import hashlib import re import os from collections import deque from fnmatch import fnmatch from io import BytesIO from typing import (Any, BinaryIO, Callable, Deque, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Pattern, Set, Text, Tuple, Union, cast) from urllib.parse import urljoin try: from xml.etree import cElementTree as ElementTree except ImportError: from xml.etree import ElementTree as ElementTree # type: ignore import html5lib from . import XMLParser from .item import (ConformanceCheckerTest, CrashTest, ManifestItem, ManualTest, PrintRefTest, RefTest, SpecItem, SupportFile, TestharnessTest, VisualTest, WebDriverSpecTest) from .utils import cached_property # Cannot do `from ..metadata.webfeatures.schema import WEB_FEATURES_YML_FILENAME` # because relative import beyond toplevel throws *ImportError*! from metadata.webfeatures.schema import WEB_FEATURES_YML_FILENAME # type: ignore wd_pattern = "*.py" js_meta_re = re.compile(br"//\s*META:\s*(\w*)=(.*)$") python_meta_re = re.compile(br"#\s*META:\s*(\w*)=(.*)$") reference_file_re = re.compile(r'(^|[\-_])(not)?ref[0-9]*([\-_]|$)') space_chars: Text = "".join(html5lib.constants.spaceCharacters) def replace_end(s: Text, old: Text, new: Text) -> Text: """ Given a string `s` that ends with `old`, replace that occurrence of `old` with `new`. """ assert s.endswith(old) return s[:-len(old)] + new def read_script_metadata(f: BinaryIO, regexp: Pattern[bytes]) -> Iterable[Tuple[Text, Text]]: """ Yields any metadata (pairs of strings) from the file-like object `f`, as specified according to a supplied regexp. `regexp` - Regexp containing two groups containing the metadata name and value. """ for line in f: assert isinstance(line, bytes), line m = regexp.match(line) if not m: break yield (m.groups()[0].decode("utf8"), m.groups()[1].decode("utf8")) _any_variants: Dict[Text, Dict[Text, Any]] = { "window": {"suffix": ".any.html"}, "serviceworker": {"force_https": True}, "serviceworker-module": {"force_https": True}, "sharedworker": {}, "sharedworker-module": {}, "dedicatedworker": {"suffix": ".any.worker.html"}, "dedicatedworker-module": {"suffix": ".any.worker-module.html"}, "worker": {"longhand": {"dedicatedworker", "sharedworker", "serviceworker"}}, "worker-module": {}, "shadowrealm": {}, "jsshell": {"suffix": ".any.js"}, } def get_any_variants(item: Text) -> Set[Text]: """ Returns a set of variants (strings) defined by the given keyword. """ assert isinstance(item, str), item variant = _any_variants.get(item, None) if variant is None: return set() return variant.get("longhand", {item}) def get_default_any_variants() -> Set[Text]: """ Returns a set of variants (strings) that will be used by default. """ return set({"window", "dedicatedworker"}) def parse_variants(value: Text) -> Set[Text]: """ Returns a set of variants (strings) defined by a comma-separated value. """ assert isinstance(value, str), value if value == "": return get_default_any_variants() globals = set() for item in value.split(","): item = item.strip() globals |= get_any_variants(item) return globals def global_suffixes(value: Text) -> Set[Tuple[Text, bool]]: """ Yields tuples of the relevant filename suffix (a string) and whether the variant is intended to run in a JS shell, for the variants defined by the given comma-separated value. """ assert isinstance(value, str), value rv = set() global_types = parse_variants(value) for global_type in global_types: variant = _any_variants[global_type] suffix = variant.get("suffix", ".any.