// META: script=../../constants.sub.js // META: script=resources/url-constants.js // META: global=window,worker // META: variant=?default // META: variant=?wss // META: variant=?wpt_flags=h2 'use strict'; promise_test(async () => { const wss = new WebSocketStream(ECHOURL); await wss.opened; wss.close({ closeCode: 3456, reason: 'pizza' }); const { closeCode, reason } = await wss.closed; assert_equals(closeCode, 3456, 'code should match'); assert_equals(reason, 'pizza', 'reason should match'); }, 'close code should be sent to server and reflected back'); promise_test(async () => { const wss = new WebSocketStream(ECHOURL); await wss.opened; wss.close(); const { closeCode, reason } = await wss.closed; assert_equals(closeCode, 1005, 'code should be unset'); assert_equals(reason, '', 'reason should be empty'); }, 'no close argument should send empty Close frame'); promise_test(async () => { const wss = new WebSocketStream(ECHOURL); await wss.opened; wss.close({}); const { closeCode, reason } = await wss.closed; assert_equals(closeCode, 1005, 'code should be unset'); assert_equals(reason, '', 'reason should be empty'); }, 'unspecified close code should send empty Close frame'); promise_test(async () => { const wss = new WebSocketStream(ECHOURL); await wss.opened; wss.close({reason: ''}); const { closeCode, reason } = await wss.closed; assert_equals(closeCode, 1005, 'code should be unset'); assert_equals(reason, '', 'reason should be empty'); }, 'unspecified close code with empty reason should send empty Close frame'); promise_test(async () => { const wss = new WebSocketStream(ECHOURL); await wss.opened; wss.close({reason: 'non-empty'}); const { closeCode, reason } = await wss.closed; assert_equals(closeCode, 1000, 'code should be set'); assert_equals(reason, 'non-empty', 'reason should match'); }, 'unspecified close code with non-empty reason should set code to 1000'); promise_test(async () => { const wss = new WebSocketStream(ECHOURL); await wss.opened; assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => wss.close(true), 'close should throw a TypeError'); }, 'close(true) should throw a TypeError'); promise_test(async () => { const wss = new WebSocketStream(ECHOURL); await wss.opened; const reason = '.'.repeat(124); assert_throws_dom('SyntaxError', () => wss.close({ reason }), 'close should throw a SyntaxError'); }, 'close() with an overlong reason should throw'); function IsWebSocketError(e) { return e.constructor == WebSocketError; } promise_test(t => { const wss = new WebSocketStream(ECHOURL); wss.close(); return Promise.all([ wss.opened.then(t.unreached_func('should have rejected')).catch(e => assert_true(IsWebSocketError(e))), wss.closed.then(t.unreached_func('should have rejected')).catch(e => assert_true(IsWebSocketError(e))), ]); }, 'close during handshake should work'); for (const invalidCode of [999, 1001, 2999, 5000]) { promise_test(async () => { const wss = new WebSocketStream(ECHOURL); await wss.opened; assert_throws_dom('InvalidAccessError', () => wss.close({ closeCode: invalidCode }), 'close should throw an InvalidAccessError'); }, `close() with invalid code ${invalidCode} should throw`); } promise_test(async () => { const wss = new WebSocketStream(ECHOURL); const { writable } = await wss.opened; writable.getWriter().close(); const { closeCode, reason } = await wss.closed; assert_equals(closeCode, 1005, 'code should be unset'); assert_equals(reason, '', 'reason should be empty'); }, 'closing the writable should result in a clean close'); promise_test(async () => { const wss = new WebSocketStream(`${BASEURL}/delayed-passive-close`); const { writable } = await wss.opened; const startTime = performance.now(); await writable.getWriter().close(); const elapsed = performance.now() - startTime; const jitterAllowance = 100; assert_greater_than_equal(elapsed, 1000 - jitterAllowance, 'one second should have elapsed'); }, 'writer close() promise should not resolve until handshake completes'); promise_test(async t => { const wss = new WebSocketStream(`${BASEURL}/passive-close-abort`); await wss.opened; wss.close({closeCode: 4000, reason: 'because'}); const error = await wss.closed.then(t.unreached_func('closed should reject'), e => e); assert_equals(error.constructor, WebSocketError, 'error should be WebSocketError'); assert_equals(error.closeCode, 1006, 'close code should be Abnormal Closure'); }, 'incomplete closing handshake should be considered unclean close'); const abortOrCancel = [ { method: 'abort', voweling: 'aborting', stream: 'writable', }, { method: 'cancel', voweling: 'canceling', stream: 'readable', }, ]; for (const { method, voweling, stream } of abortOrCancel) { promise_test(async () => { const wss = new WebSocketStream(ECHOURL); const info = await wss.opened; info[stream][method](); const { closeCode, reason } = await wss.closed; assert_equals(closeCode, 1005, 'code should be unset'); assert_equals(reason, '', 'reason should be empty'); }, `${voweling} the ${stream} should result in a clean close`); promise_test(async () => { const wss = new WebSocketStream(ECHOURL); const info = await wss.opened; info[stream][method]({ closeCode: 3333, reason: 'obsolete' }); const { closeCode, reason } = await wss.closed; assert_equals(closeCode, 1005, 'code should be unset'); assert_equals(reason, '', 'reason should be empty'); }, `${voweling} the ${stream} with attributes not wrapped in a WebSocketError should be ignored`); promise_test(async () => { const wss = new WebSocketStream(ECHOURL); const info = await wss.opened; info[stream][method](new WebSocketError('', { closeCode: 3333 })); const { closeCode, reason } = await wss.closed; assert_equals(closeCode, 3333, 'code should be used'); assert_equals(reason, '', 'reason should be empty'); }, `${voweling} the ${stream} with a code should send that code`); promise_test(async () => { const wss = new WebSocketStream(ECHOURL); const info = await wss.opened; info[stream][method](new WebSocketError('', { closeCode: 3456, reason: 'set' })); const { closeCode, reason } = await wss.closed; assert_equals(closeCode, 3456, 'code should be used'); assert_equals(reason, 'set', 'reason should be used'); }, `${voweling} the ${stream} with a code and reason should use them`); promise_test(async () => { const wss = new WebSocketStream(ECHOURL); const info = await wss.opened; info[stream][method](new WebSocketError('', { reason: 'specified' })); const { closeCode, reason } = await wss.closed; assert_equals(closeCode, 1000, 'code should be defaulted'); assert_equals(reason, 'specified', 'reason should be used'); }, `${voweling} the ${stream} with a reason but no code should default the close code`); promise_test(async () => { const wss = new WebSocketStream(ECHOURL); const info = await wss.opened; const domException = new DOMException('yes', 'DataCloneError'); domException.closeCode = 1000; domException.reason = 'should be ignored'; info[stream][method](domException); const { closeCode, reason } = await wss.closed; assert_equals(closeCode, 1005, 'code should be unset'); assert_equals(reason, '', 'reason should be empty'); }, `${voweling} the ${stream} with a DOMException not set code or reason`); }