'use strict'; var ip = require('..'); var assert = require('assert'); var net = require('net'); var os = require('os'); describe('IP library for node.js', function() { describe('toBuffer()/toString() methods', function() { it('should convert to buffer IPv4 address', function() { var buf = ip.toBuffer(''); assert.equal(buf.toString('hex'), '7f000001'); assert.equal(ip.toString(buf), ''); }); it('should convert to buffer IPv4 address in-place', function() { var buf = Buffer.alloc(128); var offset = 64; ip.toBuffer('', buf, offset); assert.equal(buf.toString('hex', offset, offset + 4), '7f000001'); assert.equal(ip.toString(buf, offset, 4), ''); }); it('should convert to buffer IPv6 address', function() { var buf = ip.toBuffer('::1'); assert(/(00){15,15}01/.test(buf.toString('hex'))); assert.equal(ip.toString(buf), '::1'); assert.equal(ip.toString(ip.toBuffer('1::')), '1::'); assert.equal(ip.toString(ip.toBuffer('abcd::dcba')), 'abcd::dcba'); }); it('should convert to buffer IPv6 address in-place', function() { var buf = Buffer.alloc(128); var offset = 64; ip.toBuffer('::1', buf, offset); assert(/(00){15,15}01/.test(buf.toString('hex', offset, offset + 16))); assert.equal(ip.toString(buf, offset, 16), '::1'); assert.equal(ip.toString(ip.toBuffer('1::', buf, offset), offset, 16), '1::'); assert.equal(ip.toString(ip.toBuffer('abcd::dcba', buf, offset), offset, 16), 'abcd::dcba'); }); it('should convert to buffer IPv6 mapped IPv4 address', function() { var buf = ip.toBuffer('::ffff:'); assert.equal(buf.toString('hex'), '00000000000000000000ffff7f000001'); assert.equal(ip.toString(buf), '::ffff:7f00:1'); buf = ip.toBuffer('ffff::'); assert.equal(buf.toString('hex'), 'ffff000000000000000000007f000001'); assert.equal(ip.toString(buf), 'ffff::7f00:1'); buf = ip.toBuffer('0:0:0:0:0:ffff:'); assert.equal(buf.toString('hex'), '00000000000000000000ffff7f000001'); assert.equal(ip.toString(buf), '::ffff:7f00:1'); }); }); describe('fromPrefixLen() method', function() { it('should create IPv4 mask', function() { assert.equal(ip.fromPrefixLen(24), ''); }); it('should create IPv6 mask', function() { assert.equal(ip.fromPrefixLen(64), 'ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::'); }); it('should create IPv6 mask explicitly', function() { assert.equal(ip.fromPrefixLen(24, 'IPV6'), 'ffff:ff00::'); }); }); describe('not() method', function() { it('should reverse bits in address', function() { assert.equal(ip.not(''), ''); }); }); describe('or() method', function() { it('should or bits in ipv4 addresses', function() { assert.equal(ip.or('', ''), ''); }); it('should or bits in ipv6 addresses', function() { assert.equal(ip.or('::ff', '::abcd:dcba:abcd:dcba'), '::abcd:dcba:abcd:dcff'); }); it('should or bits in mixed addresses', function() { assert.equal(ip.or('', '::abcd:dcba:abcd:dcba'), '::abcd:dcba:abcd:dcff'); }); }); describe('mask() method', function() { it('should mask bits in address', function() { assert.equal(ip.mask('', ''), ''); assert.equal(ip.mask('', '::ffff:ff00'), '::ffff:c0a8:100'); }); it('should not leak data', function() { for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) assert.equal(ip.mask('::1', ''), '::'); }); }); describe('subnet() method', function() { // Test cases calculated with http://www.subnet-calculator.com/ var ipv4Subnet = ip.subnet('', ''); it('should compute ipv4 network address', function() { assert.equal(ipv4Subnet.networkAddress, ''); }); it('should compute ipv4 network\'s first address', function() { assert.equal(ipv4Subnet.firstAddress, ''); }); it('should compute ipv4 network\'s last address', function() { assert.equal(ipv4Subnet.lastAddress, ''); }); it('should compute ipv4 broadcast address', function() { assert.equal(ipv4Subnet.broadcastAddress, ''); }); it('should compute ipv4 subnet number