// META: title=validation tests for WebNN API gather operation // META: global=window,dedicatedworker // META: script=../resources/utils_validation.js 'use strict'; const tests = [ { name: '[gather] Test gather with default options and 0-D indices', input: {dataType: 'int32', dimensions: [3]}, indices: {dataType: 'uint64', dimensions: []}, output: {dataType: 'int32', dimensions: []} }, { name: '[gather] Test gather with axis = 2', input: {dataType: 'float32', dimensions: [1, 2, 3, 4]}, indices: {dataType: 'int64', dimensions: [5, 6]}, axis: 2, output: {dataType: 'float32', dimensions: [1, 2, 5, 6, 4]} }, { name: '[gather] TypeError is expected if the input is a scalar', input: {dataType: 'float16', dimensions: []}, indices: {dataType: 'int64', dimensions: [1]} }, { name: '[gather] TypeError is expected if the axis is greater than the rank of input', input: {dataType: 'float16', dimensions: [1, 2, 3]}, indices: {dataType: 'int32', dimensions: [5, 6]}, axis: 4 }, { name: '[gather] TypeError is expected if the data type of indices is invalid', input: {dataType: 'float16', dimensions: [1, 2, 3, 4]}, indices: {dataType: 'float32', dimensions: [5, 6]} } ]; tests.forEach( test => promise_test(async t => { const input = builder.input( 'input', {dataType: test.input.dataType, dimensions: test.input.dimensions}); const indices = builder.input( 'indices', {dataType: test.indices.dataType, dimensions: test.indices.dimensions}); const options = {}; if (test.axis) { options.axis = test.axis; } if (test.output) { const output = builder.gather(input, indices, options); assert_equals(output.dataType(), test.output.dataType); assert_array_equals(output.shape(), test.output.dimensions); } else { assert_throws_js( TypeError, () => builder.gather(input, indices, options)); } }, test.name)); multi_builder_test(async (t, builder, otherBuilder) => { const inputFromOtherBuilder = otherBuilder.input('input', {dataType: 'float32', dimensions: [2, 2]}); const indices = builder.input('indices', {dataType: 'int64', dimensions: [2, 2]}); assert_throws_js( TypeError, () => builder.gather(inputFromOtherBuilder, indices)); }, '[gather] throw if input is from another builder'); multi_builder_test(async (t, builder, otherBuilder) => { const indicesFromOtherBuilder = otherBuilder.input('indices', {dataType: 'int64', dimensions: [2, 2]}); const input = builder.input('input', {dataType: 'float32', dimensions: [2, 2]}); assert_throws_js( TypeError, () => builder.gather(input, indicesFromOtherBuilder)); }, '[gather] throw if indices is from another builder');