// META: global=window,worker,shadowrealm // META: script=../resources/rs-utils.js // META: script=../resources/test-utils.js 'use strict'; // View buffers are detached after pull() returns, so record the information at the time that pull() was called. function extractViewInfo(view) { return { constructor: view.constructor, bufferByteLength: view.buffer.byteLength, byteOffset: view.byteOffset, byteLength: view.byteLength }; } promise_test(async t => { const rs = new ReadableStream({ type: 'bytes', pull: t.unreached_func('pull() should not be called'), }); const reader = rs.getReader({ mode: 'byob' }); await promise_rejects_js(t, TypeError, reader.read(new Uint8Array(1), { min: 0 })); }, 'ReadableStream with byte source: read({ min }) rejects if min is 0'); promise_test(async t => { const rs = new ReadableStream({ type: 'bytes', pull: t.unreached_func('pull() should not be called'), }); const reader = rs.getReader({ mode: 'byob' }); await promise_rejects_js(t, TypeError, reader.read(new Uint8Array(1), { min: -1 })); }, 'ReadableStream with byte source: read({ min }) rejects if min is negative'); promise_test(async t => { const rs = new ReadableStream({ type: 'bytes', pull: t.unreached_func('pull() should not be called'), }); const reader = rs.getReader({ mode: 'byob' }); await promise_rejects_js(t, RangeError, reader.read(new Uint8Array(1), { min: 2 })); }, 'ReadableStream with byte source: read({ min }) rejects if min is larger than view\'s length (Uint8Array)'); promise_test(async t => { const rs = new ReadableStream({ type: 'bytes', pull: t.unreached_func('pull() should not be called'), }); const reader = rs.getReader({ mode: 'byob' }); await promise_rejects_js(t, RangeError, reader.read(new Uint16Array(1), { min: 2 })); }, 'ReadableStream with byte source: read({ min }) rejects if min is larger than view\'s length (Uint16Array)'); promise_test(async t => { const rs = new ReadableStream({ type: 'bytes', pull: t.unreached_func('pull() should not be called'), }); const reader = rs.getReader({ mode: 'byob' }); await promise_rejects_js(t, RangeError, reader.read(new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(1)), { min: 2 })); }, 'ReadableStream with byte source: read({ min }) rejects if min is larger than view\'s length (DataView)'); promise_test(async t => { let pullCount = 0; const byobRequests = []; const rs = new ReadableStream({ type: 'bytes', pull: t.step_func((c) => { const byobRequest = c.byobRequest; const view = byobRequest.view; byobRequests[pullCount] = { nonNull: byobRequest !== null, viewNonNull: view !== null, viewInfo: extractViewInfo(view) }; if (pullCount === 0) { view[0] = 0x01; view[1] = 0x02; byobRequest.respond(2); } else if (pullCount === 1) { view[0] = 0x03; byobRequest.respond(1); } else if (pullCount === 2) { view[0] = 0x04; byobRequest.respond(1); } ++pullCount; }) }); const reader = rs.getReader({ mode: 'byob' }); const read1 = reader.read(new Uint8Array(3), { min: 3 }); const read2 = reader.read(new Uint8Array(1)); const result1 = await read1; assert_false(result1.done, 'first result should not be done'); assert_typed_array_equals(result1.value, new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x02, 0x03]), 'first result value'); const result2 = await read2; assert_false(result2.done, 'second result should not be done'); assert_typed_array_equals(result2.value, new Uint8Array([0x04]), 'second result value'); assert_equals(pullCount, 3, 'pull() must have been called 3 times'); { const byobRequest = byobRequests[0]; assert_true(byobRequest.nonNull, 'first byobRequest must not be null'); assert_true(byobRequest.viewNonNull, 'first byobRequest.view must not be null'); const viewInfo = byobRequest.viewInfo; assert_equals(viewInfo.constructor, Uint8Array, 'first view.constructor should be Uint8Array'); assert_equals(viewInfo.bufferByteLength, 3, 'first view.buffer.byteLength should be 3'); assert_equals(viewInfo.byteOffset, 0, 'first view.byteOffset should be 0'); assert_equals(viewInfo.byteLength, 