%s.html" % global_type) rv.add((suffix, global_type == "jsshell")) return rv def global_variant_url(url: Text, suffix: Text) -> Text: """ Returns a url created from the given url and suffix (all strings). """ url = url.replace(".any.", ".") # If the url must be loaded over https, ensure that it will have # the form .https.any.js if ".https." in url and suffix.startswith(".https."): url = url.replace(".https.", ".") elif ".h2." in url and suffix.startswith(".h2."): url = url.replace(".h2.", ".") return replace_end(url, ".js", suffix) def _parse_html(f: BinaryIO) -> ElementTree.Element: doc = html5lib.parse(f, treebuilder="etree", useChardet=False) return cast(ElementTree.Element, doc) def _parse_xml(f: BinaryIO) -> ElementTree.Element: try: # raises ValueError with an unsupported encoding, # ParseError when there's an undefined entity return ElementTree.parse(f).getroot() except (ValueError, ElementTree.ParseError): return ElementTree.parse(f, XMLParser.XMLParser()).getroot() # type: ignore class SourceFile: parsers: Dict[Text, Callable[[BinaryIO], ElementTree.Element]] = {"html":_parse_html, "xhtml":_parse_xml, "svg":_parse_xml} root_dir_non_test = {"common"} dir_non_test = {"resources", "support", "tools"} dir_path_non_test: Set[Tuple[Text, ...]] = {("css21", "archive"), ("css", "CSS2", "archive"), ("css", "common")} def __init__(self, tests_root: Text, rel_path: Text, url_base: Text, hash: Optional[Text] = None, contents: Optional[bytes] = None) -> None: """Object representing a file in a source tree. :param tests_root: Path to the root of the source tree :param rel_path_str: File path relative to tests_root :param url_base: Base URL used when converting file paths to urls :param contents: Byte array of the contents of the file or ``None``. """ assert not os.path.isabs(rel_path), rel_path if == "nt": # do slash normalization on Windows rel_path = rel_path.replace("/", "\\") dir_path, filename = os.path.split(rel_path) name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) type_flag = None if "-" in name: type_flag = name.rsplit("-", 1)[1].split(".")[0] meta_flags = name.split(".")[1:] self.tests_root: Text = tests_root self.rel_path: Text = rel_path self.dir_path: Text = dir_path self.filename: Text = filename Text = name self.ext: Text = ext self.type_flag: Optional[Text] = type_flag self.meta_flags: Union[List[bytes], List[Text]] = meta_flags self.url_base = url_base self.contents = contents self.items_cache: Optional[Tuple[Text, List[ManifestItem]]] = None self._hash = hash def __getstate__(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: # Remove computed properties if we pickle this class rv = self.__dict__.copy() if "__cached_properties__" in rv: cached_properties = rv["__cached_properties__"] rv = {key:value for key, value in rv.items() if key not in cached_properties} del rv["__cached_properties__"] return rv def name_prefix(self, prefix: Text) -> bool: """Check if the filename starts with a given prefix :param prefix: The prefix to check""" return def is_dir(self) -> bool: """Return whether this file represents a directory.""" if self.contents is not None: return False return os.path.isdir(self.rel_path) def open(self) -> BinaryIO: """ Return either * the contents specified in the constructor, if any; * a File object opened for reading the file contents. """ if self.contents is not None: file_obj: BinaryIO = BytesIO(self.contents) else: file_obj = open(self.path, 'rb') return file_obj @cached_property def rel_path_parts(self) -> Tuple[Text, ...]: return tuple(self.rel_path.split(os.path.sep)) @cached_property def path(self) -> Text: return os.path.join(self.tests_root, self.rel_path) @cached_property def rel_url(self) -> Text: assert not os.path.isabs(self.rel_path), self.rel_path return self.rel_path.replace(os.sep, "/") @cached_property def url(self) -> Text: return urljoin(self.url_base, self.rel_url) @cached_property def hash(self) -> Text: if not self._hash: with as f: content = data = b"".join((b"blob ", b"%d" % len(content), b"\0", content)) self._hash = str(hashlib.sha1(data).hexdigest()) return self._hash def in_non_test_dir(self) -> bool: if self.dir_path == "": return True parts = self.rel_path_parts if (parts[0] in self.root_dir_non_test or any(item in self.dir_non_test for item in parts) or any(parts[:len(path)] == path for path in self.dir_path_non_test)): return True return False def in_conformance_checker_dir(self) -> bool: return self.rel_path_parts[0] == "conformance-checkers" @property def name_is_non_test(self) -> bool: """Check if the file name