// META: global=window,dedicatedworker // META: script=/webcodecs/utils.js const invalidConfigs = [ { comment: 'Missing codec', config: {}, }, { comment: 'Empty codec', config: {codec: ''}, }, ]; // invalidConfigs invalidConfigs.forEach(entry => { promise_test( t => { return promise_rejects_js( t, TypeError, VideoDecoder.isConfigSupported(entry.config)); }, 'Test that VideoDecoder.isConfigSupported() rejects invalid config:' + entry.comment); }); invalidConfigs.forEach(entry => { async_test( t => { let codec = new VideoDecoder(getDefaultCodecInit(t)); assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => { codec.configure(entry.config); }); t.done(); }, 'Test that VideoDecoder.configure() rejects invalid config:' + entry.comment); }); const arrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(12583); const arrayBufferView = new DataView(arrayBuffer); const validButUnsupportedConfigs = [ { comment: 'Unrecognized codec', config: {codec: 'bogus'}, }, { comment: 'Unrecognized codec with dataview description', config: { codec: '7󠎢ﷺ۹.9', description: arrayBufferView, }, }, { comment: 'Audio codec', config: {codec: 'vorbis'}, }, { comment: 'Ambiguous codec', config: {codec: 'vp9'}, }, { comment: 'Codec with bad casing', config: {codec: 'Vp09.00.10.08'}, }, { comment: 'Codec with MIME type', config: {codec: 'video/webm; codecs="vp8"'}, }, { comment: 'Possible future H264 codec string', config: {codec: 'avc1.FF000b'}, }, { comment: 'Possible future HEVC codec string', config: {codec: 'hvc1.C99.6FFFFFF.L93'}, }, { comment: 'Possible future VP9 codec string', config: {codec: 'vp09.99.99.08'}, }, { comment: 'Possible future AV1 codec string', config: {codec: 'av01.9.99M.08'}, }, ]; // validButUnsupportedConfigs validButUnsupportedConfigs.forEach(entry => { promise_test( t => { return VideoDecoder.isConfigSupported(entry.config).then(support => { assert_false(support.supported); }); }, 'Test that VideoDecoder.isConfigSupported() doesn\'t support config: ' + entry.comment); }); validButUnsupportedConfigs.forEach(entry => { promise_test( t => { let isErrorCallbackCalled = false; let codec = new VideoDecoder({ output: t.unreached_func('unexpected output'), error: t.step_func(e => { isErrorCallbackCalled = true; assert_true(e instanceof DOMException); assert_equals(e.name, 'NotSupportedError'); assert_equals(codec.state, 'closed', 'state'); }) }); codec.configure(entry.config); return codec.flush() .then(t.unreached_func('flush succeeded unexpectedly')) .catch(t.step_func(e => { assert_true(isErrorCallbackCalled, "isErrorCallbackCalled"); assert_true(e instanceof DOMException); assert_equals(e.name, 'NotSupportedError'); assert_equals(codec.state, 'closed', 'state'); })); }, 'Test that VideoDecoder.configure() doesn\'t support config: ' + entry.comment); }); promise_test(t => { // VideoDecoderInit lacks required fields. assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => { new VideoDecoder({}); }); // VideoDecoderInit has required fields. let decoder = new VideoDecoder(getDefaultCodecInit(t)); assert_equals(decoder.state, 'unconfigured'); decoder.close(); return endAfterEventLoopTurn(); }, 'Test VideoDecoder construction'); const validConfigs = [ { comment: 'valid codec with spaces', config: {codec: ' vp09.00.10.08 '}, }, ]; // validConfigs validConfigs.forEach(entry => { promise_test( async t => { try { await VideoDecoder.isConfigSupported(entry.config); } catch (e) { assert_true(false, entry.comment + ' should not throw'); } }, 'Test that VideoDecoder.isConfigSupported() accepts config:' + entry.comment); });