3, 'first view.byteLength should be 3'); } { const byobRequest = byobRequests[1]; assert_true(byobRequest.nonNull, 'second byobRequest must not be null'); assert_true(byobRequest.viewNonNull, 'second byobRequest.view must not be null'); const viewInfo = byobRequest.viewInfo; assert_equals(viewInfo.constructor, Uint8Array, 'second view.constructor should be Uint8Array'); assert_equals(viewInfo.bufferByteLength, 3, 'second view.buffer.byteLength should be 3'); assert_equals(viewInfo.byteOffset, 2, 'second view.byteOffset should be 2'); assert_equals(viewInfo.byteLength, 1, 'second view.byteLength should be 1'); } { const byobRequest = byobRequests[2]; assert_true(byobRequest.nonNull, 'third byobRequest must not be null'); assert_true(byobRequest.viewNonNull, 'third byobRequest.view must not be null'); const viewInfo = byobRequest.viewInfo; assert_equals(viewInfo.constructor, Uint8Array, 'third view.constructor should be Uint8Array'); assert_equals(viewInfo.bufferByteLength, 1, 'third view.buffer.byteLength should be 1'); assert_equals(viewInfo.byteOffset, 0, 'third view.byteOffset should be 0'); assert_equals(viewInfo.byteLength, 1, 'third view.byteLength should be 1'); } }, 'ReadableStream with byte source: read({ min }), then read()'); promise_test(async t => { let pullCount = 0; const byobRequests = []; const rs = new ReadableStream({ type: 'bytes', pull: t.step_func((c) => { const byobRequest = c.byobRequest; const view = byobRequest.view; byobRequests[pullCount] = { nonNull: byobRequest !== null, viewNonNull: view !== null, viewInfo: extractViewInfo(view) }; if (pullCount === 0) { view[0] = 0x01; view[1] = 0x02; byobRequest.respond(2); } else if (pullCount === 1) { view[0] = 0x03; byobRequest.respond(1); } ++pullCount; }) }); const reader = rs.getReader({ mode: 'byob' }); const result = await reader.read(new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(3)), { min: 3 }); assert_false(result.done, 'result should not be done'); assert_equals(result.value.constructor, DataView, 'result.value must be a DataView'); assert_equals(result.value.byteOffset, 0, 'result.value.byteOffset'); assert_equals(result.value.byteLength, 3, 'result.value.byteLength'); assert_equals(result.value.buffer.byteLength, 3, 'result.value.buffer.byteLength'); assert_array_equals([...new Uint8Array(result.value.buffer)], [0x01, 0x02, 0x03], `result.value.buffer contents`); assert_equals(pullCount, 2, 'pull() must have been called 2 times'); { const byobRequest = byobRequests[0]; assert_true(byobRequest.nonNull, 'first byobRequest must not be null'); assert_true(byobRequest.viewNonNull, 'first byobRequest.view must not be null'); const viewInfo = byobRequest.viewInfo; assert_equals(viewInfo.constructor, Uint8Array, 'first view.constructor should be Uint8Array'); assert_equals(viewInfo.bufferByteLength, 3, 'first view.buffer.byteLength should be 3'); assert_equals(viewInfo.byteOffset, 0, 'first view.byteOffset should be 0'); assert_equals(viewInfo.byteLength, 3, 'first view.byteLength should be 3'); } { const byobRequest = byobRequests[1]; assert_true(byobRequest.nonNull, 'second byobRequest must not be null'); assert_true(byobRequest.viewNonNull, 'second byobRequest.view must not be null'); const viewInfo = byobRequest.viewInfo; assert_equals(viewInfo.constructor, Uint8Array, 'second view.constructor should be Uint8Array'); assert_equals(viewInfo.bufferByteLength, 3, 'second view.buffer.byteLength should be 3'); assert_equals(viewInfo.byteOffset, 2, 'second view.byteOffset should be 2'); assert_equals(viewInfo.byteLength, 1, 'second view.byteLength should be 1'); } }, 'ReadableStream with byte source: read({ min }) with a DataView'); promise_test(async t => { let pullCount = 0; const byobRequests = []; const rs = new ReadableStream({ type: 'bytes', start: t.step_func((c) => { c.enqueue(new Uint8Array([0x01])); }), pull: t.step_func((c) => { const byobRequest = c.byobRequest; const view = byobRequest.view; byobRequests[pullCount] = { nonNull: byobRequest !