/* * Copyright (c) 2014 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright (c) 2023, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved * * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can * obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent. */ #include #include #include "config/aom_config.h" #include "config/aom_dsp_rtcd.h" #include "aom/aom_integer.h" #include "aom_dsp/aom_dsp_common.h" #include "aom_dsp/aom_filter.h" #include "aom_dsp/arm/mem_neon.h" #include "aom_dsp/arm/transpose_neon.h" #include "aom_ports/mem.h" static INLINE int32x4_t highbd_convolve8_4_s32( const int16x4_t s0, const int16x4_t s1, const int16x4_t s2, const int16x4_t s3, const int16x4_t s4, const int16x4_t s5, const int16x4_t s6, const int16x4_t s7, const int16x8_t y_filter) { const int16x4_t y_filter_lo = vget_low_s16(y_filter); const int16x4_t y_filter_hi = vget_high_s16(y_filter); int32x4_t sum = vmull_lane_s16(s0, y_filter_lo, 0); sum = vmlal_lane_s16(sum, s1, y_filter_lo, 1); sum = vmlal_lane_s16(sum, s2, y_filter_lo, 2); sum = vmlal_lane_s16(sum, s3, y_filter_lo, 3); sum = vmlal_lane_s16(sum, s4, y_filter_hi, 0); sum = vmlal_lane_s16(sum, s5, y_filter_hi, 1); sum = vmlal_lane_s16(sum, s6, y_filter_hi, 2); sum = vmlal_lane_s16(sum, s7, y_filter_hi, 3); return sum; } static INLINE uint16x4_t highbd_convolve8_4_s32_s16( const int16x4_t s0, const int16x4_t s1, const int16x4_t s2, const int16x4_t s3, const int16x4_t s4, const int16x4_t s5, const int16x4_t s6, const int16x4_t s7, const int16x8_t y_filter) { int32x4_t sum = highbd_convolve8_4_s32(s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, y_filter); return vqrshrun_n_s32(sum, FILTER_BITS); } static INLINE int32x4_t highbd_convolve8_horiz4_s32( const int16x8_t s0, const int16x8_t s1, const int16x8_t x_filter_0_7) { const int16x8_t s2 = vextq_s16(s0, s1, 1); const int16x8_t s3 = vextq_s16(s0, s1, 2); const int16x8_t s4 = vextq_s16(s0, s1, 3); const int16x4_t s0_lo = vget_low_s16(s0); const int16x4_t s1_lo = vget_low_s16(s2); const int16x4_t s2_lo = vget_low_s16(s3); const int16x4_t s3_lo = vget_low_s16(s4); const int16x4_t s4_lo = vget_high_s16(s0); const int16x4_t s5_lo = vget_high_s16(s2); const int16x4_t s6_lo = vget_high_s16(s3); const int16x4_t s7_lo = vget_high_s16(s4); return highbd_convolve8_4_s32(s0_lo, s1_lo, s2_lo, s3_lo, s4_lo, s5_lo, s6_lo, s7_lo, x_filter_0_7); } static INLINE uint16x4_t highbd_convolve8_horiz4_s32_s16( const int16x8_t s0, const int16x8_t s1, const int16x8_t x_filter_0_7) { int32x4_t sum = highbd_convolve8_horiz4_s32(s0, s1, x_filter_0_7); return vqrshrun_n_s32(sum, FILTER_BITS); } static INLINE void highbd_convolve8_8_s32( const int16x8_t s0, const int16x8_t s1, const int16x8_t s2, const int16x8_t s3, const int16x8_t s4, const int16x8_t s5, const int16x8_t s6, const int16x8_t s7, const int16x8_t y_filter, int32x4_t *sum0, int32x4_t *sum1) { const int16x4_t y_filter_lo = vget_low_s16(y_filter); const int16x4_t y_filter_hi = vget_high_s16(y_filter); *sum0 = vmull_lane_s16(vget_low_s16(s0), y_filter_lo, 0); *sum0 = vmlal_lane_s16(*sum0, vget_low_s16(s1), y_filter_lo, 1); *sum0 = vmlal_lane_s16(*sum0, vget_low_s16(s2), y_filter_lo, 2); *sum0 = vmlal_lane_s16(*sum0, vget_low_s16(s3), y_filter_lo, 3); *sum0 = vmlal_lane_s16(*sum0, vget_low_s16(s4), y_filter_hi, 0); *sum0 = vmlal_lane_s16(*sum0, vget_low_s16(s5), y_filter_hi, 1); *sum0 = vmlal_lane_s16(*sum0, vget_low_s16(s6), y_filter_hi, 2); *sum0 = vmlal_lane_s16(*sum0, vget_low_s16(s7), y_filter_hi, 3); *sum1 = vmull_lane_s16(vget_high_s16(s0), y_filter_lo, 0); *sum1 = vmlal_lane_s16(*sum1, vget_high_s16(s1), y_filter_lo, 1); *sum1 = vmlal_lane_s16(*sum1, vget_high_s16(s2), y_filter_lo, 2); *sum1 = vmlal_lane_s16(*sum1, vget_high_s16(s3), y_filter_lo, 