var expect = require('chai').expect; var util = require('./util'); var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var url = require('url'); var net = require('net'); var http2 = require('../lib/http'); var https = require('https'); var serverOptions = { key: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../example/localhost.key')), cert: fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../example/localhost.crt')), rejectUnauthorized: true, log: util.serverLog }; var agentOptions = { key: serverOptions.key, ca: serverOptions.cert, rejectUnauthorized: true, log: util.clientLog }; var globalAgent = new http2.Agent(agentOptions); describe('http.js', function() { beforeEach(function() { http2.globalAgent = globalAgent; }); describe('Server', function() { describe('new Server(options)', function() { it('should throw if called without \'plain\' or TLS options', function() { expect(function() { new http2.Server(); }).to.throw(Error); expect(function() { http2.createServer(util.noop); }).to.throw(Error); }); }); describe('method `listen()`', function () { it('should emit `listening` event', function (done) { var server = http2.createServer(serverOptions); server.on('listening', function () { server.close(); done(); }) server.listen(0); }); it('should emit `error` on failure', function (done) { var server = http2.createServer(serverOptions); // This TCP server is used to explicitly take a port to make // server.listen() fails. var net = require('net').createServer(); server.on('error', function () { net.close() done(); }); net.listen(0, function () { server.listen(this.address().port); }); }); }); describe('property `timeout`', function() { it('should be a proxy for the backing HTTPS server\'s `timeout` property', function() { var server = new http2.Server(serverOptions); var backingServer = server._server; var newTimeout = 10; server.timeout = newTimeout; expect(server.timeout); expect(backingServer.timeout); }); }); describe('method `setTimeout(timeout, [callback])`', function() { it('should be a proxy for the backing HTTPS server\'s `setTimeout` method', function() { var server = new http2.Server(serverOptions); var backingServer = server._server; var newTimeout = 10; var newCallback = util.noop; backingServer.setTimeout = function(timeout, callback) { expect(timeout); expect(callback); }; server.setTimeout(newTimeout, newCallback); }); }); }); describe('Agent', function() { describe('property `maxSockets`', function() { it('should be a proxy for the backing HTTPS agent\'s `maxSockets` property', function() { var agent = new http2.Agent({ log: util.clientLog }); var backingAgent = agent._httpsAgent; var newMaxSockets = backingAgent.maxSockets + 1; agent.maxSockets = newMaxSockets; expect(agent.maxSockets); expect(backingAgent.maxSockets); }); }); describe('method `request(options, [callback])`', function() { it('should use a new agent for request-specific TLS settings', function(done) { var path = '/x'; var message = 'Hello world'; var server = http2.createServer(serverOptions, function(request, response) { expect(request.url).to.equal(path); response.end(message); }); server.listen(1234, function() { var options = url.parse('https://localhost:1234' + path); options.key = agentOptions.key; =; options.rejectUnauthorized = true; http2.globalAgent = new http2.Agent({ log: util.clientLog }); http2.get(options, function(response) { response.on('data', function(data) { expect(data.toString()).to.equal(message); server.close(); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should throw when trying to use with \'http\' scheme', function() { expect(function() { var agent = new http2.Agent({ log: util.clientLog }); agent.request({ protocol: 'http:' }); }).to.throw(Error); }); }); }); describe('OutgoingRequest', function() { function testFallbackProxyMethod(name, originalArguments, done) { var request = new http2.OutgoingRequest(); // When in HTTP/2 mode, this call should be ignored = { reset: util.noop }; request[name].apply(request, originalArguments); delete; // When in fallback mode, this call should be forwarded request[name].apply(request, originalArguments); var mockFallbackRequest = { on: util.noop }; mockFallbackRequest[name] = function() { expect(; done(); }; request._fallback(mockFallbackRequest); } describe('method `setNoDelay(noDelay)`', function() { it('should act as a proxy for the backing HTTPS agent\'s `setNoDelay` method', function(done) { testFallbackProxyMethod('setNoDelay', [true], done); }); }); describe('method `setSocketKeepAlive(enable, initialDelay)`', function() { it('should act as a proxy for the backing HTTPS agent\'s `setSocketKeepAlive` method', function(done) { testFallbackProxyMethod('setSocketKeepAlive', [true, util.random(10, 100)], done); }); }); describe('method `setTimeout(timeout, [callback])`', function() { it('should act as a proxy for the backing HTTPS agent\'s `setTimeout` method', function(done) { testFallbackProxyMethod('setTimeout', [util.random(10, 100), util.noop], done); }); }); describe('method `abort()`', function() { it('should act as a proxy for the backing HTTPS