matches the conditions for the file to be a non-test file""" return (self.is_dir() or self.name_prefix("MANIFEST") or self.filename == "META.yml" or self.filename == WEB_FEATURES_YML_FILENAME or self.filename.startswith(".") or self.filename.endswith(".headers") or self.filename.endswith(".ini") or self.in_non_test_dir()) @property def name_is_conformance(self) -> bool: return (self.in_conformance_checker_dir() and self.type_flag in ("is-valid", "no-valid")) @property def name_is_conformance_support(self) -> bool: return self.in_conformance_checker_dir() @property def name_is_manual(self) -> bool: """Check if the file name matches the conditions for the file to be a manual test file""" return self.type_flag == "manual" @property def name_is_visual(self) -> bool: """Check if the file name matches the conditions for the file to be a visual test file""" return self.type_flag == "visual" @property def name_is_multi_global(self) -> bool: """Check if the file name matches the conditions for the file to be a multi-global js test file""" return "any" in self.meta_flags and self.ext == ".js" @property def name_is_worker(self) -> bool: """Check if the file name matches the conditions for the file to be a worker js test file""" return "worker" in self.meta_flags and self.ext == ".js" @property def name_is_window(self) -> bool: """Check if the file name matches the conditions for the file to be a window js test file""" return "window" in self.meta_flags and self.ext == ".js" @property def name_is_webdriver(self) -> bool: """Check if the file name matches the conditions for the file to be a webdriver spec test file""" # wdspec tests are in subdirectories of /webdriver excluding # files. rel_path_parts = self.rel_path_parts return (((rel_path_parts[0] == "webdriver" and len(rel_path_parts) > 1) or (rel_path_parts[:2] == ("infrastructure", "webdriver") and len(rel_path_parts) > 2)) and self.filename not in ("", "") and fnmatch(self.filename, wd_pattern)) @property def name_is_reference(self) -> bool: """Check if the file name matches the conditions for the file to be a reference file (not a reftest)""" return "/reference/" in self.url or bool( @property def name_is_crashtest(self) -> bool: return (self.markup_type is not None and (self.type_flag == "crash" or "crashtests" in self.dir_path.split(os.path.sep))) @property def name_is_tentative(self) -> bool: """Check if the file name matches the conditions for the file to be a tentative file. See""" return "tentative" in self.meta_flags or "tentative" in self.dir_path.split(os.path.sep) @property def name_is_print_reftest(self) -> bool: return (self.markup_type is not None and (self.type_flag == "print" or "print" in self.dir_path.split(os.path.sep))) @property def markup_type(self) -> Optional[Text]: """Return the type of markup contained in a file, based on its extension, or None if it doesn't contain markup""" ext = self.ext if not ext: return None if ext[0] == ".": ext = ext[1:] if ext in ["html", "htm"]: return "html" if ext in ["xhtml", "xht", "xml"]: return "xhtml" if ext == "svg": return "svg" return None @cached_property def root(self) -> Optional[ElementTree.Element]: """Return an ElementTree Element for the root node of the file if it contains markup, or None if it does not""" if not self.markup_type: return None parser = self.parsers[self.markup_type] with as f: try: tree = parser(f) except Exception: return None return tree @cached_property def timeout_nodes(self) -> List[ElementTree.Element]: """List of ElementTree Elements corresponding to nodes in a test that specify timeouts""" assert self.root is not None return self.root.findall(".//{}meta[@name='timeout']") @cached_property def pac_nodes(self) -> List[ElementTree.Element]: """List of ElementTree Elements corresponding to nodes in a test that specify PAC (proxy auto-config)""" assert self.root is not None return self.root.findall(".