3); *sum1 = vmlal_lane_s16(*sum1, vget_high_s16(s4), y_filter_hi, 0); *sum1 = vmlal_lane_s16(*sum1, vget_high_s16(s5), y_filter_hi, 1); *sum1 = vmlal_lane_s16(*sum1, vget_high_s16(s6), y_filter_hi, 2); *sum1 = vmlal_lane_s16(*sum1, vget_high_s16(s7), y_filter_hi, 3); } static INLINE void highbd_convolve8_horiz8_s32(const int16x8_t s0, const int16x8_t s0_hi, const int16x8_t x_filter_0_7, int32x4_t *sum0, int32x4_t *sum1) { const int16x8_t s1 = vextq_s16(s0, s0_hi, 1); const int16x8_t s2 = vextq_s16(s0, s0_hi, 2); const int16x8_t s3 = vextq_s16(s0, s0_hi, 3); const int16x8_t s4 = vextq_s16(s0, s0_hi, 4); const int16x8_t s5 = vextq_s16(s0, s0_hi, 5); const int16x8_t s6 = vextq_s16(s0, s0_hi, 6); const int16x8_t s7 = vextq_s16(s0, s0_hi, 7); highbd_convolve8_8_s32(s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, x_filter_0_7, sum0, sum1); } static INLINE uint16x8_t highbd_convolve8_horiz8_s32_s16( const int16x8_t s0, const int16x8_t s1, const int16x8_t x_filter_0_7) { int32x4_t sum0, sum1; highbd_convolve8_horiz8_s32(s0, s1, x_filter_0_7, &sum0, &sum1); return vcombine_u16(vqrshrun_n_s32(sum0, FILTER_BITS), vqrshrun_n_s32(sum1, FILTER_BITS)); } static INLINE uint16x8_t highbd_convolve8_8_s32_s16( const int16x8_t s0, const int16x8_t s1, const int16x8_t s2, const int16x8_t s3, const int16x8_t s4, const int16x8_t s5, const int16x8_t s6, const int16x8_t s7, const int16x8_t y_filter) { int32x4_t sum0; int32x4_t sum1; highbd_convolve8_8_s32(s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, y_filter, &sum0, &sum1); return vcombine_u16(vqrshrun_n_s32(sum0, FILTER_BITS), vqrshrun_n_s32(sum1, FILTER_BITS)); } static void highbd_convolve_horiz_neon(const uint16_t *src_ptr, ptrdiff_t src_stride, uint16_t *dst_ptr, ptrdiff_t dst_stride, const int16_t *x_filter_ptr, int x_step_q4, int w, int h, int bd) { assert(w >= 4 && h >= 4); const uint16x8_t max = vdupq_n_u16((1 << bd) - 1); const int16x8_t x_filter = vld1q_s16(x_filter_ptr); if (w == 4) { const int16_t *s = (const int16_t *)src_ptr; uint16_t *d = dst_ptr; do { int16x8_t s0, s1, s2, s3; load_s16_8x2(s, src_stride, &s0, &s2); load_s16_8x2(s + 8, src_stride, &s1, &s3); uint16x4_t d0 = highbd_convolve8_horiz4_s32_s16(s0, s1, x_filter); uint16x4_t d1 = highbd_convolve8_horiz4_s32_s16(s2, s3, x_filter); uint16x8_t d01 = vcombine_u16(d0, d1); d01 = vminq_u16(d01, max); vst1_u16(d + 0 * dst_stride, vget_low_u16(d01)); vst1_u16(d + 1 * dst_stride, vget_high_u16(d01)); s += 2 * src_stride; d += 2 * dst_stride; h -= 2; } while (h > 0); } else { int height = h; do { int width = w; const int16_t *s = (const int16_t *)src_ptr; uint16_t *d = dst_ptr; int x_q4 = 0; const int16_t *src_x = &s[x_q4 >> SUBPEL_BITS]; int16x8_t s0, s2, s4, s6; load_s16_8x4(src_x, src_stride, &s0, &s2, &s4, &s6); src_x += 8; do { int16x8_t s1, s3, s5, s7; load_s16_8x4(src_x, src_stride, &s1, &s3, &s5, &s7); uint16x8_t d0 = highbd_convolve8_horiz8_s32_s16(s0, s1, x_filter); uint16x8_t d1 = highbd_convolve8_horiz8_s32_s16(s2, s3, x_filter); uint16x8_t d2 = highbd_convolve8_horiz8_s32_s16(s4, s5, x_filter); uint16x8_t d3 = highbd_convolve8_horiz8_s32_s16(s6, s7, x_filter); d0 = vminq_u16(d0, max); d1 = vminq_u16(d1, max); d2 = vminq_u16(d2, max); d3 = vminq_u16(d3, max); store_u16_8x4(d, dst_stride, d0, d1, d2, d3); s0 = s1; s2 = s3; s4 = s5; s6 = s7; src_x += 8; d += 8; width -= 8; x_q4 += 8 * x_step_q4; } while (width > 0); src_ptr += 4 * src_stride; dst_ptr += 4 * dst_stride; height -= 4; } while (height > 0); } } void aom_highbd_convolve8_horiz_neon(const uint8_t *src8, ptrdiff_t src_stride, uint8_t *dst8, ptrdiff_t dst_stride, const int16_t *filter_x, int x_step_q4, const int16_t *filter_y, int y_step_q4, int w, int h, int bd) { if (x_step_q4 != 