== null, viewNonNull: view !== null, viewInfo: extractViewInfo(view) }; if (pullCount === 0) { view[0] = 0x02; view[1] = 0x03; byobRequest.respond(2); } ++pullCount; }) }); const reader = rs.getReader({ mode: 'byob' }); const result = await reader.read(new Uint8Array(3), { min: 3 }); assert_false(result.done, 'first result should not be done'); assert_typed_array_equals(result.value, new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x02, 0x03]), 'first result value'); assert_equals(pullCount, 1, 'pull() must have only been called once'); const byobRequest = byobRequests[0]; assert_true(byobRequest.nonNull, 'first byobRequest must not be null'); assert_true(byobRequest.viewNonNull, 'first byobRequest.view must not be null'); const viewInfo = byobRequest.viewInfo; assert_equals(viewInfo.constructor, Uint8Array, 'first view.constructor should be Uint8Array'); assert_equals(viewInfo.bufferByteLength, 3, 'first view.buffer.byteLength should be 3'); assert_equals(viewInfo.byteOffset, 1, 'first view.byteOffset should be 1'); assert_equals(viewInfo.byteLength, 2, 'first view.byteLength should be 2'); }, 'ReadableStream with byte source: enqueue(), then read({ min })'); promise_test(async t => { let pullCount = 0; const byobRequests = []; const rs = new ReadableStream({ type: 'bytes', pull: t.step_func((c) => { const byobRequest = c.byobRequest; const view = byobRequest.view; byobRequests[pullCount] = { nonNull: byobRequest !== null, viewNonNull: view !== null, viewInfo: extractViewInfo(view) }; if (pullCount === 0) { c.enqueue(new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x02])); } else if (pullCount === 1) { c.enqueue(new Uint8Array([0x03])); } ++pullCount; }) }); const reader = rs.getReader({ mode: 'byob' }); const result = await reader.read(new Uint8Array(3), { min: 3 }); assert_false(result.done, 'first result should not be done'); assert_typed_array_equals(result.value, new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x02, 0x03]), 'first result value'); assert_equals(pullCount, 2, 'pull() must have been called 2 times'); { const byobRequest = byobRequests[0]; assert_true(byobRequest.nonNull, 'first byobRequest must not be null'); assert_true(byobRequest.viewNonNull, 'first byobRequest.view must not be null'); const viewInfo = byobRequest.viewInfo; assert_equals(viewInfo.constructor, Uint8Array, 'first view.constructor should be Uint8Array'); assert_equals(viewInfo.bufferByteLength, 3, 'first view.buffer.byteLength should be 3'); assert_equals(viewInfo.byteOffset, 0, 'first view.byteOffset should be 0'); assert_equals(viewInfo.byteLength, 3, 'first view.byteLength should be 3'); } { const byobRequest = byobRequests[1]; assert_true(byobRequest.nonNull, 'second byobRequest must not be null'); assert_true(byobRequest.viewNonNull, 'second byobRequest.view must not be null'); const viewInfo = byobRequest.viewInfo; assert_equals(viewInfo.constructor, Uint8Array, 'second view.constructor should be Uint8Array'); assert_equals(viewInfo.bufferByteLength, 3, 'second view.buffer.byteLength should be 3'); assert_equals(viewInfo.byteOffset, 2, 'second view.byteOffset should be 2'); assert_equals(viewInfo.byteLength, 1, 'second view.byteLength should be 1'); } }, 'ReadableStream with byte source: read({ min: 3 }) on a 3-byte Uint8Array, then multiple enqueue() up to 3 bytes'); promise_test(async t => { let pullCount = 0; const byobRequests = []; const rs = new ReadableStream({ type: 'bytes', pull: t.step_func((c) => { const byobRequest = c.byobRequest; const view = byobRequest.view; byobRequests[pullCount] = { nonNull: byobRequest !== null, viewNonNull: view !