaximumSupportedFrequency(frequency) { this.maxFrequency_ = frequency; } // Sets the minimum frequency for a concrete sensor. setMinimumSupportedFrequency(frequency) { this.minFrequency_ = frequency; } } let testInternal = { initialized: false, sensorProvider: null } class GenericSensorTestChromium { constructor() { Object.freeze(this); // Make it immutable. } async initialize() { if (testInternal.initialized) throw new Error('Call reset() before initialize().'); // Grant sensor permissions for Chromium testdriver. // testdriver.js only works in the top-level browsing context, so do // nothing if we're in e.g. an iframe. if (window.parent === window) { for (const entry of ['accelerometer', 'gyroscope', 'magnetometer', 'ambient-light-sensor']) { await test_driver.set_permission({name: entry}, 'granted'); } } testInternal.sensorProvider = new MockSensorProvider; testInternal.initialized = true; } // Resets state of sensor mocks between test runs. async reset() { if (!testInternal.initialized) throw new Error('Call initialize() before reset().'); testInternal.sensorProvider.reset(); testInternal.sensorProvider = null; testInternal.initialized = false; // Wait for an event loop iteration to let any pending mojo commands in // the sensor provider finish. await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 0)); } getSensorProvider() { return testInternal.sensorProvider; } } return GenericSensorTestChromium; })();