from typing import Any, Callable, cast, Dict, Sequence, Set, Type, TypeVar, Union T = TypeVar("T") def validate_dict(obj: Any, required_keys: Set[str] = set(), optional_keys: Set[str] = set()) -> None: """ Validates the keys for a particular object This logic ensures: 1. the obj is type dict 2. That at a minimum the provided required_keys are present. Additionally, the logic checks for a set of optional_keys. With those two sets of keys, the logic will raise an error if there are extra keys in obj. :param obj: The object that will be checked. :param required_keys: Set of required keys that the obj should have. :param optional_keys: Set of optional keys that the obj should have. :return: `None` if obj does not have any extra keys. :raises ValueError: If there unexpected keys or missing required keys. """ if not isinstance(obj, dict): raise ValueError(f"Object is not a dictionary. Input: {obj}") extra_keys = set(obj.keys()) - required_keys - optional_keys missing_required_keys = required_keys - set(obj.keys()) if extra_keys: raise ValueError(f"Object contains invalid keys: {sorted(extra_keys)}") if missing_required_keys: raise ValueError(f"Object missing required keys: {sorted(missing_required_keys)}") class SchemaValue(): """ Set of helpers to convert raw input into an expected value for a given schema """ @staticmethod def from_dict(x: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]: if not isinstance(x, dict): raise ValueError(f"Input value {x} is not a dict") keys = x.keys() for key in keys: if not isinstance(key, str): raise ValueError(f"Input value {x} contains key {key} that is not a string") return cast(Dict[str, Any], x) @staticmethod def from_str(x: Any) -> str: if not isinstance(x, str): raise ValueError(f"Input value {x} is not a string") return x @staticmethod def from_none(x: Any) -> None: if x is not None: raise ValueError(f"Input value {x} is not none") return x @staticmethod def from_union(fs: Sequence[Union[ Callable[[Any], Sequence[T]], Callable[[Any], T], ]], x: Any) -> Any: for f in fs: try: return f(x) except Exception: pass raise ValueError(f"Input value {x} does not fit one of the expected values for the union") @staticmethod def from_list(f: Callable[[Any], T], x: Any) -> Sequence[T]: if not isinstance(x, list): raise ValueError(f"Input value {x} is not a list") return [f(y) for y in x] @staticmethod def from_class(cls: Type[T]) -> Callable[[Any], T]: def class_converter(x: Any) -> T: try: # return cls(x) # type: ignore [call-arg] except Exception: raise ValueError(f"Input value {x} could not be converted to {cls}") return class_converter