== null, viewInfo: extractViewInfo(view) }; if (pullCount === 0) { c.enqueue(new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x02])); } else if (pullCount === 1) { c.enqueue(new Uint8Array([0x03])); } ++pullCount; }) }); const reader = rs.getReader({ mode: 'byob' }); const result = await reader.read(new Uint8Array(5), { min: 3 }); assert_false(result.done, 'first result should not be done'); assert_typed_array_equals(result.value, new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0, 0]).subarray(0, 3), 'first result value'); assert_equals(pullCount, 2, 'pull() must have been called 2 times'); { const byobRequest = byobRequests[0]; assert_true(byobRequest.nonNull, 'first byobRequest must not be null'); assert_true(byobRequest.viewNonNull, 'first byobRequest.view must not be null'); const viewInfo = byobRequest.viewInfo; assert_equals(viewInfo.constructor, Uint8Array, 'first view.constructor should be Uint8Array'); assert_equals(viewInfo.bufferByteLength, 5, 'first view.buffer.byteLength should be 5'); assert_equals(viewInfo.byteOffset, 0, 'first view.byteOffset should be 0'); assert_equals(viewInfo.byteLength, 5, 'first view.byteLength should be 5'); } { const byobRequest = byobRequests[1]; assert_true(byobRequest.nonNull, 'second byobRequest must not be null'); assert_true(byobRequest.viewNonNull, 'second byobRequest.view must not be null'); const viewInfo = byobRequest.viewInfo; assert_equals(viewInfo.constructor, Uint8Array, 'second view.constructor should be Uint8Array'); assert_equals(viewInfo.bufferByteLength, 5, 'second view.buffer.byteLength should be 5'); assert_equals(viewInfo.byteOffset, 2, 'second view.byteOffset should be 2'); assert_equals(viewInfo.byteLength, 3, 'second view.byteLength should be 3'); } }, 'ReadableStream with byte source: read({ min: 3 }) on a 5-byte Uint8Array, then multiple enqueue() up to 3 bytes'); promise_test(async t => { let pullCount = 0; const byobRequests = []; const rs = new ReadableStream({ type: 'bytes', pull: t.step_func((c) => { const byobRequest = c.byobRequest; const view = byobRequest.view; byobRequests[pullCount] = { nonNull: byobRequest !== null, viewNonNull: view !== null, viewInfo: extractViewInfo(view) }; if (pullCount === 0) { c.enqueue(new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x02])); } else if (pullCount === 1) { c.enqueue(new Uint8Array([0x03, 0x04])); } ++pullCount; }) }); const reader = rs.getReader({ mode: 'byob' }); const result = await reader.read(new Uint8Array(5), { min: 3 }); assert_false(result.done, 'first result should not be done'); assert_typed_array_equals(result.value, new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0]).subarray(0, 4), 'first result value'); assert_equals(pullCount, 2, 'pull() must have been called 2 times'); { const byobRequest = byobRequests[0]; assert_true(byobRequest.nonNull, 'first byobRequest must not be null'); assert_true(byobRequest.viewNonNull, 'first byobRequest.view must not be null'); const viewInfo = byobRequest.viewInfo; assert_equals(viewInfo.constructor, Uint8Array, 'first view.constructor should be Uint8Array'); assert_equals(viewInfo.bufferByteLength, 5, 'first view.buffer.byteLength should be 5'); assert_equals(viewInfo.byteOffset, 0, 'first view.byteOffset should be 0'); assert_equals(viewInfo.byteLength, 5, 'first view.byteLength should be 5'); } { const byobRequest = byobRequests[1]; assert_true(byobRequest.nonNull, 'second byobRequest must not be null'); assert_true(byobRequest.viewNonNull, 'second byobRequest.view must not be null'); const viewInfo = byobRequest.viewInfo; assert_equals(viewInfo.constructor, Uint8Array, 'second view.constructor should be Uint8Array'); assert_equals(viewInfo.bufferByteLength, 5, 'second view.buffer.byteLength should be 5'); assert_equals(viewInfo.byteOffset, 2, 'second view.byteOffset should be 2'); assert_equals(viewInfo.byteLength, 3, 'second view.byteLength should be 3'); } }, 'ReadableStream with byte source: read({ min: 3 }) on a 5-byte Uint8Array, then multiple enqueue() up to 4 bytes'); promise_test(async t => { const stream = new ReadableStream({ start(c) { const view = new Uint8Array(16); view[0] = 0x01; view[8] = 0x02; c.enqueue(view); }, pull: t.unreached_func('pull() should not be called'), type: 'bytes' }); const byobReader = stream.getReader({ mode: 'byob' }); const result1 = await byobReader.read(new