16) { aom_highbd_convolve8_horiz_c(src8, src_stride, dst8, dst_stride, filter_x, x_step_q4, filter_y, y_step_q4, w, h, bd); } else { (void)filter_y; (void)y_step_q4; uint16_t *src = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(src8); uint16_t *dst = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(dst8); src -= SUBPEL_TAPS / 2 - 1; highbd_convolve_horiz_neon(src, src_stride, dst, dst_stride, filter_x, x_step_q4, w, h, bd); } } static void highbd_convolve_vert_neon(const uint16_t *src_ptr, ptrdiff_t src_stride, uint16_t *dst_ptr, ptrdiff_t dst_stride, const int16_t *y_filter_ptr, int w, int h, int bd) { assert(w >= 4 && h >= 4); const int16x8_t y_filter = vld1q_s16(y_filter_ptr); const uint16x8_t max = vdupq_n_u16((1 << bd) - 1); if (w == 4) { const int16_t *s = (const int16_t *)src_ptr; uint16_t *d = dst_ptr; int16x4_t s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6; load_s16_4x7(s, src_stride, &s0, &s1, &s2, &s3, &s4, &s5, &s6); s += 7 * src_stride; do { int16x4_t s7, s8, s9, s10; load_s16_4x4(s, src_stride, &s7, &s8, &s9, &s10); uint16x4_t d0 = highbd_convolve8_4_s32_s16(s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, y_filter); uint16x4_t d1 = highbd_convolve8_4_s32_s16(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, y_filter); uint16x4_t d2 = highbd_convolve8_4_s32_s16(s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, y_filter); uint16x4_t d3 = highbd_convolve8_4_s32_s16(s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, y_filter); uint16x8_t d01 = vcombine_u16(d0, d1); uint16x8_t d23 = vcombine_u16(d2, d3); d01 = vminq_u16(d01, max); d23 = vminq_u16(d23, max); vst1_u16(d + 0 * dst_stride, vget_low_u16(d01)); vst1_u16(d + 1 * dst_stride, vget_high_u16(d01)); vst1_u16(d + 2 * dst_stride, vget_low_u16(d23)); vst1_u16(d + 3 * dst_stride, vget_high_u16(d23)); s0 = s4; s1 = s5; s2 = s6; s3 = s7; s4 = s8; s5 = s9; s6 = s10; s += 4 * src_stride; d += 4 * dst_stride; h -= 4; } while (h > 0); } else { do { int height = h; const int16_t *s = (const int16_t *)src_ptr; uint16_t *d = dst_ptr; int16x8_t s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6; load_s16_8x7(s, src_stride, &s0, &s1, &s2, &s3, &s4, &s5, &s6); s += 7 * src_stride; do { int16x8_t s7, s8, s9, s10; load_s16_8x4(s, src_stride, &s7, &s8, &s9, &s10); uint16x8_t d0 = highbd_convolve8_8_s32_s16(s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, y_filter); uint16x8_t d1 = highbd_convolve8_8_s32_s16(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, y_filter); uint16x8_t d2 = highbd_convolve8_8_s32_s16(s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, y_filter); uint16x8_t d3 = highbd_convolve8_8_s32_s16(s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, y_filter); d0 = vminq_u16(d0, max); d1 = vminq_u16(d1, max); d2 = vminq_u16(d2, max); d3 = vminq_u16(d3, max); store_u16_8x4(d, dst_stride, d0, d1, d2, d3); s0 = s4; s1 = s5; s2 = s6; s3 = s7; s4 = s8; s5 = s9; s6 = s10; s += 4 * src_stride; d += 4 * dst_stride; height -= 4; } while (height > 0); src_ptr += 8; dst_ptr += 8; w -= 8; } while (w > 0); } } void aom_highbd_convolve8_vert_neon(const uint8_t *src8, ptrdiff_t src_stride, uint8_t *dst8, ptrdiff_t dst_stride, const int16_t *filter_x, int x_step_q4, const int16_t *filter_y, int y_step_q4, int w, int h, int bd) { if (y_step_q4 != 16) { aom_highbd_convolve8_vert_c(src8, src_stride, dst8, dst_stride, filter_x, x_step_q4, filter_y, y_step_q4, w, h, bd); } else { (void)filter_x; (void)x_step_q4; uint16_t *src = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(src8); uint16_t *dst = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(dst8); src -= (SUBPEL_TAPS / 2 - 1) * src_stride; highbd_convolve_vert_neon(src, src_stride, dst, dst_stride, filter_y, w, h, bd); } }