// META: script=/resources/testdriver.js // META: script=/resources/testdriver-vendor.js 'use strict'; // Here's the set-up for this test: // Step 1 (top-frame) Set up listener for "HasAccess" message. // Step 2 (top-frame) Add data to first-party cache storage. // Step 3 (top-frame) Embed an iframe that's cross-site with top-frame. // Step 4 (sub-frame) Try to use storage access API and estimate first-party data. // Step 5 (sub-frame) Embed an iframe that's same-origin with top-frame. // Step 6 (sub-sub-frame) Try to use storage access API and estimate first-party data. // Step 7 (sub-sub-frame) Send "HasAccess for estimate" message to top-frame. // Step 8 (top-frame) Receive "HasAccess for estimate" message and cleanup. async_test(t => { const id = "test"; // Step 1 window.addEventListener("message", t.step_func(e => { // Step 8 assert_equals(e.data, "HasAccess for estimate", "Storage Access API should be accessible and return first-party data"); caches.delete(id).then(() => { t.done(); }); })); // Step 2 window.caches.open(id).then((cache) => { cache.put('/test.json', new Response('x'.repeat(1024*1024))).then(() => { // Step 3 let iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.src = "https://{{hosts[alt][]}}:{{ports[https][0]}}/storage-access-api/resources/storage-access-beyond-cookies-iframe.sub.html?type=estimate&id="+id; document.body.appendChild(iframe); }); }); }, "Verify StorageAccessAPIBeyondCookies for Quota");