//{}meta[@name='pac']") @cached_property def script_metadata(self) -> Optional[List[Tuple[Text, Text]]]: if self.name_is_worker or self.name_is_multi_global or self.name_is_window: regexp = js_meta_re elif self.name_is_webdriver: regexp = python_meta_re else: return None with as f: return list(read_script_metadata(f, regexp)) @cached_property def timeout(self) -> Optional[Text]: """The timeout of a test or reference file. "long" if the file has an extended timeout or None otherwise""" if self.script_metadata: if any(m == ("timeout", "long") for m in self.script_metadata): return "long" if self.root is None: return None if self.timeout_nodes: timeout_str: Optional[Text] = self.timeout_nodes[0].attrib.get("content", None) if timeout_str and timeout_str.lower() == "long": return "long" return None @cached_property def pac(self) -> Optional[Text]: """The PAC (proxy config) of a test or reference file. A URL or null""" if self.script_metadata: for (meta, content) in self.script_metadata: if meta == 'pac': return content if self.root is None: return None if self.pac_nodes: return self.pac_nodes[0].attrib.get("content", None) return None @cached_property def viewport_nodes(self) -> List[ElementTree.Element]: """List of ElementTree Elements corresponding to nodes in a test that specify viewport sizes""" assert self.root is not None return self.root.findall(".//{}meta[@name='viewport-size']") @cached_property def viewport_size(self) -> Optional[Text]: """The viewport size of a test or reference file""" if self.root is None: return None if not self.viewport_nodes: return None return self.viewport_nodes[0].attrib.get("content", None) @cached_property def dpi_nodes(self) -> List[ElementTree.Element]: """List of ElementTree Elements corresponding to nodes in a test that specify device pixel ratios""" assert self.root is not None return self.root.findall(".//{}meta[@name='device-pixel-ratio']") @cached_property def dpi(self) -> Optional[Text]: """The device pixel ratio of a test or reference file""" if self.root is None: return None if not self.dpi_nodes: return None return self.dpi_nodes[0].attrib.get("content", None) def parse_ref_keyed_meta(self, node: ElementTree.Element) -> Tuple[Optional[Tuple[Text, Text, Text]], Text]: item: Text = node.attrib.get("content", "") parts = item.rsplit(":", 1) if len(parts) == 1: key: Optional[Tuple[Text, Text, Text]] = None value = parts[0] else: key_part = urljoin(self.url, parts[0]) reftype = None for ref in self.references: # type: Tuple[Text, Text] if ref[0] == key_part: reftype = ref[1] break if reftype not in ("==", "!="): raise ValueError("Key %s doesn't correspond to a reference" % key_part) key = (self.url, key_part, reftype) value = parts[1] return key, value @cached_property def fuzzy_nodes(self) -> List[ElementTree.Element]: """List of ElementTree Elements corresponding to nodes in a test that specify reftest fuzziness""" assert self.root is not None return self.root.findall(".//{}meta[@name='fuzzy']") @cached_property def fuzzy(self) -> Dict[Optional[Tuple[Text, Text, Text]], List[List[int]]]: rv: Dict[Optional[Tuple[Text, Text, Text]], List[List[int]]] = {} if self.root is None: return rv if not self.fuzzy_nodes: return rv args = ["maxDifference", "totalPixels"] for node in self.fuzzy_nodes: key, value = self.parse_ref_keyed_meta(node) ranges = value.split(";") if len(ranges) != 2: raise ValueError("Malformed fuzzy value %s" % value) arg_values: Dict[Text, List[int]] = {} positional_args: Deque[List[int]] = deque() for range_str_value in ranges: # type: Text name: Optional[Text] = None if "=" in range_str_value: name, range_str_value = (part.strip() for part in range_str_value.split("=", 1)) if name not in args: raise ValueError("%s is not a valid fuzzy property" % name) if arg_values.get(name): raise ValueError("Got multiple values for argument %s" % name) if "-" in range_str_value: range_min, range_max = range_str_value.split("-") else: range_min = range_str_value range_max = range_str_value try: range_value = [int(x.strip()) for x in (range_min, range_max)] except ValueError: raise ValueError("Fuzzy value %s must be a range of integers" % range_str_value) if name is None: positional_args.append(range_value) else: arg_values[name] = range_value rv[key] = [] for arg_name in args: if arg_values.get(arg_name): arg_value = arg_values.pop(arg_name) else: arg_value = positional_args.popleft() rv[key].append(arg_value) assert len(arg_values) == 0 and len(positional_args) == 0 return rv @cached_property def page_ranges_nodes(self) -> List[ElementTree.Element]: """List of ElementTree Elements corresponding to nodes in a test that specify print-reftest """ assert self.root is not None return self.root.findall(".