# mypy: allow-untyped-defs import abc import argparse import importlib import json import logging import multiprocessing import os import platform import subprocess import sys import threading import time import traceback import urllib import uuid from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict from io import IOBase from itertools import chain, product from html5lib import html5parser from typing import ClassVar, List, Optional, Set, Tuple from localpaths import repo_root # type: ignore from manifest.sourcefile import read_script_metadata, js_meta_re, parse_variants # type: ignore from wptserve import server as wptserve, handlers from wptserve import stash from wptserve import config from wptserve.handlers import filesystem_path, wrap_pipeline from wptserve.response import ResponseHeaders from wptserve.utils import get_port, HTTPException, http2_compatible from pywebsocket3 import standalone as pywebsocket EDIT_HOSTS_HELP = ("Please ensure all the necessary WPT subdomains " "are mapped to a loopback device in /etc/hosts.\n" "See https://web-platform-tests.org/running-tests/from-local-system.html#system-setup " "for instructions.") def replace_end(s, old, new): """ Given a string `s` that ends with `old`, replace that occurrence of `old` with `new`. """ assert s.endswith(old) return s[:-len(old)] + new def domains_are_distinct(a, b): a_parts = a.split(".") b_parts = b.split(".") min_length = min(len(a_parts), len(b_parts)) slice_index = -1 * min_length return a_parts[slice_index:] != b_parts[slice_index:] def inject_script(html, script_tag): # Tokenize and find the position of the first content (e.g. after the # doctype, html, and head opening tags if present but before any other tags). token_types = html5parser.tokenTypes after_tags = {"html", "head"} before_tokens = {token_types["EndTag"], token_types["EmptyTag"], token_types["Characters"]} error_tokens = {token_types["ParseError"]} tokenizer = html5parser._tokenizer.HTMLTokenizer(html) stream = tokenizer.stream offset = 0 error = False for item in tokenizer: if item["type"] == token_types["StartTag"]: if not item["name"].lower() in after_tags: break elif item["type"] in before_tokens: break elif item["type"] in error_tokens: error = True break offset = stream.chunkOffset else: error = True if not error and stream.prevNumCols or stream.prevNumLines: # We're outside the first chunk, so we don't know what to do error = True if error: return html else: return html[:offset] + script_tag + html[offset:] class WrapperHandler: __meta__ = abc.ABCMeta headers: ClassVar[List[Tuple[str, str]]] = [] def __init__(self, base_path=None, url_base="/"): self.base_path = base_path self.url_base = url_base self.handler = handlers.handler(self.handle_request) def __call__(self, request, response): self.handler(request, response) def handle_request(self, request, response): headers = self.headers + handlers.load_headers( request, self._get_filesystem_path(request)) for header_name, header_value in headers: response.headers.set(header_name, header_value) self.check_exposure(request) path = self._get_path(request.url_parts.path, True) query = request.url_parts.query if query: query = "?" + query meta = "\n".join(self._get_meta(request)) script = "\n".join(self._get_script(request)) response.content = self.wrapper % {"meta": meta, "script": script, "path": path, "query": query} wrap_pipeline(path, request, response) def _get_path(self, path, resource_path): """Convert the path from an incoming request into a path corresponding to an "unwrapped" resource e.g. the file on disk that will be loaded in the wrapper. :param path: Path from the HTTP request :param resource_path: Boolean used to control whether to get the path for the resource that this wrapper will load or the associated file on disk. Typically these are the same but may differ when there are multiple layers of wrapping e.g. for a .any.worker.html input the underlying disk file is .any.js but the top level html file loads a resource with a .any.worker.js extension, which itself loads the .any.js file. If True return the path to the resource that the wrapper will load, otherwise return the path to the underlying file on disk.""" for