Uint8Array(8), { min: 8 }); assert_false(result1.done, 'result1.done'); const view1 = result1.value; assert_equals(view1.constructor, Uint8Array, 'result1.value.constructor'); assert_equals(view1.buffer.byteLength, 8, 'result1.value.buffer.byteLength'); assert_equals(view1.byteOffset, 0, 'result1.value.byteOffset'); assert_equals(view1.byteLength, 8, 'result1.value.byteLength'); assert_equals(view1[0], 0x01, 'result1.value[0]'); byobReader.releaseLock(); const reader = stream.getReader(); const result2 = await reader.read(); assert_false(result2.done, 'result2.done'); const view2 = result2.value; assert_equals(view2.constructor, Uint8Array, 'result2.value.constructor'); assert_equals(view2.buffer.byteLength, 16, 'result2.value.buffer.byteLength'); assert_equals(view2.byteOffset, 8, 'result2.value.byteOffset'); assert_equals(view2.byteLength, 8, 'result2.value.byteLength'); assert_equals(view2[0], 0x02, 'result2.value[0]'); }, 'ReadableStream with byte source: enqueue(), read({ min }) partially, then read()'); promise_test(async () => { let pullCount = 0; const byobRequestDefined = []; let byobRequestViewDefined; const stream = new ReadableStream({ async pull(c) { byobRequestDefined.push(c.byobRequest !== null); const initialByobRequest = c.byobRequest; const transferredView = await transferArrayBufferView(c.byobRequest.view); transferredView[0] = 0x01; c.byobRequest.respondWithNewView(transferredView); byobRequestDefined.push(c.byobRequest !== null); byobRequestViewDefined = initialByobRequest.view !== null; ++pullCount; }, type: 'bytes' }); const reader = stream.getReader({ mode: 'byob' }); const result = await reader.read(new Uint8Array(1), { min: 1 }); assert_false(result.done, 'result.done'); assert_equals(result.value.byteLength, 1, 'result.value.byteLength'); assert_equals(result.value[0], 0x01, 'result.value[0]'); assert_equals(pullCount, 1, 'pull() should be called only once'); assert_true(byobRequestDefined[0], 'byobRequest must not be null before respondWithNewView()'); assert_false(byobRequestDefined[1], 'byobRequest must be null after respondWithNewView()'); assert_false(byobRequestViewDefined, 'view of initial byobRequest must be null after respondWithNewView()'); }, 'ReadableStream with byte source: read({ min }), then respondWithNewView() with a transferred ArrayBuffer'); promise_test(async t => { const stream = new ReadableStream({ start(c) { c.close(); }, pull: t.unreached_func('pull() should not be called'), type: 'bytes' }); const reader = stream.getReader({ mode: 'byob' }); const result = await reader.read(new Uint8Array([0x01]), { min: 1 }); assert_true(result.done, 'result.done'); assert_typed_array_equals(result.value, new Uint8Array([0x01]).subarray(0, 0), 'result.value'); await reader.closed; }, 'ReadableStream with byte source: read({ min }) on a closed stream'); promise_test(async t => { let pullCount = 0; const rs = new ReadableStream({ type: 'bytes', pull: t.step_func((c) => { if (pullCount === 0) { c.byobRequest.view[0] = 0x01; c.byobRequest.respond(1); } else if (pullCount === 1) { c.close(); c.byobRequest.respond(0); } ++pullCount; }) }); const reader = rs.getReader({ mode: 'byob' }); const result = await reader.read(new Uint8Array(3), { min: 3 }); assert_true(result.done, 'result.done'); assert_typed_array_equals(result.value, new Uint8Array([0x01, 0, 0]).subarray(0, 1), 'result.value'); assert_equals(pullCount, 2, 'pull() must have been called 2 times'); await reader.closed; }, 'ReadableStream with byte source: read({ min }) when closed before view is filled'); promise_test(async t => { let pullCount = 0; const rs = new ReadableStream({ type: 'bytes', pull: t.step_func((c) => { if (pullCount === 0) { c.byobRequest.view[0] = 0x01; c.byobRequest.view[1] = 0x02; c.byobRequest.respond(2); } else if (pullCount === 1) { c.byobRequest.view[0] = 0x03; c.byobRequest.respond(1); c.close(); } ++pullCount; }) }); const reader = rs.getReader({ mode: 'byob' }); const result = await reader.read(new