This test validates that the performance.measure() method is working properly. This test creates the
following measures to test this method:
- "measure_no_start_no_end": created using a measure() call without a startMark or endMark
- "measure_start_no_end": created using a measure() call with only the startMark provided
- "measure_start_end": created using a measure() call with both a startMark or endMark provided
- "measure_no_start_end": created using a measure() call with only the endMark provided
- "measure_no_start_no_end": duplicate of the first measure, used to confirm names can be re-used
After creating each measure, the existence of these measures is validated by calling
performance.getEntriesByName() (both with and without the entryType parameter provided),
performance.getEntriesByType(), and performance.getEntries()