/* * Copyright (c) 2023, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved * * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can * obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent. */ #include #include #include "config/aom_config.h" #include "config/aom_dsp_rtcd.h" #include "aom_dsp/arm/blend_neon.h" #include "aom_dsp/arm/mem_neon.h" #include "aom_dsp/blend.h" void aom_highbd_blend_a64_vmask_neon(uint8_t *dst_8, uint32_t dst_stride, const uint8_t *src0_8, uint32_t src0_stride, const uint8_t *src1_8, uint32_t src1_stride, const uint8_t *mask, int w, int h, int bd) { (void)bd; const uint16_t *src0 = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(src0_8); const uint16_t *src1 = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(src1_8); uint16_t *dst = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(dst_8); assert(IMPLIES(src0 == dst, src0_stride == dst_stride)); assert(IMPLIES(src1 == dst, src1_stride == dst_stride)); assert(h >= 1); assert(w >= 1); assert(IS_POWER_OF_TWO(h)); assert(IS_POWER_OF_TWO(w)); assert(bd == 8 || bd == 10 || bd == 12); if (w >= 8) { do { uint16x8_t m = vmovl_u8(vdup_n_u8(mask[0])); int i = 0; do { uint16x8_t s0 = vld1q_u16(src0 + i); uint16x8_t s1 = vld1q_u16(src1 + i); uint16x8_t blend = alpha_blend_a64_u16x8(m, s0, s1); vst1q_u16(dst + i, blend); i += 8; } while (i < w); mask += 1; src0 += src0_stride; src1 += src1_stride; dst += dst_stride; } while (--h != 0); } else if (w == 4) { do { uint16x4_t m1 = vdup_n_u16((uint16_t)mask[0]); uint16x4_t m2 = vdup_n_u16((uint16_t)mask[1]); uint16x8_t m = vcombine_u16(m1, m2); uint16x8_t s0 = load_unaligned_u16_4x2(src0, src0_stride); uint16x8_t s1 = load_unaligned_u16_4x2(src1, src1_stride); uint16x8_t blend = alpha_blend_a64_u16x8(m, s0, s1); store_u16x4_strided_x2(dst, dst_stride, blend); mask += 2; src0 += 2 * src0_stride; src1 += 2 * src1_stride; dst += 2 * dst_stride; h -= 2; } while (h != 0); } else if (w == 2 && h >= 8) { do { uint16x4_t m0 = vdup_n_u16(0); m0 = vld1_lane_u16((uint16_t *)mask, m0, 0); uint8x8_t m0_zip = vzip_u8(vreinterpret_u8_u16(m0), vreinterpret_u8_u16(m0)).val[0]; m0 = vget_low_u16(vmovl_u8(m0_zip)); uint16x4_t s0 = load_unaligned_u16_2x2(src0, src0_stride); uint16x4_t s1 = load_unaligned_u16_2x2(src1, src1_stride); uint16x4_t blend = alpha_blend_a64_u16x4(m0, s0, s1); store_u16x2_strided_x2(dst, dst_stride, blend); mask += 2; src0 += 2 * src0_stride; src1 += 2 * src1_stride; dst += 2 * dst_stride; h -= 2; } while (h != 0); } else { aom_highbd_blend_a64_vmask_c(dst_8, dst_stride, src0_8, src0_stride, src1_8, src1_stride, mask, w, h, bd); } }