Uint8Array(3), { min: 3 }); assert_false(result.done, 'result.done'); assert_typed_array_equals(result.value, new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x02, 0x03]), 'result.value'); assert_equals(pullCount, 2, 'pull() must have been called 2 times'); await reader.closed; }, 'ReadableStream with byte source: read({ min }) when closed immediately after view is filled'); promise_test(async t => { const error1 = new Error('error1'); const stream = new ReadableStream({ start(c) { c.error(error1); }, pull: t.unreached_func('pull() should not be called'), type: 'bytes' }); const reader = stream.getReader({ mode: 'byob' }); const read = reader.read(new Uint8Array(1), { min: 1 }); await Promise.all([ promise_rejects_exactly(t, error1, read, 'read() must fail'), promise_rejects_exactly(t, error1, reader.closed, 'closed must fail') ]); }, 'ReadableStream with byte source: read({ min }) on an errored stream'); promise_test(async t => { const error1 = new Error('error1'); let controller; const stream = new ReadableStream({ start(c) { controller = c; }, type: 'bytes' }); const reader = stream.getReader({ mode: 'byob' }); const read = reader.read(new Uint8Array(1), { min: 1 }); controller.error(error1); await Promise.all([ promise_rejects_exactly(t, error1, read, 'read() must fail'), promise_rejects_exactly(t, error1, reader.closed, 'closed must fail') ]); }, 'ReadableStream with byte source: read({ min }), then error()'); promise_test(t => { let cancelCount = 0; let reason; const passedReason = new TypeError('foo'); const stream = new ReadableStream({ pull: t.unreached_func('pull() should not be called'), cancel(r) { if (cancelCount === 0) { reason = r; } ++cancelCount; return 'bar'; }, type: 'bytes' }); const reader = stream.getReader({ mode: 'byob' }); const readPromise = reader.read(new Uint8Array(1), { min: 1 }).then(result => { assert_true(result.done, 'result.done'); assert_equals(result.value, undefined, 'result.value'); }); const cancelPromise = reader.cancel(passedReason).then(result => { assert_equals(result, undefined, 'cancel() return value should be fulfilled with undefined'); assert_equals(cancelCount, 1, 'cancel() should be called only once'); assert_equals(reason, passedReason, 'reason should equal the passed reason'); }); return Promise.all([readPromise, cancelPromise]); }, 'ReadableStream with byte source: getReader(), read({ min }), then cancel()'); promise_test(async t => { let pullCount = 0; let byobRequest; const viewInfos = []; const rs = new ReadableStream({ type: 'bytes', pull: t.step_func((c) => { byobRequest = c.byobRequest; viewInfos.push(extractViewInfo(c.byobRequest.view)); c.byobRequest.view[0] = 0x01; c.byobRequest.respond(1); viewInfos.push(extractViewInfo(c.byobRequest.view)); ++pullCount; }) }); await Promise.resolve(); assert_equals(pullCount, 0, 'pull() must not have been called yet'); const reader = rs.getReader({ mode: 'byob' }); const read = reader.read(new Uint8Array(3), { min: 3 }); assert_equals(pullCount, 1, 'pull() must have been called once'); assert_not_equals(byobRequest, null, 'byobRequest should not be null'); assert_equals(viewInfos[0].byteLength, 3, 'byteLength before respond() should be 3'); assert_equals(viewInfos[1].byteLength, 2, 'byteLength after respond() should be 2'); reader.cancel().catch(t.unreached_func('cancel() should not reject')); const result = await read; assert_true(result.done, 'result.done'); assert_equals(result.value, undefined, 'result.value'); assert_equals(pullCount, 1, 'pull() must only be called once'); await reader.closed; }, 'ReadableStream with byte source: cancel() with partially filled pending read({ min }) request'); promise_test(async () => { let pullCalled = false; const stream = new ReadableStream({ start(c) { const view = new Uint8Array(16); view[7] = 0x01; view[15] = 0x02; c.enqueue(view); }, pull() { pullCalled = true; }, type: 'bytes' }); const reader = stream.getReader({ mode: 'byob' }); const result1 = await reader.read(new Uint8Array(8), { min: 