//{}meta[@name='reftest-pages']") @cached_property def page_ranges(self) -> Dict[Text, List[List[Optional[int]]]]: """List of ElementTree Elements corresponding to nodes in a test that specify print-reftest page ranges""" rv: Dict[Text, List[List[Optional[int]]]] = {} for node in self.page_ranges_nodes: key_data, value = self.parse_ref_keyed_meta(node) # Just key by url if key_data is None: key = self.url else: key = key_data[1] if key in rv: raise ValueError("Duplicate page-ranges value") rv[key] = [] for range_str in value.split(","): range_str = range_str.strip() if "-" in range_str: range_parts_str = [item.strip() for item in range_str.split("-")] try: range_parts = [int(item) if item else None for item in range_parts_str] except ValueError: raise ValueError("Malformed page-range value %s" % range_str) if any(item == 0 for item in range_parts): raise ValueError("Malformed page-range value %s" % range_str) else: try: range_parts = [int(range_str)] except ValueError: raise ValueError("Malformed page-range value %s" % range_str) rv[key].append(range_parts) return rv @cached_property def testharness_nodes(self) -> List[ElementTree.Element]: """List of ElementTree Elements corresponding to nodes representing a testharness.js script""" assert self.root is not None return self.root.findall(".//{}script[@src='/resources/testharness.js']") @cached_property def content_is_testharness(self) -> Optional[bool]: """Boolean indicating whether the file content represents a testharness.js test""" if self.root is None: return None return bool(self.testharness_nodes) @cached_property def variant_nodes(self) -> List[ElementTree.Element]: """List of ElementTree Elements corresponding to nodes representing a test variant""" assert self.root is not None return self.root.findall(".//{}meta[@name='variant']") @cached_property def test_variants(self) -> List[Text]: rv: List[Text] = [] if self.ext == ".js": script_metadata = self.script_metadata assert script_metadata is not None for (key, value) in script_metadata: if key == "variant": rv.append(value) else: for element in self.variant_nodes: if "content" in element.attrib: variant: Text = element.attrib["content"] rv.append(variant) for variant in rv: if variant != "": if variant[0] not in ("#", "?"): raise ValueError("Non-empty variant must start with either a ? or a #") if len(variant) == 1 or (variant[0] == "?" and variant[1] == "#"): raise ValueError("Variants must not have empty fragment or query " + "(omit the empty part instead)") if not rv: rv = [""] return rv @cached_property def testdriver_nodes(self) -> List[ElementTree.Element]: """List of ElementTree Elements corresponding to nodes representing a testdriver.js script""" assert self.root is not None return self.root.findall(".//{}script[@src='/resources/testdriver.js']") @cached_property def has_testdriver(self) -> Optional[bool]: """Boolean indicating whether the file content represents a testharness.js test""" if self.root is None: return None return bool(self.testdriver_nodes) @cached_property def reftest_nodes(self) -> List[ElementTree.Element]: """List of ElementTree Elements corresponding to nodes representing a to a reftest """ if self.root is None: return [] match_links = self.root.findall(".//{}link[@rel='match']") mismatch_links = self.root.findall(".//{}link[@rel='mismatch']") return match_links + mismatch_links @cached_property def references(self) -> List[Tuple[Text, Text]]: """List of (ref_url, relation) tuples for any reftest references specified in the file""" rv: List[Tuple[Text, Text]] = [] rel_map = {"match": "==", "mismatch": "!