2. Assigned to slot5 whose tabindex is 2.
x. The default tabindex for a slot node is set to 0.
5. The parent slot node's tabindex is 0. Second.
4. The parent slot node's tabindex is 0. First.
x. The tabindex is 3. The slot node should be ignored.
3. The parent slot node's tabindex is 3. The slot node's tabindex matters. This element's tabindex comes after.
x. The tabindex is 0. The slot node should be ignored. If there is another slot node in same tabindex, the younger child comes first.
6. The parent slot node's tabindex is 0. First.
7. The parent slot node's tabindex is 0. Second.
x. The tabindex is 1. The slot node should be ignored.
1. The slot node tabindex is 1.
x. The tabindex is 2. The slot node should be ignored. The host child is assigned to this slot node.
-. The host child is assigned to the parent slot node. This text shouldn't apeare.
x. The tabindex is 5. The slot node should be ignored.
x. tabindex is -1. Should be skipped.
x. tabindex is -1. Should be skipped.
x. The parent slot node is skipped.