import argparse import json import logging import os from dataclasses import dataclass from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, List, Optional from ..manifest.item import SupportFile from ..manifest.sourcefile import SourceFile from ..metadata.yaml.load import load_data_to_dict from ..web_features.web_feature_map import WebFeatureToTestsDirMapper, WebFeaturesMap from .. import localpaths from ..metadata.webfeatures.schema import WEB_FEATURES_YML_FILENAME, WebFeaturesFile """ This command generates a manifest file containing a mapping of web-feature identifiers to test paths. The web-feature identifiers are sourced from They are used in WEB_FEATURES.yml files located throughout the WPT source code. Each file defines which test files correspond to a specific identifier. Refer to RFC 163 ( for more file details. This command processes all WEB_FEATURES.yml files, extracts the list of test paths from the test files, and writes them to a manifest file. The manifest file maps web-feature identifiers to their corresponding test paths. The file written is a JSON file. An example file looks like: { "version": 1, "data": { "async-clipboard": [ "/clipboard-apis/async-custom-formats-write-fail.tentative.https.html", "/clipboard-apis/async-custom-formats-write-read-web-prefix.tentative.https.html" ], "idle-detection": [ "/idle-detection/basics.tentative.https.window.html", "/idle-detection/idle-detection-allowed-by-permissions-policy-attribute-redirect-on-load.https.sub.html" ] } } The JSON Schema for the file format can be found at MANIFEST_SCHEMA.json This file does not follow the same format as the original manifest file, MANIFEST.json. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) MANIFEST_FILE_NAME = "WEB_FEATURES_MANIFEST.json" def abs_path(path: str) -> str: return os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path)) def create_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser: """ Creates an argument parser for the script. Returns: argparse.ArgumentParser: The configured argument parser. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Maps tests to web-features within a repo root." ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--path", type=abs_path, help="Path to manifest file.") return parser def find_all_test_files_in_dir(root_dir: str, rel_dir_path: str, url_base: str) -> List[SourceFile]: """ Finds all test files within a given directory. Ignores any SourceFiles that are marked as non_test or the type is SupportFile.item_type Args: root_dir (str): The root directory of the repository. rel_dir_path (str): The relative path of the directory to search. url_base (str): Base url to use as the mount point for tests in this manifest. Returns: List[SourceFile]: A list of SourceFile objects representing the found test files. """ rv: List[SourceFile] = [] full_dir_path = os.path.join(root_dir, rel_dir_path) for file in os.listdir(full_dir_path): full_path = os.path.join(full_dir_path, file) rel_file_path = os.path.relpath(full_path, root_dir) source_file = SourceFile(root_dir, rel_file_path, url_base) if not source_file.name_is_non_test and source_file.type != SupportFile.item_type: rv.append(source_file) return rv @dataclass class CmdConfig(): """ Configuration for the command-line options. """ repo_root: str # The root directory of the WPT repository url_base: str # Base URL used when converting file paths to urls def map_tests_to_web_features( cmd_cfg: CmdConfig, rel_dir_path: str, result: WebFeaturesMap, prev_inherited_features: List[str] = []) -> None: """ Recursively maps tests to web-features within a directory structure. Args: cmd_cfg (CmdConfig): The configuration for the command-line options. rel_dir_path (str): The relative path of the directory to process. result (WebFeaturesMap): The object to store the mapping results. prev_inherited_features (List[str], optional): A list of inherited web-features from parent directories. Defaults to []. """ # Sometimes it will add a . at the beginning. Let's resolve the absolute path to disambiguate. # current_path = Path(os.path.join(cmd_cfg.repo_root, rel_dir_path)).resolve() current_dir = str(Path(os.path.join(cmd_cfg.repo_root, rel_dir_path)).resolve()) # Create a copy that may be built upon or cleared during this iteration. inherited_features = prev_inherited_features.copy() rel_dir_path = os.path.relpath(current_dir, cmd_cfg.repo_root) web_feature_yml_full_path = os.path.join(current_dir, WEB_FEATURES_YML_FILENAME) web_feature_file: Optional[WebFeaturesFile] = None if os.path.isfile(web_feature_yml_full_path): try: web_feature_file = WebFeaturesFile(load_data_to_dict( open(web_feature_yml_full_path, "rb"))) except Exception as e: raise e WebFeatureToTestsDirMapper( find_all_test_files_in_dir(cmd_cfg.repo_root, rel_dir_path, cmd_cfg.url_base), web_feature_file ).run(result, inherited_features) sub_dirs = [f for f in os.listdir(current_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(current_dir, f))] for sub_dir in sub_dirs: map_tests_to_web_features( cmd_cfg, os.path.join(rel_dir_path, sub_dir), result, inherited_features ) class WebFeatureManifestEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """ Custom JSON encoder. WebFeaturesMap contains a dictionary where the value is of type set. Sets cannot serialize to JSON by default. This encoder handles that by calling WebFeaturesMap's to_dict() method. """ def default(self, obj: Any) -> Any: if isinstance(obj, WebFeaturesMap): return obj.to_dict() return super().default(obj) def write_manifest_file(path: str, web_features_map: WebFeaturesMap) -> None: """ Serializes the WebFeaturesMap to a JSON manifest file at the specified path. The generated JSON file adheres to the schema defined in the "MANIFEST_SCHEMA.json" file. The serialization process uses the custom `WebFeatureManifestEncoder` to ensure correct formatting. Args: path (str): The file path where the manifest file will be created or overwritten. web_features_map (WebFeaturesMap): The object containing the mapping between web-features and their corresponding test paths. """ with open(path, "w") as outfile: outfile.write( json.dumps( { "version": 1, "data": web_features_map }, cls=WebFeatureManifestEncoder)) def main(venv: Any = None, **kwargs: Any) -> int: assert logger is not None repo_root = localpaths.repo_root url_base = "/" path = kwargs.get("path") or os.path.join(repo_root, MANIFEST_FILE_NAME) cmd_cfg = CmdConfig(repo_root, url_base) feature_map = WebFeaturesMap() map_tests_to_web_features(cmd_cfg, "", feature_map) write_manifest_file(path, feature_map) return 0