="} for item in self.reftest_nodes: if "href" in item.attrib: ref_url = urljoin(self.url, item.attrib["href"].strip(space_chars)) ref_type = rel_map[item.attrib["rel"]] rv.append((ref_url, ref_type)) return rv @cached_property def content_is_ref_node(self) -> bool: """Boolean indicating whether the file is a non-leaf node in a reftest graph (i.e. if it contains any """ return bool(self.references) @cached_property def css_flag_nodes(self) -> List[ElementTree.Element]: """List of ElementTree Elements corresponding to nodes representing a flag """ if self.root is None: return [] return self.root.findall(".//{}meta[@name='flags']") @cached_property def css_flags(self) -> Set[Text]: """Set of flags specified in the file""" rv: Set[Text] = set() for item in self.css_flag_nodes: if "content" in item.attrib: for flag in item.attrib["content"].split(): rv.add(flag) return rv @cached_property def content_is_css_manual(self) -> Optional[bool]: """Boolean indicating whether the file content represents a CSS WG-style manual test""" if self.root is None: return None # return True if the intersection between the two sets is non-empty return bool(self.css_flags & {"animated", "font", "history", "interact", "paged", "speech", "userstyle"}) @cached_property def spec_link_nodes(self) -> List[ElementTree.Element]: """List of ElementTree Elements corresponding to nodes representing a , used to point to specs""" if self.root is None: return [] return self.root.findall(".//{}link[@rel='help']") @cached_property def spec_links(self) -> Set[Text]: """Set of spec links specified in the file""" rv: Set[Text] = set() for item in self.spec_link_nodes: if "href" in item.attrib: rv.add(item.attrib["href"].strip(space_chars)) return rv @cached_property def content_is_css_visual(self) -> Optional[bool]: """Boolean indicating whether the file content represents a CSS WG-style visual test""" if self.root is None: return None return bool(self.ext in {'.xht', '.html', '.xhtml', '.htm', '.xml', '.svg'} and self.spec_links) @property def type(self) -> Text: possible_types = self.possible_types if len(possible_types) == 1: return possible_types.pop() rv, _ = self.manifest_items() return rv @property def possible_types(self) -> Set[Text]: """Determines the set of possible types without reading the file""" if self.items_cache: return {self.items_cache[0]} if self.name_is_non_test: return {SupportFile.item_type} if self.name_is_manual: return {ManualTest.item_type} if self.name_is_conformance: return {ConformanceCheckerTest.item_type} if self.name_is_conformance_support: return {SupportFile.item_type} if self.name_is_webdriver: return {WebDriverSpecTest.item_type} if self.name_is_visual: return {VisualTest.item_type} if self.name_is_crashtest: return {CrashTest.item_type} if self.name_is_print_reftest: return {PrintRefTest.item_type} if self.name_is_multi_global: return {TestharnessTest.item_type} if self.name_is_worker: return {TestharnessTest.item_type} if self.name_is_window: return {TestharnessTest.item_type} if self.markup_type is None: return {SupportFile.item_type} if not self.name_is_reference: return {ManualTest.item_type, TestharnessTest.item_type, RefTest.item_type, VisualTest.item_type, SupportFile.item_type} return {TestharnessTest.item_type, RefTest.item_type, SupportFile.item_type} def manifest_items(self) -> Tuple[Text, List[ManifestItem]]: """List of manifest items corresponding to the file. There is typically one per test, but in the case of reftests a node may have corresponding manifest items without being a test itself.""" if self.items_cache: return self.items_cache drop_cached = "root" not in self.