'use strict'; // Builds a generic structure that looks like: // //
// 100x100 viewport //
// 500x500 //
// // The |scrollerOverrides| and |contentOverrides| parameters are maps which // are applied to the scroller and contents style after basic setup. // // Appends the outer 'scroller' element to the document body, and returns it. function setupScrollTimelineTest( scrollerOverrides = new Map(), contentOverrides = new Map()) { let scroller = document.createElement('div'); scroller.style.width = '100px'; scroller.style.height = '100px'; // Hide the scrollbars, but maintain the ability to scroll. This setting // ensures that variability in scrollbar sizing does not contribute to test // failures or flakes. scroller.style.overflow = 'hidden'; for (const [key, value] of scrollerOverrides) { scroller.style[key] = value; } let contents = document.createElement('div'); contents.style.width = '500px'; contents.style.height = '500px'; for (const [key, value] of contentOverrides) { contents.style[key] = value; } scroller.appendChild(contents); document.body.appendChild(scroller); return scroller; } // Helper method to calculate the current time, implementing only step 5 of // https://wicg.github.io/scroll-animations/#current-time-algorithm function calculateCurrentTime( currentScrollOffset, startScrollOffset, endScrollOffset) { return ((currentScrollOffset - startScrollOffset) / (endScrollOffset - startScrollOffset)) * 100; } function createScroller(test) { var scroller = createDiv(test); scroller.innerHTML = "
"; scroller.classList.add('scroller'); // Trigger layout run. scroller.scrollTop; return scroller; } function createScrollerWithStartAndEnd(test, orientationClass = 'vertical') { var scroller = createDiv(test); scroller.innerHTML = `
`; scroller.classList.add('scroller'); scroller.classList.add(orientationClass); return scroller; } function createScrollTimeline(test, options) { options = options || { source: createScroller(test) } return new ScrollTimeline(options); } function createScrollLinkedAnimation(test, timeline) { return createScrollLinkedAnimationWithTiming(test, /* duration in ms*/ 1000, timeline); } function createScrollLinkedAnimationWithTiming(test, timing, timeline) { if (timeline === undefined) timeline = createScrollTimeline(test); const KEYFRAMES = { opacity: [0, 1] }; return new Animation( new KeyframeEffect(createDiv(test), KEYFRAMES, timing), timeline); } function assert_approx_equals_or_null(actual, expected, tolerance, name) { if (actual === null || expected === null){ assert_equals(actual, expected, name); } else { assert_approx_equals(actual, expected, tolerance, name); } } function assert_percents_approx_equal(actual, expected, maxScroll, description) { // Base the tolerance on being out by up to half a pixel. const tolerance = 0.5 / maxScroll * 100; assert_equals(actual.unit, "percent", `'actual' unit type must be ` + `'percent' for "${description}"`); assert_true(actual instanceof CSSUnitValue, `'actual' must be of type ` + `CSSNumberish for "${description}"`); if (expected instanceof CSSUnitValue){ // Verify that when the expected in a CSSUnitValue, it is the correct unit // type assert_equals(expected.unit, "percent", `'expected' unit type must be ` + `'percent' for "${description}"`); assert_approx_equals(actual.value, expected.value, tolerance, `values do not match for "${description}"`); } else if (typeof expected, "number"){ assert_approx_equals(actual.value, expected, tolerance, `values do not match for "${description}"`); } } function assert_percents_equal(actual, expected, description) { // Rough estimate of the default size of the scrollable area based on // sizes in setupScrollTimelineTest. const defaultScrollRange = 400; return assert_percents_approx_equal(actual, expected, defaultScrollRange, description); }