of addresses', function() { assert.equal(ipv4Subnet.length, 64); }); it('should compute ipv4 subnet number of addressable hosts', function() { assert.equal(ipv4Subnet.numHosts, 62); }); it('should compute ipv4 subnet mask', function() { assert.equal(ipv4Subnet.subnetMask, ''); }); it('should compute ipv4 subnet mask\'s length', function() { assert.equal(ipv4Subnet.subnetMaskLength, 26); }); it('should know whether a subnet contains an address', function() { assert.equal(ipv4Subnet.contains(''), true); }); it('should know whether a subnet does not contain an address', function() { assert.equal(ipv4Subnet.contains(''), false); }); }); describe('subnet() method with mask length 32', function() { // Test cases calculated with http://www.subnet-calculator.com/ var ipv4Subnet = ip.subnet('', ''); it('should compute ipv4 network\'s first address', function() { assert.equal(ipv4Subnet.firstAddress, ''); }); it('should compute ipv4 network\'s last address', function() { assert.equal(ipv4Subnet.lastAddress, ''); }); it('should compute ipv4 subnet number of addressable hosts', function() { assert.equal(ipv4Subnet.numHosts, 1); }); }); describe('subnet() method with mask length 31', function() { // Test cases calculated with http://www.subnet-calculator.com/ var ipv4Subnet = ip.subnet('', ''); it('should compute ipv4 network\'s first address', function() { assert.equal(ipv4Subnet.firstAddress, ''); }); it('should compute ipv4 network\'s last address', function() { assert.equal(ipv4Subnet.lastAddress, ''); }); it('should compute ipv4 subnet number of addressable hosts', function() { assert.equal(ipv4Subnet.numHosts, 2); }); }); describe('cidrSubnet() method', function() { // Test cases calculated with http://www.subnet-calculator.com/ var ipv4Subnet = ip.cidrSubnet(''); it('should compute an ipv4 network address', function() { assert.equal(ipv4Subnet.networkAddress, ''); }); it('should compute an ipv4 network\'s first address', function() { assert.equal(ipv4Subnet.firstAddress, ''); }); it('should compute an ipv4 network\'s last address', function() { assert.equal(ipv4Subnet.lastAddress, ''); }); it('should compute an ipv4 broadcast address', function() { assert.equal(ipv4Subnet.broadcastAddress, ''); }); it('should compute an ipv4 subnet number of addresses', function() { assert.equal(ipv4Subnet.length, 64); }); it('should compute an ipv4 subnet number of addressable hosts', function() { assert.equal(ipv4Subnet.numHosts, 62); }); it('should compute an ipv4 subnet mask', function() { assert.equal(ipv4Subnet.subnetMask, ''); }); it('should compute an ipv4 subnet mask\'s length', function() { assert.equal(ipv4Subnet.subnetMaskLength, 26); }); it('should know whether a subnet contains an address', function() { assert.equal(ipv4Subnet.contains(''), true); }); it('should know whether a subnet contains an address', function() { assert.equal(ipv4Subnet.contains(''), false); }); }); describe('cidr() method', function() { it('should mask address in CIDR notation', function() { assert.equal(ip.cidr(''), ''); assert.equal(ip.cidr('2607:f0d0:1002:51::4/56'), '2607:f0d0:1002::'); }); }); describe('isEqual() method', function() { it('should check if addresses are equal', function() { assert(ip.isEqual('', '::7f00:1')); assert(!ip.isEqual('', '::7f00:2')); assert(ip.isEqual('', '::ffff:7f00:1')); assert(!ip.isEqual('', '::ffaf:7f00:1')); assert(ip.isEqual('::ffff:', '::ffff:')); assert(ip.isEqual('::ffff:', '')); }); }); describe('isPrivate() method', function() { it('should check if an address is localhost', function() { assert.equal(ip.isPrivate(''), true); }); it('should check if an address is from a 192.168.x.x network', function() { assert.equal(ip.isPrivate(''), true); assert.equal(ip.isPrivate(''), true); assert.equal(ip.isPrivate(''), false); }); it('should