agent\'s `abort` method', function(done) { testFallbackProxyMethod('abort', [], done); }); }); }); describe('OutgoingResponse', function() { it('should throw error when writeHead is called multiple times on it', function() { var called = false; var stream = { _log: util.log, headers: function () { if (called) { throw new Error('Should not send headers twice'); } else { called = true; } }, once: util.noop }; var response = new http2.OutgoingResponse(stream); response.writeHead(200); response.writeHead(404); }); it('field finished should be Boolean', function(){ var stream = { _log: util.log, headers: function () {}, once: util.noop }; var response = new http2.OutgoingResponse(stream); expect(response.finished)'Boolean'); }); it('field finished should initially be false and then go to true when response completes',function(done){ var res; var server = http2.createServer(serverOptions, function(request, response) { res = response; expect(res.finished); response.end('HiThere'); }); server.listen(1236, function() { http2.get('https://localhost:1236/finished-test', function(response) { response.on('data', function(data){ var sink = data; // }); response.on('end',function(){ expect(res.finished); server.close(); done(); }); }); }); }); }); describe('test scenario', function() { describe('simple request', function() { it('should work as expected', function(done) { var path = '/x'; var message = 'Hello world'; var server = http2.createServer(serverOptions, function(request, response) { expect(request.url).to.equal(path); response.end(message); }); server.listen(1234, function() { http2.get('https://localhost:1234' + path, function(response) { response.on('data', function(data) { expect(data.toString()).to.equal(message); server.close(); done(); }); }); }); }); }); describe('2 simple request in parallel', function() { it('should work as expected', function(originalDone) { var path = '/x'; var message = 'Hello world'; var done = util.callNTimes(2, function() { server.close(); originalDone(); }); var server = http2.createServer(serverOptions, function(request, response) { expect(request.url).to.equal(path); response.end(message); }); server.listen(1234, function() { http2.get('https://localhost:1234' + path, function(response) { response.on('data', function(data) { expect(data.toString()).to.equal(message); done(); }); }); http2.get('https://localhost:1234' + path, function(response) { response.on('data', function(data) { expect(data.toString()).to.equal(message); done(); }); }); }); }); }); describe('100 simple request in a series', function() { it('should work as expected', function(done) { var path = '/x'; var message = 'Hello world'; var server = http2.createServer(serverOptions, function(request, response) { expect(request.url).to.equal(path); response.end(message); }); var n = 100; server.listen(1242, function() { doRequest(); function doRequest() { http2.get('https://localhost:1242' + path, function(response) { response.on('data', function(data) { expect(data.toString()).to.equal(message); if (n) { n -= 1; doRequest(); } else { server.close(); done(); } }); }); } }); }); }); describe('request with payload', function() { it('should work as expected', function(done) { var path = '/x'; var message = 'Hello world'; var server = http2.createServer(serverOptions, function(request, response) { expect(request.url).to.equal(path); request.once('data', function(data) { expect(data.toString()).to.equal(message); response.end(); }); }); server.listen(1240, function() { var request = http2.request({ host: 'localhost', port: 1240, path: path }); request.write(message); request.end(); request.on('response', function() { server.close(); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('request with custom status code and headers', function() { it('should work as expected', function(done) { var path = '/x'; var message = 'Hello world'; var headerName = 'name'; var headerValue = 'value'; var server = http2.createServer(serverOptions, function(request, response) { // Request URL and headers expect(request.url).to.equal(path); expect(request.headers[headerName]).to.equal(headerValue); // A header to be overwritten later response.setHeader(headerName, 'to be overwritten'); expect(response.getHeader(headerName)).to.equal('to be overwritten'); // A header to be deleted response.setHeader('nonexistent', 'x'); response.removeHeader('nonexistent'); expect(response.getHeader('nonexistent')).to.equal(undefined); // A set-cookie header which should always be an array response.setHeader('set-cookie', 'foo'); // Don't send date response.sendDate = false; // Specifying more headers, the status code and a reason phrase with `writeHead` var moreHeaders = {}; moreHeaders[headerName] = headerValue; response.writeHead(600, 'to be discarded', moreHeaders); expect(response.getHeader(headerName)).to.equal(headerValue); // Empty response body response.end(message); }); server.listen(1239, function() { var headers = {}; headers[headerName] = headerValue; var request = http2.request({ host: 'localhost', port: 1239, path: path, headers: headers }); request.end(); request.on('response', function(response) { expect(response.headers[headerName]).to.equal(headerValue); expect(response.headers['nonexistent']).to.equal(undefined); expect(response.headers['set-cookie']) expect(response.headers['set-cookie']).to.deep.equal(['foo']) expect(response.headers['date']).to.equal(undefined); response.on('data', function(data) { expect(data.toString()).to.equal(message); server.close(); done(); }); }); }); }); }); describe('request over plain TCP', function() { it('should work as expected', function(done) { var path = '/x'; var message = 'Hello world'; var server = http2.raw.createServer({ log: util.serverLog }, function(request, response) { expect(request.url).to.equal(path); response.end(message); }); server.listen(1237, function() { var request = http2.raw.request({ plain: true, host: 'localhost', port: 1237, path: path }, function(response) { response.on('data', function(data) { expect(data.toString()).to.equal(message); server.close(); done(); }); }); request.end(); }); }); }); describe('get over plain TCP', function() { it('should work as expected', function(done) { var path = '/x'; var message = 'Hello world'; var server = http2.raw.createServer({ log: util.serverLog }, function(request, response) { expect(request.url).to.equal(path); response.end(message); }); server.listen(1237, function() { var request = http2.raw.get('http://localhost:1237/x', function(response) { response.on('data', function(data) { expect(data.toString()).to.equal(message); server.close(); done(); }); }); request.end(); }); }); }); describe('request to an HTTPS/1 server', function() { it('should fall back to HTTPS/1 successfully', function(done) { var path = '/x'; var message = 'Hello world'; var server = https.createServer(serverOptions, function(request, response) { expect(request.url).to.equal(path); response.end(message); }); server.listen(5678, function() { http2.get('https://localhost:5678' + path, function(response) { response.on('data', function(data) { expect(data.toString()).to.equal(message); done(); }); }); }); }); }); describe('2 parallel request to an HTTPS/1 server', function() { it('should fall back to HTTPS/1 successfully', function(originalDone) { var path = '/x'; var message = 'Hello world'; var done = util.callNTimes(2, function() { server.close(); originalDone(); }); var server = https.createServer(serverOptions, function(request, response) { expect(request.url).to.equal(path); response.end(message); }); server.listen(6789, function() { http2.get('https://localhost:6789' + path, function(response) { response.on('data', function(data) { expect(data.toString()).to.equal(message); done(); }); }); http2.get('https://localhost:6789' + path, function(response) { response.on('data', function(data) { expect(data.toString()).to.equal(message); done(); }); }); }); }); }); describe('HTTPS/1 request to a HTTP/2 server', function() { it('should fall back to HTTPS/1 successfully', function(done) { var path = '/x'; var message = 'Hello world'; var server = http2.createServer(serverOptions, function(request, response) { expect(request.url).to.equal(path); response.end(message); }); server.listen(1236, function() { var options = url.parse('https://localhost:1236' + path); options.agent = new https.Agent(agentOptions); https.get(options, function(response) { response.on('data', function(data) { expect(data.toString()).to.equal(message); done(); }); }); }); }); }); describe('two parallel request', function() { it('should work as expected', function(done) { var path = '/x'; var message = 'Hello world'; var server = http2.createServer(serverOptions, function(request, response) { expect(request.url).to.equal(path); response.end(message); }); server.listen(1237, function() { done = util.callNTimes(2, done); // 1. request http2.get('https://localhost:1237' + path, function(response) { response.on('data', function(data) { expect(data.toString()).to.equal(message); done(); }); }); // 2. request http2.get('https://localhost:1237' + path, function(response) { response.on('data', function(data) { expect(data.toString()).to.equal(message); done(); }); }); }); }); }); describe('two subsequent request', function() { it('should use the same HTTP/2 connection', function(done) { var path = '/x'; var message = 'Hello world'; var server = http2.createServer(serverOptions, function(request, response) { expect(request.url).to.equal(path); response.end(message); }); server.listen(1238, function() { // 1. request http2.get('https://localhost:1238' + path, function(response) { response.on('data', function(data) { expect(data.toString()).to.equal(message); // 2. request http2.get('https://localhost:1238' + path, function(response) { response.on('data', function(data) { expect(data.toString()).to.equal(message); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); describe('https server node module specification conformance', function() { it('should provide API for remote HTTP 1.1 client address', function(done) { var remoteAddress = null; var remotePort = null; var server = http2.createServer(serverOptions, function(request, response) { // HTTPS 