item in self.path_replace: if len(item) == 2: src, dest = item else: assert len(item) == 3 src = item[0] dest = item[2 if resource_path else 1] if path.endswith(src): path = replace_end(path, src, dest) return path def _get_filesystem_path(self, request): """Get the path of the underlying resource file on disk.""" return self._get_path(filesystem_path(self.base_path, request, self.url_base), False) def _get_metadata(self, request): """Get an iterator over script metadata based on // META comments in the associated js file. :param request: The Request being processed. """ path = self._get_filesystem_path(request) try: with open(path, "rb") as f: yield from read_script_metadata(f, js_meta_re) except OSError: raise HTTPException(404) def _get_meta(self, request): """Get an iterator over strings to inject into the wrapper document based on // META comments in the associated js file. :param request: The Request being processed. """ for key, value in self._get_metadata(request): replacement = self._meta_replacement(key, value) if replacement: yield replacement def _get_script(self, request): """Get an iterator over strings to inject into the wrapper document based on // META comments in the associated js file. :param request: The Request being processed. """ for key, value in self._get_metadata(request): replacement = self._script_replacement(key, value) if replacement: yield replacement @abc.abstractproperty def path_replace(self): # A list containing a mix of 2 item tuples with (input suffix, output suffix) # and 3-item tuples with (input suffix, filesystem suffix, resource suffix) # for the case where we want a different path in the generated resource to # the actual path on the filesystem (e.g. when there is another handler # that will wrap the file). return None @abc.abstractproperty def wrapper(self): # String template with variables path and meta for wrapper document return None @abc.abstractmethod def _meta_replacement(self, key, value): # Get the string to insert into the wrapper document, given # a specific metadata key: value pair. pass @abc.abstractmethod def check_exposure(self, request): # Raise an exception if this handler shouldn't be exposed after all. pass class HtmlWrapperHandler(WrapperHandler): global_type: ClassVar[Optional[str]] = None headers = [('Content-Type', 'text/html')] def check_exposure(self, request): if self.global_type is not None: global_variants = "" for (key, value) in self._get_metadata(request): if key == "global": global_variants = value break if self.global_type not in parse_variants(global_variants): raise HTTPException(404, "This test cannot be loaded in %s mode" % self.global_type) def _meta_replacement(self, key, value): if key == "timeout": if value == "long": return '' if key == "title": value = value.replace("&", "&").replace("<", "<") return '%s' % value return None def _script_replacement(self, key, value): if key == "script": attribute = value.replace("&", "&").replace('"', """) return '' % attribute return None class HtmlScriptInjectorHandlerWrapper: def __init__(self, inject="", wrap=None): self.inject = inject self.wrap = wrap def __call__(self, request, response): self.wrap(request, response) # If the response content type isn't html, don't modify it. if not isinstance(response.headers, ResponseHeaders) or response.headers.get("Content-Type")[0] != b"text/html": return response # Skip injection on custom streaming responses. if not isinstance(response.content, (bytes, str, IOBase)) and not hasattr(response, "read"): return response response.content = inject_script( b"".join(response.iter_content(read_file=True)), b"\n")) return response class WorkersHandler(HtmlWrapperHandler): global_type = "dedicatedworker" path_replace = [(".any.worker.html", ".any.js", ".any.worker.js"), (".worker.html", ".worker.js")] wrapper = """ %(meta)s
""" class WorkerModulesHandler(HtmlWrapperHandler): global_type = "dedicatedworker-module" path_replace = [(".any.worker-module.html", ".any.js", ".any.worker-module.js"), (".worker.html", ".worker.js")] wrapper = """ %(meta)s
""" class WindowHandler(HtmlWrapperHandler): path_replace = [(".window.html", ".window.js")] wrapper = """ %(meta)s %(script)s
