import pytest URL = "" IFRAME_CSS = "#main-iframe" INCOMPATIBLE_CSS = ".browser-compatible.compatible.incompatible" BLOCKED_TEXT = "blocked by the security rules" DENIED_TEXT = "not available in your region" FORBIDDEN_TEXT = "403 Forbidden" CAPTCHA_CSS = "img[src*='']" async def check_unsupported_visibility(client, should_show): await client.navigate(URL) # their region-block page sometimes wraps the content in an iframe frame = client.find_css(IFRAME_CSS) if frame: client.switch_frame(frame) denied, blocked, forbidden, captcha, incompatible = client.await_first_element_of( [ client.text(DENIED_TEXT), client.text(BLOCKED_TEXT), client.text(FORBIDDEN_TEXT), client.css(CAPTCHA_CSS), client.css(INCOMPATIBLE_CSS), ] ) if captcha: pytest.skip( "Got a Captcha page. Please visit, pass the captcha, and re-run this test." ) return if denied or blocked or forbidden: pytest.skip("Region-locked, cannot test. Try using a VPN set to USA.") return shown = client.is_displayed(incompatible) assert (should_show and shown) or (not should_show and not shown) @pytest.mark.skip_platforms("android") @pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.mark.with_interventions async def test_enabled(client): await check_unsupported_visibility(client, should_show=False) @pytest.mark.skip_platforms("android") @pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.mark.without_interventions async def test_disabled(client): await check_unsupported_visibility(client, should_show=True)