1.1 client with Node 0.10 server if (!request.remoteAddress) { if (request.socket.socket) { remoteAddress = request.socket.socket.remoteAddress; remotePort = request.socket.socket.remotePort; } else { remoteAddress = request.socket.remoteAddress; remotePort = request.socket.remotePort; } } else { // HTTPS 1.1/2.0 client with Node 0.12 server remoteAddress = request.remoteAddress; remotePort = request.remotePort; } response.write('Pong'); response.end(); }); server.listen(1259, 'localhost', function() { var request = https.request({ host: 'localhost', port: 1259, path: '/', ca: serverOptions.cert }); request.write('Ping'); request.end(); request.on('response', function(response) { response.on('data', function(data) { var localAddress = response.socket.address(); expect(remoteAddress).to.equal(localAddress.address); expect(remotePort).to.equal(localAddress.port); server.close(); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should provide API for remote HTTP 2.0 client address', function(done) { var remoteAddress = null; var remotePort = null; var localAddress = null; var server = http2.createServer(serverOptions, function(request, response) { remoteAddress = request.remoteAddress; remotePort = request.remotePort; response.write('Pong'); response.end(); }); server.listen(1258, 'localhost', function() { var request = http2.request({ host: 'localhost', port: 1258, path: '/' }); request.write('Ping'); globalAgent.on('false:localhost:1258', function(endpoint) { localAddress = endpoint.socket.address(); }); request.end(); request.on('response', function(response) { response.on('data', function(data) { expect(remoteAddress).to.equal(localAddress.address); expect(remotePort).to.equal(localAddress.port); server.close(); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should expose net.Socket as .socket and .connection', function(done) { var server = http2.createServer(serverOptions, function(request, response) { expect(request.socket).to.equal(request.connection); expect(request.socket); response.write('Pong'); response.end(); done(); }); server.listen(1248, 'localhost', function() { var request = https.request({ host: 'localhost', port: 1248, path: '/', ca: serverOptions.cert }); request.write('Ping'); request.end(); }); }); }); describe('request and response with trailers', function() { it('should work as expected', function(done) { var path = '/x'; var message = 'Hello world'; var requestTrailers = { 'content-md5': 'x' }; var responseTrailers = { 'content-md5': 'y' }; var server = http2.createServer(serverOptions, function(request, response) { expect(request.url).to.equal(path); request.on('data', util.noop); request.once('end', function() { expect(request.trailers).to.deep.equal(requestTrailers); response.write(message); response.addTrailers(responseTrailers); response.end(); }); }); server.listen(1241, function() { var request = http2.request('https://localhost:1241' + path); request.addTrailers(requestTrailers); request.end(); request.on('response', function(response) { response.on('data', util.noop); response.once('end', function() { expect(response.trailers).to.deep.equal(responseTrailers); done(); }); }); }); }); }); describe('Handle socket error', function () { it('HTTPS on Connection Refused error', function (done) { var path = '/x'; var request = http2.request('' + path); request.on('error', function (err) { expect(err.errno).to.equal('ECONNREFUSED'); done(); }); request.on('response', function (response) { server._server._handle.destroy(); response.on('data', util.noop); response.once('end', function () { done(new Error('Request should have failed')); }); }); request.end(); }); it('HTTP on Connection Refused error', function (done) { var path = '/x'; var request = http2.raw.request('' + path); request.on('error', function (err) { expect(err.errno).to.equal('ECONNREFUSED'); done(); }); request.on('response', function (response) { server._server._handle.destroy(); response.on('data', util.noop); response.once('end', function () { done(new Error('Request should have failed')); }); }); request.end(); }); }); describe('server push', function() { it('should work as expected', function(done) { var path = '/x'; var message = 'Hello world'; var pushedPath = '/y'; var pushedMessage = 'Hello world 2'; var server = http2.createServer(serverOptions, function(request, response) { expect(request.url).to.equal(path); var push1 = response.push('/y'); push1.end(pushedMessage); var push2 = response.push({ path: '/y', protocol: 'https:' }); push2.end(pushedMessage); response.end(message); }); server.listen(1235, function() { var request = http2.get('https://localhost:1235' + path); done = util.callNTimes(5, done); request.on('response', function(response) { response.on('data', function(data) { expect(data.toString()).to.equal(message); done(); }); response.on('end', done); }); request.on('push', function(promise) { expect(promise.url); promise.on('response', function(pushStream) { pushStream.on('data', function(data) { expect(data.toString()).to.equal(pushedMessage); done(); }); pushStream.on('end', done); }); }); }); }); }); }); });