""" class WindowModulesHandler(HtmlWrapperHandler): global_type = "window-module" path_replace = [(".any.window-module.html", ".any.js")] wrapper = """ %(meta)s %(script)s
""" class AnyHtmlHandler(HtmlWrapperHandler): global_type = "window" path_replace = [(".any.html", ".any.js")] wrapper = """ %(meta)s %(script)s
""" class SharedWorkersHandler(HtmlWrapperHandler): global_type = "sharedworker" path_replace = [(".any.sharedworker.html", ".any.js", ".any.worker.js")] wrapper = """ %(meta)s
""" class SharedWorkerModulesHandler(HtmlWrapperHandler): global_type = "sharedworker-module" path_replace = [(".any.sharedworker-module.html", ".any.js", ".any.worker-module.js")] wrapper = """ %(meta)s
""" class ServiceWorkersHandler(HtmlWrapperHandler): global_type = "serviceworker" path_replace = [(".any.serviceworker.html", ".any.js", ".any.worker.js")] wrapper = """ %(meta)s
""" class ServiceWorkerModulesHandler(HtmlWrapperHandler): global_type = "serviceworker-module" path_replace = [(".any.serviceworker-module.html", ".any.js", ".any.worker-module.js")] wrapper = """ %(meta)s
""" class ShadowRealmHandler(HtmlWrapperHandler): global_type = "shadowrealm" path_replace = [(".any.shadowrealm.html", ".any.js")] wrapper = """ %(meta)s """ def _script_replacement(self, key, value): if key == "script": return 'await import("%s");' % value return None class BaseWorkerHandler(WrapperHandler): headers = [('Content-Type', 'text/javascript')] def _meta_replacement(self, key, value): return None @abc.abstractmethod def _create_script_import(self, attribute): # Take attribute (a string URL to a JS script) and return JS source to import the script # into the worker. pass def _script_replacement(self, key, value): if key == "script": attribute = value.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace('"', '\\"') return self._create_script_import(attribute) if key == "title": value = value.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace('"', '\\"') return 'self.META_TITLE = "%s";' % value return None class ClassicWorkerHandler(BaseWorkerHandler): path_replace = [(".any.worker.js", ".any.js")] wrapper = """%(meta)s self.GLOBAL = { isWindow: function() { return false; }, isWorker: function() { return true; }, isShadowRealm: function() { return false; }, }; importScripts("/resources/testharness.js"); %(script)s importScripts("%(path)s"); done(); """ def _create_script_import(self, attribute): return 'importScripts("%s")' % attribute class ModuleWorkerHandler(BaseWorkerHandler): path_replace = [(".any.worker-module.js", ".any.js")] wrapper = """%(meta)s self.GLOBAL = { isWindow: function() { return false; }, isWorker: function() { return true; }, isShadowRealm: function() { return false; }, }; import "/resources/testharness.js"; %(script)s import "%(path)s"; done(); """ def _create_script_import(self, attribute): return 'import "%s";' % attribute rewrites = [("GET", "/resources/WebIDLParser.js", "/resources/webidl2/lib/webidl2.js")] class RoutesBuilder: def __init__(self, inject_script = None): self.forbidden_override = [("GET", "/tools/runner/*", handlers.file_handler), ("POST", "/tools/runner/update_manifest.py", handlers.python_script_handler)] self.forbidden = [("*", "/_certs/*", handlers.ErrorHandler(404)), ("*", "/tools/*", handlers.ErrorHandler(404)), ("*", "{spec}/tools/*", handlers.ErrorHandler(404)), ("*", "/results/", handlers.ErrorHandler(404))] self.extra = [] self.inject_script_data = None if inject_script is not None: with open(inject_script, 'rb') as f: self.inject_script_data = f.read() self.mountpoint_routes = OrderedDict() self.add_mount_point("/", None) def get_routes(self): routes = self.forbidden_override + self.forbidden + self.extra # Using reversed here means that mount points that are added later # get higher priority. This makes sense since / is typically added # first. for item in reversed(self.mountpoint_routes.values()): routes.extend(item) return routes def add_handler(self, method, route, handler): self.extra.append((str(method), str(route), handler)) def add_static(self, path, format_args, content_type, route, headers=None): if headers is None: headers = {} handler = handlers.StaticHandler(path, format_args, content_type, **headers) self.add_handler("GET", str(route), handler) def add_mount_point(self, url_base, path): url_base = "/%s/" % url_base.strip("/") if url_base != "/" else "/" self.mountpoint_routes[url_base] = [] routes = [ ("GET", "*.worker.html", WorkersHandler), ("GET", "*.worker-module.html", WorkerModulesHandler), ("GET", "*.window.html", WindowHandler), ("GET", "*.any.html", AnyHtmlHandler), ("GET", "*.any.sharedworker.html", SharedWorkersHandler), ("GET", "*.any.sharedworker-module.html", SharedWorkerModulesHandler), ("GET", "*.any.serviceworker.html", ServiceWorkersHandler), ("GET", "*.any.serviceworker-module.html", ServiceWorkerModulesHandler), ("GET", "*.any.shadowrealm.html", ShadowRealmHandler), ("GET", "*.any.window-module.html", WindowModulesHandler), ("GET", "*.any.worker.js", ClassicWorkerHandler), ("GET", "*.any.worker-module.js", ModuleWorkerHandler), ("GET", "*.asis", handlers.AsIsHandler), ("*", "/.well-known/attribution-reporting/report-event-attribution", handlers.PythonScriptHandler), ("*", "/.well-known/attribution-reporting/debug/report-event-attribution", handlers.PythonScriptHandler), ("*", "/.well-known/attribution-reporting/report-aggregate-attribution", handlers.PythonScriptHandler), ("*", "/.well-known/attribution-reporting/debug/report-aggregate-attribution", handlers.PythonScriptHandler), ("*", "/.well-known/attribution-reporting/debug/verbose", handlers.PythonScriptHandler), ("GET", "/.well-known/interest-group/permissions/", handlers.PythonScriptHandler), ("*", "/.well-known/private-aggregation/*", handlers.PythonScriptHandler), ("*", "/.well-known/web-identity", handlers.PythonScriptHandler), ("*", "*.py", handlers.PythonScriptHandler), ("GET", "*", handlers.FileHandler) ] for (method, suffix, handler_cls) in routes: handler = handler_cls(base_path=path, url_base=url_base) if self.inject_script_data is not None: handler = HtmlScriptInjectorHandlerWrapper(inject=self.inject_script_data, wrap=handler) self.mountpoint_routes[url_base].append( (method, "%s%s" % (url_base if url_base != "/" else "", suffix), handler)) def add_file_mount_point(self, file_url, base_path): assert file_url.startswith("/") url_base = file_url[0:file_url.rfind("/") + 1] self.mountpoint_routes[file_url] = [("GET", file_url, handlers.FileHandler(base_path=base_path, url_base=url_base))] def get_route_builder(logger, aliases, config): builder = RoutesBuilder(config.inject_script) for alias in aliases: url = alias["url-path"] directory = alias["local-dir"] if not url.startswith("/") or len(directory) == 0: logger.error("\"url-path\" value must start with '/'.") continue if url.endswith("/"): builder.add_mount_point(url, directory) else: builder.add_file_mount_point(url, directory) return builder class ServerProc: def __init__(self, mp_context, scheme=None): self.proc = None self.daemon = None self.mp_context = mp_context self.stop_flag = mp_context.Event() self.scheme = scheme def start(self, init_func, host, port, paths, routes, bind_address, config, log_handlers, **kwargs): self.proc = self.mp_context.Process(target=self.create_daemon, args=(init_func, host, port, paths, routes, bind_address, config, log_handlers, dict(**os.environ)), name='%s on port %s' % (self.scheme, port), kwargs=kwargs) self.proc.daemon = True self.proc.start() def create_daemon(self, init_func, host, port, paths, routes, bind_address, config, log_handlers, env, **kwargs): # Ensure that when we start this in a new process we have the global lock # in the logging module unlocked importlib.reload(logging) os.environ = env logger = get_logger(config.logging["level"], log_handlers) if sys.platform == "darwin": # on Darwin, NOFILE starts with a very low limit (256), so bump it up a little # by way of comparison, Debian starts with a limit of 1024, Windows 512 import resource # local, as it only exists on Unix-like systems maxfilesperproc = int(subprocess.check_output( ["sysctl", "-n", "kern.maxfilesperproc"] ).strip()) soft, hard = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE) # 2048 is somewhat arbitrary, but gives us some headroom for wptrunner --parallel # note that it's expected that 2048 will be the min here new_soft = min(2048, maxfilesperproc, hard) if soft < new_soft: resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (new_soft, hard)) try: self.daemon = init_func(logger, host, port, paths, routes, bind_address, config, **kwargs) except OSError: logger.critical("Socket error on port %s" % port, file=sys.stderr) raise except Exception: logger.critical(traceback.format_exc()) raise if self.daemon: try: self.daemon.start() try: self.stop_flag.wait() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: self.daemon.stop() except Exception: logger.critical(traceback.format_exc()) raise def request_shutdown(self): if self.is_alive(): self.stop_flag.set() def wait(self, timeout=None): self.proc.join(timeout) def is_alive(self): return self.proc.is_alive() def check_subdomains(logger, config, routes, mp_context, log_handlers): paths = config.paths bind_address = config.bind_address host = config.server_host port = get_port() logger.debug("Going to use port %d to check subdomains" % port) wrapper = ServerProc(mp_context) wrapper.start(start_http_server, host, port, paths, routes, bind_address, config, log_handlers) url = f"http://{host}:{port}/" connected = False for i in range(10): try: urllib.request.urlopen(url) connected = True break except urllib.error.URLError: time.sleep(1) if not connected: logger.critical("Failed to connect to test server " "on {}. {}".format(url, EDIT_HOSTS_HELP)) sys.exit(1) for domain in config.domains_set: if domain == host: continue try: urllib.request.urlopen("http://%s:%d/" % (domain, port)) except Exception: logger.critical(f"Failed probing domain {domain}. {EDIT_HOSTS_HELP}") sys.exit(1) wrapper.request_shutdown() wrapper.wait() def make_hosts_file(config, host): rv = [] for domain in config.domains_set: rv.append("%s\t%s\n" % (host, domain)) # Windows interpets the IP address as non-existent, making it an # appropriate alias for non-existent hosts. However, UNIX-like systems # interpret the same address to mean any IP address, which is inappropraite # for this context. These systems do not reserve any value for this # purpose, so the inavailability of the domains must be taken for granted. # # https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/issues/10560 if platform.uname()[0] == "Windows": for not_domain in config.not_domains_set: rv.append("\t%s\n" % not_domain) return "".join(rv) def start_servers(logger, host, ports, paths, routes, bind_address, config, mp_context, log_handlers, **kwargs): servers = defaultdict(list) for scheme, ports in ports.items(): assert len(ports) == {"http": 2, "https": 2}.get(scheme, 1) # If trying to start HTTP/2.0 server, check compatibility if scheme == 'h2' and not http2_compatible(): logger.error('Cannot start HTTP/2.0 server as the environment is not compatible. ' + 'Requires OpenSSL 1.0.2+') continue # Skip WebTransport over HTTP/3 server unless if is enabled explicitly. if scheme == 'webtransport-h3' and not kwargs.get("webtransport_h3"): continue for port in ports: if port is None: continue init_func = { "http": start_http_server, "http-private": start_http_server, "http-public": start_http_server, "https": start_https_server, "https-private": start_https_server, "https-public": start_https_server, "h2": start_http2_server, "ws": start_ws_server, "wss": start_wss_server, "webtransport-h3": start_webtransport_h3_server, }[scheme] server_proc = ServerProc(mp_context, scheme=scheme) server_proc.start(init_func, host, port, paths, routes, bind_address, config, log_handlers, **kwargs) servers[scheme].append((port, server_proc)) return servers def startup_failed(logger): logger.critical(EDIT_HOSTS_HELP) sys.exit(1) def start_http_server(logger, host, port, paths, routes, bind_address, config, **kwargs): try: return wptserve.WebTestHttpd(host=host, port=port, doc_root=paths["doc_root"], routes=routes, rewrites=rewrites, bind_address=bind_address, config=config, use_ssl=False, key_file=None, certificate=None, latency=kwargs.get("latency")) except Exception as error: logger.critical(f"start_http_server: Caught exception from wptserve.WebTestHttpd: {error}") startup_failed(logger) def start_https_server(logger, host, port, paths, routes, bind_address, config, **kwargs): try: return