check if an address is from a 172.16.x.x network', function() { assert.equal(ip.isPrivate(''), true); assert.equal(ip.isPrivate(''), true); assert.equal(ip.isPrivate(''), false); assert.equal(ip.isPrivate(''), true); assert.equal(ip.isPrivate(''), false); assert.equal(ip.isPrivate(''), false); }); it('should check if an address is from a 169.254.x.x network', function() { assert.equal(ip.isPrivate(''), true); assert.equal(ip.isPrivate(''), true); assert.equal(ip.isPrivate(''), false); }); it('should check if an address is from a 10.x.x.x network', function() { assert.equal(ip.isPrivate(''), true); assert.equal(ip.isPrivate(''), true); assert.equal(ip.isPrivate(''), false); }); it('should check if an address is from a private IPv6 network', function() { assert.equal(ip.isPrivate('fd12:3456:789a:1::1'), true); assert.equal(ip.isPrivate('fe80::f2de:f1ff:fe3f:307e'), true); assert.equal(ip.isPrivate('::ffff:'), true); assert.equal(ip.isPrivate('::FFFF:'), true); assert.equal(ip.isPrivate('::ffff:'), true); }); it('should check if an address is from the internet', function() { assert.equal(ip.isPrivate(''), false); // joyent.com }); it('should check if an address is a loopback IPv6 address', function() { assert.equal(ip.isPrivate('::'), true); assert.equal(ip.isPrivate('::1'), true); assert.equal(ip.isPrivate('fe80::1'), true); }); }); describe('loopback() method', function() { describe('undefined', function() { it('should respond with', function() { assert.equal(ip.loopback(), '') }); }); describe('ipv4', function() { it('should respond with', function() { assert.equal(ip.loopback('ipv4'), '') }); }); describe('ipv6', function() { it('should respond with fe80::1', function() { assert.equal(ip.loopback('ipv6'), 'fe80::1') }); }); }); describe('isLoopback() method', function() { describe('', function() { it('should respond with true', function() { assert.ok(ip.isLoopback('')) }); }); describe('', function () { it('should respond with true', function () { assert.ok(ip.isLoopback('')) }); }); describe('', function () { it('should respond with false', function () { assert.equal(ip.isLoopback(''), false); }); }); describe('fe80::1', function() { it('should respond with true', function() { assert.ok(ip.isLoopback('fe80::1')) }); }); describe('::1', function() { it('should respond with true', function() { assert.ok(ip.isLoopback('::1')) }); }); describe('::', function() { it('should respond with true', function() { assert.ok(ip.isLoopback('::')) }); }); }); describe('address() method', function() { describe('undefined', function() { it('should respond with a private ip', function() { assert.ok(ip.isPrivate(ip.address())); }); }); describe('private', function() { [ undefined, 'ipv4', 'ipv6' ].forEach(function(family) { describe(family, function() { it('should respond with a private ip', function() { assert.ok(ip.isPrivate(ip.address('private', family))); }); }); }); }); var interfaces = os.networkInterfaces(); Object.keys(interfaces).forEach(function(nic) { describe(nic, function() { [ undefined, 'ipv4' ].forEach(function(family) { describe(family, function() { it('should respond with an ipv4 address', function() { var addr = ip.address(nic, family); assert.ok(!addr || net.isIPv4(addr)); }); }); }); describe('ipv6', function() { it('should respond with an ipv6 address', function() { var addr = ip.address(nic, 'ipv6'); assert.ok(!addr || net.isIPv6(addr)); }); }) }); }); }); describe('toLong() method', function() { it('should respond with a int', function() { assert.equal(ip.toLong(''), 2130706433); assert.equal(ip.toLong(''), 4294967295); }); }); describe('fromLong() method', function() { it('should repond with ipv4 address', function() { assert.equal(ip.fromLong(2130706433), ''); assert.equal(ip.fromLong(4294967295), ''); }); }) });