/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved * * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can * obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent. */ #include #include #include "aom_dsp/butteraugli.h" #include "aom_mem/aom_mem.h" #include "third_party/libyuv/include/libyuv/convert_argb.h" int aom_calc_butteraugli(const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *source, const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *distorted, int bit_depth, aom_matrix_coefficients_t matrix_coefficients, aom_color_range_t color_range, float *dist_map) { (void)bit_depth; assert(bit_depth == 8); const int width = source->y_crop_width; const int height = source->y_crop_height; const int ss_x = source->subsampling_x; const int ss_y = source->subsampling_y; const struct YuvConstants *yuv_constants; if (matrix_coefficients == AOM_CICP_MC_BT_709) { if (color_range == AOM_CR_FULL_RANGE) return 0; yuv_constants = &kYuvH709Constants; } else { yuv_constants = color_range == AOM_CR_FULL_RANGE ? &kYuvJPEGConstants : &kYuvI601Constants; } const int stride_argb = width * 4; const size_t buffer_size = (size_t)height * stride_argb; uint8_t *src_argb = (uint8_t *)aom_malloc(buffer_size); uint8_t *distorted_argb = (uint8_t *)aom_malloc(buffer_size); if (!src_argb || !distorted_argb) { aom_free(src_argb); aom_free(distorted_argb); return 0; } if (ss_x == 1 && ss_y == 1) { I420ToARGBMatrix(source->y_buffer, source->y_stride, source->u_buffer, source->uv_stride, source->v_buffer, source->uv_stride, src_argb, stride_argb, yuv_constants, width, height); I420ToARGBMatrix(distorted->y_buffer, distorted->y_stride, distorted->u_buffer, distorted->uv_stride, distorted->v_buffer, distorted->uv_stride, distorted_argb, stride_argb, yuv_constants, width, height); } else if (ss_x == 1 && ss_y == 0) { I422ToARGBMatrix(source->y_buffer, source->y_stride, source->u_buffer, source->uv_stride, source->v_buffer, source->uv_stride, src_argb, stride_argb, yuv_constants, width, height); I422ToARGBMatrix(distorted->y_buffer, distorted->y_stride, distorted->u_buffer, distorted->uv_stride, distorted->v_buffer, distorted->uv_stride, distorted_argb, stride_argb, yuv_constants, width, height); } else if (ss_x == 0 && ss_y == 0) { I444ToARGBMatrix(source->y_buffer, source->y_stride, source->u_buffer, source->uv_stride, source->v_buffer, source->uv_stride, src_argb, stride_argb, yuv_constants, width, height); I444ToARGBMatrix(distorted->y_buffer, distorted->y_stride, distorted->u_buffer, distorted->uv_stride, distorted->v_buffer, distorted->uv_stride, distorted_argb, stride_argb, yuv_constants, width, height); } else { aom_free(src_argb); aom_free(distorted_argb); return 0; } JxlPixelFormat pixel_format = { 4, JXL_TYPE_UINT8, JXL_NATIVE_ENDIAN, 0 }; JxlButteraugliApi *api = JxlButteraugliApiCreate(NULL); JxlButteraugliApiSetHFAsymmetry(api, 0.8f); JxlButteraugliResult *result = JxlButteraugliCompute( api, width, height, &pixel_format, src_argb, buffer_size, &pixel_format, distorted_argb, buffer_size); const float *distmap = NULL; uint32_t row_stride; JxlButteraugliResultGetDistmap(result, &distmap, &row_stride); if (distmap == NULL) { JxlButteraugliApiDestroy(api); JxlButteraugliResultDestroy(result); aom_free(src_argb); aom_free(distorted_argb); return 0; } for (int j = 0; j < height; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) { dist_map[j * width + i] = distmap[j * row_stride + i]; } } JxlButteraugliApiDestroy(api); JxlButteraugliResultDestroy(result); aom_free(src_argb); aom_free(distorted_argb); return 1; }