wptserve.WebTestHttpd(host=host, port=port, doc_root=paths["doc_root"], routes=routes, rewrites=rewrites, bind_address=bind_address, config=config, use_ssl=True, key_file=config.ssl_config["key_path"], certificate=config.ssl_config["cert_path"], encrypt_after_connect=config.ssl_config["encrypt_after_connect"], latency=kwargs.get("latency")) except Exception as error: logger.critical(f"start_https_server: Caught exception from wptserve.WebTestHttpd: {error}") startup_failed(logger) def start_http2_server(logger, host, port, paths, routes, bind_address, config, **kwargs): try: return wptserve.WebTestHttpd(host=host, port=port, handler_cls=wptserve.Http2WebTestRequestHandler, doc_root=paths["doc_root"], ws_doc_root=paths["ws_doc_root"], routes=routes, rewrites=rewrites, bind_address=bind_address, config=config, use_ssl=True, key_file=config.ssl_config["key_path"], certificate=config.ssl_config["cert_path"], encrypt_after_connect=config.ssl_config["encrypt_after_connect"], latency=kwargs.get("latency"), http2=True) except Exception as error: logger.critical(f"start_http2_server: Caught exception from wptserve.WebTestHttpd: {error}") startup_failed(logger) class WebSocketDaemon: def __init__(self, host, port, doc_root, handlers_root, bind_address, ssl_config): logger = logging.getLogger() self.host = host cmd_args = ["-p", port, "-d", doc_root, "-w", handlers_root] if ssl_config is not None: cmd_args += ["--tls", "--private-key", ssl_config["key_path"], "--certificate", ssl_config["cert_path"]] if (bind_address): cmd_args = ["-H", host] + cmd_args opts, args = pywebsocket._parse_args_and_config(cmd_args) opts.cgi_directories = [] opts.is_executable_method = None self.server = pywebsocket.WebSocketServer(opts) ports = [item[0].getsockname()[1] for item in self.server._sockets] if not ports: # TODO: Fix the logging configuration in WebSockets processes # see https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/issues/22719 logger.critical("Failed to start websocket server on port %s, " "is something already using that port?" % port, file=sys.stderr) raise OSError() assert all(item == ports[0] for item in ports) self.port = ports[0] self.started = False self.server_thread = None def start(self): self.started = True self.server_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.server.serve_forever) self.server_thread.setDaemon(True) # don't hang on exit self.server_thread.start() def stop(self): """ Stops the server. If the server is not running, this method has no effect. """ if self.started: try: self.server.shutdown() self.server.server_close() self.server_thread.join() self.server_thread = None except AttributeError: pass self.started = False self.server = None def start_ws_server(logger, host, port, paths, routes, bind_address, config, **kwargs): try: return WebSocketDaemon(host, str(port), repo_root, config.paths["ws_doc_root"], bind_address, ssl_config=None) except Exception as error: logger.critical(f"start_ws_server: Caught exception from WebSocketDomain: {error}") startup_failed(logger) def start_wss_server(logger, host, port, paths, routes, bind_address, config, **kwargs): try: return WebSocketDaemon(host, str(port), repo_root, config.paths["ws_doc_root"], bind_address, config.ssl_config) except Exception as error: logger.critical(f"start_wss_server: Caught exception from WebSocketDomain: {error}") startup_failed(logger) def start_webtransport_h3_server(logger, host, port, paths, routes, bind_address, config, **kwargs): try: # TODO(bashi): Move the following import to the beginning of this file # once WebTransportH3Server is enabled by default. from webtransport.h3.webtransport_h3_server import WebTransportH3Server # type: ignore return WebTransportH3Server(host=host, port=port, doc_root=paths["doc_root"], cert_path=config.ssl_config["cert_path"], key_path=config.ssl_config["key_path"], logger=logger) except Exception as error: logger.critical( f"Failed to start WebTransport over HTTP/3 server: {error}") sys.exit(0) def start(logger, config, routes, mp_context, log_handlers, **kwargs): host = config["server_host"] ports = config.ports paths = config.paths bind_address = config["bind_address"] logger.debug("Using ports: %r" % ports) servers = start_servers(logger, host, ports, paths, routes, bind_address, config, mp_context, log_handlers, **kwargs) return servers def iter_servers(servers): for servers in servers.values(): for port, server in servers: yield server def _make_subdomains_product(s: Set[str], depth: int = 2) -> Set[str]: return {".".join(x) for x in chain(*(product(s, repeat=i) for i in range(1, depth+1)))} _subdomains = {"www", "www1", "www2", "天気の良い日", "élève"} _not_subdomains = {"nonexistent"} _subdomains = _make_subdomains_product(_subdomains) _not_subdomains = _make_subdomains_product(_not_subdomains) class ConfigBuilder(config.ConfigBuilder): """serve config This subclasses wptserve.config.ConfigBuilder to add serve config options. """ _default = { "browser_host": "web-platform.test", "alternate_hosts": { "alt": "not-web-platform.test" }, "doc_root": repo_root, "ws_doc_root": os.path.join(repo_root, "websockets", "handlers"), "server_host": None, "ports": { "http": [8000, "auto"], "http-private": ["auto"], "http-public": ["auto"], "https": [8443, 8444], "https-private": ["auto"], "https-public": ["auto"], "ws": ["auto"], "wss": ["auto"], "webtransport-h3": ["auto"], }, "check_subdomains": True, "bind_address": True, "ssl": { "type": "pregenerated", "encrypt_after_connect": False, "openssl": { "openssl_binary": "openssl", "base_path": "_certs", "password": "web-platform-tests", "force_regenerate": False, "duration": 30, "base_conf_path": None }, "pregenerated": { "host_key_path": os.path.join(repo_root, "tools", "certs", "web-platform.test.key"), "host_cert_path": os.path.join(repo_root, "tools", "certs", "web-platform.test.pem") }, "none": {} }, "aliases": [], "logging": { "level": "info", "suppress_handler_traceback": False } } computed_properties = ["ws_doc_root"] + config.ConfigBuilder.computed_properties def __init__(self, logger, *args, **kwargs): if "subdomains" not in kwargs: kwargs["subdomains"] = _subdomains if "not_subdomains" not in kwargs: kwargs["not_subdomains"] = _not_subdomains super().__init__( logger, *args, **kwargs ) with self as c: browser_host = c.get("browser_host") alternate_host = c.get("alternate_hosts", {}).get("alt") if not domains_are_distinct(browser_host, alternate_host): raise ValueError( "Alternate host must be distinct from browser host" ) def _get_ws_doc_root(self, data): if data["ws_doc_root"] is not None: return data["ws_doc_root"] else: return os.path.join(data["doc_root"], "websockets", "handlers") def _get_paths(self, data): rv = super()._get_paths(data) rv["ws_doc_root"] = data["ws_doc_root"] return rv def build_config(logger, override_path=None, config_cls=ConfigBuilder, **kwargs): rv = config_cls(logger) enable_http2 = kwargs.get("h2") if enable_http2 is None: enable_http2 = True if enable_http2: rv._default["ports"]["h2"] = [9000] if override_path and os.path.exists(override_path): with open(override_path) as f: override_obj = json.load(f) rv.update(override_obj) if kwargs.get("config_path"): other_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(kwargs.get("config_path"))) if os.path.exists(other_path): with open(other_path) as f: override_obj = json.load(f) rv.update(override_obj) else: raise ValueError("Config path %s does not exist" % other_path) if kwargs.get("verbose"): rv.logging["level"] = "DEBUG" setattr(rv, "inject_script", kwargs.get("inject_script")) overriding_path_args = [("doc_root", "Document root"), ("ws_doc_root", "WebSockets document root")] for key, title in overriding_path_args: value = kwargs.get(key) if value is None: continue value = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(value)) if not os.path.exists(value): raise ValueError("%s path %s does not exist" % (title, value)) setattr(rv, key, value) return rv def get_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--latency", type=int, help="Artificial latency to add before sending http responses, in ms") parser.add_argument("--config", action="store", dest="config_path", help="Path to external config file") parser.add_argument("--doc_root", action="store", dest="doc_root", help="Path to document root. Overrides config.") parser.add_argument("--ws_doc_root", action="store", dest="ws_doc_root", help="Path