__dict__ if self.name_is_non_test: rv: Tuple[Text, List[ManifestItem]] = ("support", [ SupportFile( self.tests_root, self.rel_path )]) elif self.name_is_manual: rv = ManualTest.item_type, [ ManualTest( self.tests_root, self.rel_path, self.url_base, self.rel_url )] elif self.name_is_conformance: rv = ConformanceCheckerTest.item_type, [ ConformanceCheckerTest( self.tests_root, self.rel_path, self.url_base, self.rel_url )] elif self.name_is_conformance_support: rv = "support", [ SupportFile( self.tests_root, self.rel_path )] elif self.name_is_webdriver: rv = WebDriverSpecTest.item_type, [ WebDriverSpecTest( self.tests_root, self.rel_path, self.url_base, self.rel_url, timeout=self.timeout )] elif self.name_is_visual: rv = VisualTest.item_type, [ VisualTest( self.tests_root, self.rel_path, self.url_base, self.rel_url )] elif self.name_is_crashtest: rv = CrashTest.item_type, [ CrashTest( self.tests_root, self.rel_path, self.url_base, self.rel_url )] elif self.name_is_print_reftest: references = self.references if not references: raise ValueError("%s detected as print reftest but doesn't have any refs" % self.path) rv = PrintRefTest.item_type, [ PrintRefTest( self.tests_root, self.rel_path, self.url_base, self.rel_url, references=references, timeout=self.timeout, viewport_size=self.viewport_size, fuzzy=self.fuzzy, page_ranges=self.page_ranges, )] elif self.name_is_multi_global: globals = "" script_metadata = self.script_metadata assert script_metadata is not None for (key, value) in script_metadata: if key == "global": globals = value break tests: List[ManifestItem] = [ TestharnessTest( self.tests_root, self.rel_path, self.url_base, global_variant_url(self.rel_url, suffix) + variant, timeout=self.timeout, pac=self.pac, jsshell=jsshell, script_metadata=self.script_metadata ) for (suffix, jsshell) in sorted(global_suffixes(globals)) for variant in self.test_variants ] rv = TestharnessTest.item_type, tests elif self.name_is_worker: test_url = replace_end(self.rel_url, ".worker.js", ".worker.html") tests = [ TestharnessTest( self.tests_root, self.rel_path, self.url_base, test_url + variant, timeout=self.timeout, pac=self.pac, script_metadata=self.script_metadata ) for variant in self.test_variants ] rv = TestharnessTest.item_type, tests elif self.name_is_window: test_url = replace_end(self.rel_url, ".window.js", ".window.html") tests = [ TestharnessTest( self.tests_root, self.rel_path, self.url_base, test_url + variant, timeout=self.timeout, pac=self.pac, script_metadata=self.script_metadata ) for variant in self.test_variants ] rv = TestharnessTest.item_type, tests elif self.content_is_css_manual and not self.name_is_reference: rv = ManualTest.item_type, [ ManualTest( self.tests_root, self.rel_path, self.url_base, self.rel_url )] elif self.content_is_testharness: rv = TestharnessTest.item_type, [] testdriver = self.has_testdriver for variant in self.test_variants: url = self.rel_url + variant rv[1].append(TestharnessTest( self.tests_root, self.rel_path, self.url_base, url, timeout=self.timeout, pac=self.pac, testdriver=testdriver, script_metadata=self.script_metadata )) elif self.content_is_ref_node: rv = RefTest.item_type, [] for variant in self.test_variants: url = self.rel_url + variant rv[1].append(RefTest( self.tests_root, self.rel_path, self.url_base, url, references=[ (ref[0] + variant, ref[1]) for ref in self.references ], timeout=self.timeout, viewport_size=self.viewport_size, dpi=self.dpi, fuzzy=self.fuzzy )) elif self.content_is_css_visual and not self.name_is_reference: rv = VisualTest.item_type, [ VisualTest( self.tests_root, self.rel_path, self.url_base, self.rel_url )] else: rv = "support", [ SupportFile( self.tests_root, self.rel_path )] assert rv[0] in self.possible_types assert len(rv[1]) == len(set(rv[1])) self.items_cache = rv if drop_cached and "__cached_properties__" in self.__dict__: cached_properties = self.__dict__["__cached_properties__"] for prop in cached_properties: if prop in self.__dict__: del self.__dict__[prop] del self.__dict__["__cached_properties__"] return rv def manifest_spec_items(self) -> Optional[Tuple[Text, List[ManifestItem]]]: specs = list(self.spec_links) if not specs: return None rv: Tuple[Text, List[ManifestItem]] = (SpecItem.item_type, [ SpecItem( self.tests_root, self.rel_path, specs )]) return rv