// META: title=XMLHttpRequest.send(ES object) function do_test(obj, expected, name) { var test = async_test(name) test.step(function() { var client = new XMLHttpRequest() client.onload = test.step_func(function () { assert_equals(client.responseText, expected) test.done() }); client.open('POST', 'resources/content.py') if (expected.exception) { if (expected.exception.identity) { assert_throws_exactly(expected.exception.identity, function(){client.send(obj)}) } else { assert_throws_js(expected.exception.ctor, function(){client.send(obj)}) } test.done() } else { client.send(obj) } }); } do_test({}, '[object Object]', 'sending a plain empty object') do_test(Math, '[object Math]', 'sending the ES Math object') do_test(new XMLHttpRequest, '[object XMLHttpRequest]', 'sending a new XHR instance') do_test(new ReadableStream, '[object ReadableStream]', 'sending a new ReadableStream instance') do_test({toString:function(){}}, 'undefined', 'sending object that stringifies to undefined') do_test({toString:function(){return null}}, 'null', 'sending object that stringifies to null') var ancestor = {toString: function(){ var ar=[] for (var prop in this) { if (this.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { ar.push(prop+'='+this[prop]) } }; return ar.join('&') }}; var myObj = Object.create(ancestor, {foo:{value:1, enumerable: true}, bar:{value:'foo', enumerable:true}}) do_test(myObj, 'foo=1&bar=foo', 'object that stringifies to query string') var myFakeJSON = {a:'a', b:'b', toString:function(){ return JSON.stringify(this, function(key, val){ return key ==='toString'?undefined:val; }) }} do_test(myFakeJSON, '{"a":"a","b":"b"}', 'object that stringifies to JSON string') var myFakeDoc1 = {valueOf:function(){return document}} do_test(myFakeDoc1, '[object Object]', 'object whose valueOf() returns a document - ignore valueOf(), stringify') var myFakeDoc2 = {toString:function(){return document}} var expectedError = self.GLOBAL.isWorker() ? ReferenceError : TypeError; do_test(myFakeDoc2, {exception: { ctor: expectedError } }, 'object whose toString() returns a document, expected to throw') var err = {name:'FooError', message:'bar'}; var myThrower = {toString:function(){throw err;}}; do_test(myThrower, {exception: { identity: err }}, 'object whose toString() throws, expected to throw')