#!/usr/bin/env python import asyncio import json import os import secrets import signal import websockets from connect4 import PLAYER1, PLAYER2, Connect4 JOIN = {} WATCH = {} async def error(websocket, message): """ Send an error message. """ event = { "type": "error", "message": message, } await websocket.send(json.dumps(event)) async def replay(websocket, game): """ Send previous moves. """ # Make a copy to avoid an exception if game.moves changes while iteration # is in progress. If a move is played while replay is running, moves will # be sent out of order but each move will be sent once and eventually the # UI will be consistent. for player, column, row in game.moves.copy(): event = { "type": "play", "player": player, "column": column, "row": row, } await websocket.send(json.dumps(event)) async def play(websocket, game, player, connected): """ Receive and process moves from a player. """ async for message in websocket: # Parse a "play" event from the UI. event = json.loads(message) assert event["type"] == "play" column = event["column"] try: # Play the move. row = game.play(player, column) except RuntimeError as exc: # Send an "error" event if the move was illegal. await error(websocket, str(exc)) continue # Send a "play" event to update the UI. event = { "type": "play", "player": player, "column": column, "row": row, } websockets.broadcast(connected, json.dumps(event)) # If move is winning, send a "win" event. if game.winner is not None: event = { "type": "win", "player": game.winner, } websockets.broadcast(connected, json.dumps(event)) async def start(websocket): """ Handle a connection from the first player: start a new game. """ # Initialize a Connect Four game, the set of WebSocket connections # receiving moves from this game, and secret access tokens. game = Connect4() connected = {websocket} join_key = secrets.token_urlsafe(12) JOIN[join_key] = game, connected watch_key = secrets.token_urlsafe(12) WATCH[watch_key] = game, connected try: # Send the secret access tokens to the browser of the first player, # where they'll be used for building "join" and "watch" links. event = { "type": "init", "join": join_key, "watch": watch_key, } await websocket.send(json.dumps(event)) # Receive and process moves from the first player. await play(websocket, game, PLAYER1, connected) finally: del JOIN[join_key] del WATCH[watch_key] async def join(websocket, join_key): """ Handle a connection from the second player: join an existing game. """ # Find the Connect Four game. try: game, connected = JOIN[join_key] except KeyError: await error(websocket, "Game not found.") return # Register to receive moves from this game. connected.add(websocket) try: # Send the first move, in case the first player already played it. await replay(websocket, game) # Receive and process moves from the second player. await play(websocket, game, PLAYER2, connected) finally: connected.remove(websocket) async def watch(websocket, watch_key): """ Handle a connection from a spectator: watch an existing game. """ # Find the Connect Four game. try: game, connected = WATCH[watch_key] except KeyError: await error(websocket, "Game not found.") return # Register to receive moves from this game. connected.add(websocket) try: # Send previous moves, in case the game already started. await replay(websocket, game) # Keep the connection open, but don't receive any messages. await websocket.wait_closed() finally: connected.remove(websocket) async def handler(websocket): """ Handle a connection and dispatch it according to who is connecting. """ # Receive and parse the "init" event from the UI. message = await websocket.recv() event = json.loads(message) assert event["type"] == "init" if "join" in event: # Second player joins an existing game. await join(websocket, event["join"]) elif "watch" in event: # Spectator watches an existing game. await watch(websocket, event["watch"]) else: # First player starts a new game. await start(websocket) async def main(): # Set the stop condition when receiving SIGTERM. loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() stop = loop.create_future() loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGTERM, stop.set_result, None) port = int(os.environ.get("PORT", "8001")) async with websockets.serve(handler, "", port): await stop if __name__ == "__main__": asyncio.run(main())