// For the record, these distance formulas were taken from the OpenAL // spec // (http://connect.creativelabs.com/openal/Documentation/OpenAL%201.1%20Specification.pdf), // not the code. The Web Audio spec follows the OpenAL formulas. function linearDistance(panner, x, y, z) { let distance = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z); let dref = Math.min(panner.refDistance, panner.maxDistance); let dmax = Math.max(panner.refDistance, panner.maxDistance); distance = Math.max(Math.min(distance, dmax), dref); let rolloff = Math.max(Math.min(panner.rolloffFactor, 1), 0); if (dref === dmax) return 1 - rolloff; let gain = (1 - rolloff * (distance - dref) / (dmax - dref)); return gain; } function inverseDistance(panner, x, y, z) { let distance = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z); distance = Math.max(distance, panner.refDistance); let rolloff = panner.rolloffFactor; let gain = panner.refDistance / (panner.refDistance + rolloff * (Math.max(distance, panner.refDistance) - panner.refDistance)); return gain; } function exponentialDistance(panner, x, y, z) { let distance = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z); distance = Math.max(distance, panner.refDistance); let rolloff = panner.rolloffFactor; let gain = Math.pow(distance / panner.refDistance, -rolloff); return gain; } // Simple implementations of 3D vectors implemented as a 3-element array. // x - y function vec3Sub(x, y) { let z = new Float32Array(3); z[0] = x[0] - y[0]; z[1] = x[1] - y[1]; z[2] = x[2] - y[2]; return z; } // x/|x| function vec3Normalize(x) { let mag = Math.hypot(...x); return x.map(function(c) { return c / mag; }); } // x == 0? function vec3IsZero(x) { return x[0] === 0 && x[1] === 0 && x[2] === 0; } // Vector cross product function vec3Cross(u, v) { let cross = new Float32Array(3); cross[0] = u[1] * v[2] - u[2] * v[1]; cross[1] = u[2] * v[0] - u[0] * v[2]; cross[2] = u[0] * v[1] - u[1] * v[0]; return cross; } // Dot product function vec3Dot(x, y) { return x[0] * y[0] + x[1] * y[1] + x[2] * y[2]; } // a*x, for scalar a function vec3Scale(a, x) { return x.map(function(c) { return a * c; }); } function calculateAzimuth(source, listener, listenerForward, listenerUp) { let sourceListener = vec3Sub(source, listener); if (vec3IsZero(sourceListener)) return 0; sourceListener = vec3Normalize(sourceListener); let listenerRight = vec3Normalize(vec3Cross(listenerForward, listenerUp)); let listenerForwardNorm = vec3Normalize(listenerForward); let up = vec3Cross(listenerRight, listenerForwardNorm); let upProjection = vec3Dot(sourceListener, up); let projectedSource = vec3Normalize(vec3Sub(sourceListener, vec3Scale(upProjection, up))); let azimuth = 180 / Math.PI * Math.acos(vec3Dot(projectedSource, listenerRight)); // Source in front or behind the listener let frontBack = vec3Dot(projectedSource, listenerForwardNorm); if (frontBack < 0) azimuth = 360 - azimuth; // Make azimuth relative to "front" and not "right" listener vector. if (azimuth >= 0 && azimuth <= 270) azimuth = 90 - azimuth; else azimuth = 450 - azimuth; // We don't need elevation, so we're skipping that computation. return azimuth; } // Map our position angle to the azimuth angle (in degrees). // // An angle of 0 corresponds to an azimuth of 90 deg; pi, to -90 deg. function angleToAzimuth(angle) { return 90 - angle * 180 / Math.PI; } // The gain caused by the EQUALPOWER panning model function equalPowerGain(azimuth, numberOfChannels) { let halfPi = Math.PI / 2; if (azimuth < -90) azimuth = -180 - azimuth; else azimuth = 180 - azimuth; if (numberOfChannels == 1) { let panPosition = (azimuth + 90) / 180; let gainL = Math.cos(halfPi * panPosition); let gainR = Math.sin(halfPi * panPosition); return {left: gainL, right: gainR}; } else { if (azimuth <= 0) { let panPosition = (azimuth + 90) / 90; let gainL = Math.cos(halfPi * panPosition); let gainR = Math.sin(halfPi * panPosition); return {left: gainL, right: gainR}; } else { let panPosition = azimuth / 90; let gainL = Math.cos(halfPi * panPosition); let gainR = Math.sin(halfPi * panPosition); return {left: gainL, right: gainR}; } } } function applyPanner(azimuth, srcL, srcR, numberOfChannels) { let length = srcL.length; let outL = new Float32Array(length); let outR = new Float32Array(length); if (numberOfChannels == 1) { for (let k = 0; k < length; ++k) { let gains = equalPowerGain(azimuth[k], numberOfChannels); outL[k] = srcL[k] * gains.left; outR[k] = srcR[k] * gains.right; } } else { for (let k = 0; k < length; ++k) { let gains = equalPowerGain(azimuth[k], numberOfChannels); if (azimuth[k] <= 0) { outL[k] = srcL[k] + srcR[k] * gains.left; outR[k] = srcR[k] * gains.right; } else { outL[k] = srcL[k] * gains.left; outR[k] = srcR[k] + srcL[k] * gains.right; } } } return {left: outL, right: outR}; }