8 }); assert_false(result1.done, 'result1.done'); const view1 = result1.value; assert_equals(view1.byteOffset, 0, 'result1.value.byteOffset'); assert_equals(view1.byteLength, 8, 'result1.value.byteLength'); assert_equals(view1[7], 0x01, 'result1.value[7]'); const result2 = await reader.read(new Uint8Array(8), { min: 8 }); assert_false(pullCalled, 'pull() must not have been called'); assert_false(result2.done, 'result2.done'); const view2 = result2.value; assert_equals(view2.byteOffset, 0, 'result2.value.byteOffset'); assert_equals(view2.byteLength, 8, 'result2.value.byteLength'); assert_equals(view2[7], 0x02, 'result2.value[7]'); }, 'ReadableStream with byte source: enqueue(), then read({ min }) with smaller views'); promise_test(async t => { const stream = new ReadableStream({ start(c) { c.enqueue(new Uint8Array([0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc])); c.close(); }, pull: t.unreached_func('pull() should not be called'), type: 'bytes' }); const reader = stream.getReader({ mode: 'byob' }); await promise_rejects_js(t, TypeError, reader.read(new Uint16Array(2), { min: 2 }), 'read() must fail'); await promise_rejects_js(t, TypeError, reader.closed, 'reader.closed should reject'); }, 'ReadableStream with byte source: 3 byte enqueue(), then close(), then read({ min }) with 2-element Uint16Array must fail'); promise_test(async t => { let controller; const stream = new ReadableStream({ start(c) { controller = c; }, pull: t.unreached_func('pull() should not be called'), type: 'bytes' }); const reader = stream.getReader({ mode: 'byob' }); const readPromise = reader.read(new Uint16Array(2), { min: 2 }); controller.enqueue(new Uint8Array([0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc])); assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => controller.close(), 'controller.close() must throw'); await promise_rejects_js(t, TypeError, readPromise, 'read() must fail'); await promise_rejects_js(t, TypeError, reader.closed, 'reader.closed must reject'); }, 'ReadableStream with byte source: read({ min }) with 2-element Uint16Array, then 3 byte enqueue(), then close() must fail'); promise_test(async t => { let pullCount = 0; let controller; const rs = new ReadableStream({ type: 'bytes', start: t.step_func((c) => { controller = c; }), pull: t.step_func((c) => { ++pullCount; }) }); const [reader1, reader2] = rs.tee().map(branch => branch.getReader({ mode: 'byob' })); await Promise.resolve(); assert_equals(pullCount, 0, 'pull() must not have been called yet'); const read1 = reader1.read(new Uint8Array(3), { min: 3 }); const read2 = reader2.read(new Uint8Array(1)); assert_equals(pullCount, 1, 'pull() must have been called once'); const byobRequest1 = controller.byobRequest; assert_equals(byobRequest1.view.byteLength, 3, 'first byobRequest.view.byteLength should be 3'); byobRequest1.view[0] = 0x01; byobRequest1.respond(1); const result2 = await read2; assert_false(result2.done, 'branch2 first read() should not be done'); assert_typed_array_equals(result2.value, new Uint8Array([0x01]), 'branch2 first read() value'); assert_equals(pullCount, 2, 'pull() must have been called 2 times'); const byobRequest2 = controller.byobRequest; assert_equals(byobRequest2.view.byteLength, 2, 'second byobRequest.view.byteLength should be 2'); byobRequest2.view[0] = 0x02; byobRequest2.view[1] = 0x03; byobRequest2.respond(2); const result1 = await read1; assert_false(result1.done, 'branch1 read() should not be done'); assert_typed_array_equals(result1.value, new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x02, 0x03]), 'branch1 read() value'); const result3 = await reader2.read(new Uint8Array(2)); assert_equals(pullCount, 2, 'pull() must only be called 2 times'); assert_false(result3.done, 'branch2 second read() should not be done'); assert_typed_array_equals(result3.value, new Uint8Array([0x02, 0x03]), 'branch2 second read() value'); }, 'ReadableStream with byte source: tee() with read({ min }) from branch1 and read() from branch2');