to WebSockets document root. Overrides config.") parser.add_argument("--inject-script", default=None, help="Path to script file to inject, useful for testing polyfills.") parser.add_argument("--alias_file", action="store", dest="alias_file", help="File with entries for aliases/multiple doc roots. In form of `/ALIAS_NAME/, DOC_ROOT\\n`") parser.add_argument("--h2", action="store_true", dest="h2", default=None, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument("--no-h2", action="store_false", dest="h2", default=None, help="Disable the HTTP/2.0 server") parser.add_argument("--webtransport-h3", action="store_true", help="Enable WebTransport over HTTP/3 server") parser.add_argument("--exit-after-start", action="store_true", help="Exit after starting servers") parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", help="Enable verbose logging") parser.set_defaults(report=False) parser.set_defaults(is_wave=False) return parser class MpContext: def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(multiprocessing, name) def get_logger(log_level, log_handlers): """Get a logger configured to log at level log_level If the logger has existing handlers the log_handlers argument is ignored. Otherwise the handlers in log_handlers are added to the logger. If there are no log_handlers passed and no configured handlers, a stream handler is added to the logger. Typically this is called once per process to set up logging in that process. :param log_level: - A string representing a log level e.g. "info" :param log_handlers: - Optional list of Handler objects. """ logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, log_level.upper())) if not logger.hasHandlers(): if log_handlers is not None: for handler in log_handlers: logger.addHandler(handler) else: handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) formatter = logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)s %(processName)s] %(levelname)s - %(message)s") handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) return logger def run(config_cls=ConfigBuilder, route_builder=None, mp_context=None, log_handlers=None, **kwargs): logger = get_logger("INFO", log_handlers) if mp_context is None: if hasattr(multiprocessing, "get_context"): mp_context = multiprocessing.get_context() else: mp_context = MpContext() with build_config(logger, os.path.join(repo_root, "config.json"), config_cls=config_cls, **kwargs) as config: # This sets the right log level logger = get_logger(config.logging["level"], log_handlers) bind_address = config["bind_address"] if kwargs.get("alias_file"): with open(kwargs["alias_file"]) as alias_file: for line in alias_file: alias, doc_root = (x.strip() for x in line.split(',')) config["aliases"].append({ 'url-path': alias, 'local-dir': doc_root, }) if route_builder is None: route_builder = get_route_builder routes = route_builder(logger, config.aliases, config).get_routes() if config["check_subdomains"]: check_subdomains(logger, config, routes, mp_context, log_handlers) stash_address = None if bind_address: stash_address = (config.server_host, get_port("")) logger.debug("Going to use port %d for stash" % stash_address[1]) with stash.StashServer(stash_address, authkey=str(uuid.uuid4())): servers = start(logger, config, routes, mp_context, log_handlers, **kwargs) if not kwargs.get("exit_after_start"): try: # Periodically check if all the servers are alive server_process_exited = False while not server_process_exited: for server in iter_servers(servers): server.proc.join(1) if not server.proc.is_alive(): server_process_exited = True break except KeyboardInterrupt: pass failed_subproc = 0 for server in iter_servers(servers): logger.info('Status of subprocess "%s": running', server.proc.name) server.request_shutdown() for server in iter_servers(servers): server.wait(timeout=1) if server.proc.exitcode == 0: logger.info('Status of subprocess "%s": exited correctly', server.proc.name) else: subproc = server.proc logger.warning('Status of subprocess "%s": failed. Exit with non-zero status: %d', subproc.name, subproc.exitcode) failed_subproc += 1 return failed_subproc def main(): kwargs = vars(get_parser().parse_args()) return run(**kwargs)